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Kahn, Genghis
One of Brad Whitaker's military idols in his museum, though with Whitaker's own face replacing the usual Mongolian visage. (TLD)

Kalba, Max
(Vernon Dobtcheff)
A Cairo club owner, and also the middleman in the sale of the submarine tracking system. When he sees that both the British and the Russians are anxious to buy the plans he anticipates raising the price, but before he can sell the microfilm he is cut off - literally - when Jaws kills him in one of the club's telephone booths. (TSWLM)

Kamran Shah
(Art Malik)
An Oxford-educated Afghan leader of the mujahadeen (the Deputy Commander of the Eastern District), whom Bond first meets in a Russian cell. Shah had been checking the base when he was captured - luckily, his captors didn't recognise him. Although reluctant to return to the aircase, he allows Bond and Kara Milovy to accompany him to a meeting between the mujahadeen, the Snow Leopard Brotherhood and Koskov. Bond persuades him to help, as the money Koskov makes from his opium trading will be used to buy weapons that will be used against the mujahadeen. Once the mujahadeen has the diamonds, Kamran Shah leads an attack on the airbase so that Bond can get away with the planeload of opium - in return, Bond drops a bomb on a bridge, preventing the Russians from pursuing his men. (TLD)

Registration of Kamal Khan's vintage black Rolls-Royce. (OP)

Kananga, Dr
(Yaphet Kotto)
The corrupt Prime Minister of San Monique, Kananga leads a double life as diplomat and crime lord, donning a latex mask and a sharp white suit to pose as American gangster Mr Big. Kananga intends to set himself up as the world's number one supplier of heroin, by growing poppies (to be refined into the drug) on San Monique, then using Mr Big's underworld connections and Fillet Of Soul restaurant chain to give away two tons of heroin for free. After putting the mafia out of the heroin business, either by economics or force, and building up a large enough base of addicts, he then plans to start charging hefty prices for the drug, of which he will by now have sole control.
He is helped in his plans by Solitaire, whose power to read tarot cards and predict the future allows him to foresee trouble - such as Bond. Solitaire's power will be lost when she succumbs to 'Earthly love' (sex), and Kananga has decided that he will be the one to take away her powers. He is understandably enraged when he learns that Bond has got there first.
He has a sign on a building in San Monique harbour that says 'Dr Kananga reminds: the tourist is our friend, his welfare is our concern'. Unless he's an MI6 agent, of course.
One MI6 agent, naturally, manages to bring down Kananga's dual empires. Battling with him in a tank of sharks, Bond forces Kananga to swallow a compressed gas shark gun pellet. The Prime Minister then suffers the ignominious fate of swelling up like a balloon until he explodes! (LALD)

American state considered for destruction by Blofeld, but rejected on the grounds that nobody would even realise it had gone. (DAF)

Karaoka Avenue
A Rio de Janiero street where Carlos & Wilmsberg's warehouse is situated. (MR)

Karate School
One of Hai Fat's properties, where the agent is taken after being knocked out by Nick Nack. The intent is for the school's pupils, who fight for real (even to the death) to practice their skills on Bond; however, he escapes by using his own martial arts talents, and the school's pupils are then utterly humiliated by being demolished by Hip's two teenage nieces. (TMWTGG)

One of Q's assistants when he goes to India. She is given the exciting task of sewing up a rip in Bond's dinner jacket. (OP)

M's driver in Berlin, whose turn of phrase reminds Bond of the recently deceased Vijay. (OP)

Karl Marx
The originator of communism, who gave his name to the world's largest supertanker - a Russian ship, as Anya Amasova is at pains to point out. (TSWLM)

Karl Marx Stadt
The site of the last performance of Octopussy's International Circus before it leaves for West Germany. (OP)

Keen, H
One of nine informants working for the DEA against Sanchez. Like all of them except Pam Bouvier, he (or she) is six feet under. (LTK)

Kennedy, Miss
The alias Bond gives to Pam Bouvier in Isthmus City as she acts as his 'executive secretary'. (LTK)

(Reginald Beckwith)
A functionary for the Home Secretary. (TB)

Kentucky Fried Chicken
Fast-food franchise visited by Felix Leiter and his partner Bush while on the trail of Bond. It's finger-lickin' good. (GF)

Manufacturer of American trucks favoured by drug lords - some product placement! Bond is magically able to make the tractor units of these trucks perform impossible tricks like articulating their chassis where there isn't a joint... (LTK)

Kerim's Chauffeur
(Neville Jason)
One of Kerim Bey's many sons, it's this one's task to ferry his father and his guests around Istanbul in Station T's Rolls-Royce, preferably without letting the perpetually tailing Bulgarians get too close. (FRWL)

Kerim's Girl
(Nadja Regin)
A girlfriend of Kerim Bey, whose presence in his office one morning is what saves him from being killed by a bomb planted by the KGB. Not surprisingly, the explosive interruption didn't do her nerves much good. (FRWL)

