It is not hard to pray to Mothra.   Mothra's followers pray to her when they need assistance with something beyond their control, for example the kidnapping of Mothra's twin priestesses.  Simply find a place free of distraction, and if this is to be a dance, somewhat spacey.  Relax and extend your mind out to Mothra.  It may help to close your eyes and/or chant her name.  Then you may begin your plea through a dance or chant, or Mothra's song if you wish.

You can also pray to Mothra to express your love and reverence to her.  This is also accomplished through dances, chants, and song.  The song lyrics and translation are here with mp3s for those that need them.  It is a good idea to spend a while there learning it if you don't know it.

Although there are certain traditional dance movements and gestures to accompany the chants and songs, you don't need to learn them if you don't want to.  Expression of your feelings is really more important.

That's all in this section for now.  More will be added when time allows.