CJ's Akina Nakamori Page

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Akina I would like to thank the following people for helping to make this web site possible:
  • My heartfelt thanks to Akina Nakamori. Akina, your beauty and talents have always been a source of inspiration and continue to inspire me (and this web site too!). Congratulations on a long and successful career, and may you have many more wonderful years to come. I wish you the very best (health, happiness, and prosperity) in the future. I'll love you always.

  • Special thanks to Steven (YKK), who was the first Akina fan I met via the Internet. Those early e-mails were really the catalyst that got this site going.

  • Extra special thanks to my good friend Denise Lau for sharing a mutual interest in Akina and for her wonderful suggestions, contributions, and assistance in proof-reading the pages.

  • Extra special thanks to my friend in Japan, Yoshiaki Nishio, for his valuable suggestions (the survey, for one), corrections, and for keeping me informed with Akina's latest news.

  • Extra special thanks to my good friend in Japan, Austin Moore, for being a tremendous help to me in so many ways--from sharing his own personal experiences, to providing detailed information regarding Akina's concerts and new releases, and even assisting me in obtaining some really great Akina goods (just to name a few).

  • Extra special thanks to Lim Eugin, my good friend in Singapore, for sharing so much wonderful and hard-to-find Akina-related material.

  • Extra special thanks to Erica Hieda, my newest friend in Brazil, for all of her hard work compiling Akina's song lyrics. The new section is the result of her efforts.

  • Special thanks to Marcus for the MIDI files and fan club newsletter photos.

  • Special thanks to Timothy Chow for contributing some of the "Tsumetai Tsuki" images.

  • Thanks to everyone who has visited this site. Your support is greatly appreciated.