Extremely tough composite material used in bullet-proof vests, to Pam Bouvier's relief. (LTK)

A Philips device that bleeps when it hears a whistle, to tell its owner where his keys are. Q worked on one to give it some extra functions - stun gas, activated by 'Rule Britannia', and a small bomb, activated by Bond's personalised code, a wolf whistle. (TLD)

The Soviet equivalent of MI6 and the CIA, though also acting as a secret police force within its own country. For a long time, the KGB was headed by the detente-minded General Gogol, who was later replaced by General Pushkin. Despite attempts by SPECTRE and General Koskov to set MI6 and the KGB against each other, relations between the two rival intelligence services have remained professional, Bond doing his bit for East-West relations by bedding at least four KGB agents (Tatiana Romanova, the log cabin girl, Anya Amasova and Pola Ivanova).

KG 1881
Registration number of Manuela's vintage MG. (MR)

Khan, Kamal
(Louis Jourdan)
A former Afghan prince, who now lives in the Monsoon Palace outside Delhi, from where he sells stolen antiquities in consort with Octopussy. Khan is also working with General Orlov to fake Russian treasures, and is involved with his plan to start a war between NATO and the Soviets. When he's not actively involved in illegal acts, Khan spends his time in India playing polo and tennis, and cheating at backgammon.
After 009's theft of a fake Faberge Egg, Khan has to go the auction of the real egg to buy it back before it was discovered that it was missing from the Fine Arts Repository. Bond's counter-bidding raises the price enormously, arousing Khan's ire, and when Bond shows up in India he first orders Gobinda to kill him, then when that fails got Magda to steal the egg. Wanting to find out for whom Bond is working, he has 007 brought to his palace where he threatens to fill him with truth drugs, but Bond escapes first from his locked room, and then from a safari-style hunt. After Orlov's plan is discovered, Khan tries to flee to escape Octopussy's wrath, taking some plates for currency forgery with him, but Bond pursues him, climbing aboard his private plane and forcing it to crash in flames. (OP)

Thai sport used as a cover by Bond to meet Andrea Anders and collect the Solex. Unfortunately, she is already dead, killed by Scaramanga for her treachery. Max Zorin and May Day also practice the sport. (TMWTGG, AVTAK)

Kidd, Mr
(Putter Smith)
The bald and bespectacled half of the wisecracking camp hit-team of Wint and Kidd. After two failed attempts to kill Bond (once at Slumber Inc, and another by trapping him inside a pipeline) the pair make a final attempt on the liner Bond and Tiffany Case are returning to Europe aboard. Posing as waiters, Wint and Kidd try to plant a bomb in Bond's cabin, but are caught out by their lack of wine expertise. Kidd tries to impale Bond with two flaming kebabs, but Bond throws brandy over him, setting the assassin alight. He leaps into the sea to put out the flames, but is followed a few seconds later by Wint - and the duo's own bomb. (DAF)

Kid, Whiney and Annoying
(Gary Dubin)
A bespectacled brat at Circus Circus, who objects in an irritating manner to the fact that Tiffany Case's win seemed to be fixed. Life ain't fair, kid - just accept it. (DAF)

Kilifer, Ed
(Everett McGill)
A fellow DEA agent of Felix Leiter, and also an old friend. However, he can be bought, as Leiter discovers to his cost when Kilifer accepts $2 million from Sanchez to free him from custody. Kilifer catches Bond when he is investigating Ocean Exotica in Florida, but ends up dangling over the same shark pool in which Leiter lost his leg. When he attempts to buy his life with the $2 million he received from Sanchez, the disgusted Bond throws the case of money at him, causing the treacherous agent to lose his grip and fall into the pool, where he is eaten alive. (LTK)

King's Medal
An honour bestowed by Britain on those who have provided valuable services. Kristatos has one, though seemingly under dubious pretences. (FYEO)

Kirov Strudel Parlour
A place in St Petersburg where Valentin Zukovsky is planning to make a business transaction with the Janus syndicate, trading 200 pounds of C4 explosive for a very large sum of money. Bond makes an arrangement with Zukovsky, where in exchange for arranging a meeting with Janus, he will see that Janus's driver is arrested with the explosives while his own man makes a miraculous getaway with the money. (GE)

(Michael Mellinger)
One of Goldfinger's henchmen at his Kentucky stud farm. He is killed by Oddjob when he tries to defuse the bomb they were trapped with in the Fort Knox gold vault. (GF)

Kiss Kiss
A Nassau club, featuring dancers and firewalkers, where Bond tries to hide from his pursuers during the Junkanoo. (TB)

