Hi minna-san! Welcome to Kurama's Paradise! This site is dedicated to Kurama-sama. Please sign my guestbook before leaving!

Please feel free to look around! ^___^ Arigatou gozaimasu!


REASONS - here, you will find out why Kurama fans love Kurama! ^^

BIOGRAPHY - get to know Kurama a little better!

KURAMA'S FRIENDS - Meet some of Kurama's good friends.

IMAGE GALLERY - take a good look at the Silver Youko!! ^.~

KURAMA WALLPAPERS - Something to spice up your compy!

KURAMA ML - come and join the Kurama Mailing List and be able to talk to different Kurama fans!

TRIPLE RED HEADS - Go to my mainpage or go to AYA or KENSHIN's Pagey


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In case you have any questions, comments or suggestions, feel free to email ME! If you wanna make friends, my ICQ # is 29964645.

