Welcome to my shrine to Mousse. I regret to inform the world that, like former visitors may have noticed, this page is no longer updated. I'll leave it up forever for everyones viewing pleasure, but updates will not be added unless I get a great plethora of free time, and the next millenia doesn't seem like it. Still, plese enjoy you visit and take a look around by using the the Navagate bar on the left, and I hope you will enjoy your stay at Lipstick's Mousse Shrine!

Note & Updates: October 2006- I decided to check back in on my old corner of fandom. Since I created this page back in 199x, over 5000 people have visited... I'm going trough, cleaning up old links, and whatnot. I might even find new things to add, but that's a bit doughtful- Ranma 1/2 has been out now for about as long as I've been alive. Shrines like this have become a bit of a rarity- I miss them, and the old days of having to make sure that sites were not image-rich because everyone used dial-up. I will attempt to update everything, but be patient. I've not used html in over 3 years now, other than linking things. May 2003:I regret to inform the world that, like former visitors may have noticed, this page is no longer updated. I'll leave it up forever for everyone's viewing pleasure, but updates will not be added unless I get a great plethora of free time, and the next millenia doesn't seem like it.

Counter people have visited since October 12, 2006. Yay! Counter Mouse fans have visited this site since 7-25-2001

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Duck - Mousse's Band

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