Klebb, Rosa
(Lotte Lenya)
SPECTRE's Number 3, Klebb became a double agent when she defected to the criminal organisation from the KGB. Because of the Russian obsession with secrecy, Klebb's departure was known to only a few high-ranking officials - a mistake which costs the KGB dear when Klebb, appearing to be doing her old job as a Colonel, arranges for the theft of the Lektor coding machine from Istanbul with the unwitting help of Tatiana Romanova.
When Kronsteen's plan fails, Klebb takes over, employing more direct means to obtain the Lektor. After a fleet of speedboats commanded by Morzeny are destroyed by Bond, Klebb makes a final attempt, disguising herself as a maid and simply walking into Bond's hotel room to make off with the coding machine. She is about to kill Bond when Tatiana realises where her true loyalties lay and intervenes. Klebb tries to stab Bond with her poisoned shoe-spike, but Tatiana shoots her first. (FRWL)

(Bogdan Kominowski)
A KGB bodyguard who accompanies General Gogol to France to confront Zorin about his 'unauthorised commercial ventures', but ends up being hoisted aloft by May Day and thrown unceremoniously down some stairs. (AVTAK)

Klu Klux Klan Cookout
Where Bond's cab driver claims he'd take him if there was a $20 tip in it. (LALD)

Knife Stool
A nasty piece of furniture built by Q Branch, which features a pop-up steel blade that would catch its victim right where the sun doesn't shine. (TSWLM)

Knife Thrower
One of Drax's people, who pops up from a coffin atop a Venetian water-hearse to kill Bond's gondolier before trying for 007 himself. Bond dodges his knife and throws it straight back at him with more accuracy, putting the assassin back into his coffin for good. (MR)

Knockout Gas
Yellow gas sprayed into the express elevator of Willard Whyte's penthouse, capable of rendering a person unconscious for several hours. (DAF)

Nasty weapon, consisting of a set of brass spikes which slip over the knuckles, that Rosa Klebb uses to judge Red Grant's fitness. (FRWL)

Kobe Docks
The Japanese port where the Ning-Po was being loaded with liquid oxygen. (YOLT)

Ko Rayahring
An island range off the coast of China, where Scaramanga's island is situated. (TMWTGG)

Koskov, General Georgi
(Jeroen Krabbe)
A KGB general who seemingly wishes to defect to Britain. In fact, his 'defection' is a ploy to force MI6 to eliminate Koskov's KGB superior, General Pushkin, so that Koskov can continue his lucrative partnership with arms dealer Brad Whitaker. To do this, Koskov is willing to sacrifice even his own lover - Kara Milovy - to convince MI6 to eliminate Pushkin. With Pushkin out of the way, Koskov can complete his greatest plan - to take $50 million from his own government to buy arms from Whitaker, use the money to buy diamonds, trade the diamonds for opium then sell the opium for half a billion dollars, buy the weapons after all and still have an enormous profit.
Koskov is charming yet utterly deceitful, lying to everyone around him right until the last, when he is arrested by Pushkin's men and taken back to Moscow - in a diplomatic bag. He considers caviare to be 'peasant food', but will tolerate it with champagne. (TLD)

KGB Chief of Security at the Russian consulate in Istanbul. (FRWL)

The maintenance technician at Scaramanga's solar energy station. He appears to have designs on Goodnight, but she knocks him out with a wrench, causing him to fall into a vat of liquid nitrogen. This starts a chain reaction that destroys the whole island. (TMWTGG)

Krest, Milton
(Anthony Zerbe)
One of Sanchez's partners in crime, Krest operates the Wavekrest, a large marine research vessel that also doubles as a transport for drugs, using its moonpool and submersibles to transport cocaine underwater. He also owns Ocean Exotica in Florida, where Felix Leiter and Kilifer both have unfortunate encounters with a shark. Krest comes to a messy end when Bond tricks Sanchez into believing that he has stolen the payment for one of his drugs shipments. In response, Sanchez throws Krest into his ship's decompression chamber, increases the air pressure to maximum, then chops through the air hose, causing rapid decompression that makes Krest swell up and explode. (LTK)

Kriegler, Erich
(Michael Gothard)
A former East German biathlon champion, now working for the KGB and Locque as an assassin. Although Bibi Dahl is very taken with him, the main thing on Kriegler's mind is killing Bond. He doesn't smoke, only eats health foods and to Bibi's annoyance, doesn't talk to girls. Kriegler meets his doom at St Cyrils, when in the midst of a fight with Bond he is momentarily distracted by the sight of Kristatos doing a runner with the ATAC. Bond takes advantage of this to hit him with a spiked candle-holder, knocking him through a window to the huge fall beyond. (FYEO)

(Fred Haggerty)
A Bulgarian used by the KGB in Istanbul as a hired killer. He plants a limpet mine outside Kerim Bey's office, and takes a dressing-down when Bey survives. Krilencu takes great pleasure in his lethal work, and personally leads the attack on the gypsy encampment where Bey and Bond are staying. In revenge, Bey uses Bond's sniper rifle to kill him as he tries to flee his hideout. (FRWL)

Kristatos, Aris
(Julian Glover)
A Greek tycoon, originally from Capolina, and former war hero, who received a King's Medal from the British government - though as he was actually a double agent working for the communists, it was almost certainly under false pretenses. He is now a wealthy businessmen, with interests including shipping, insurance and oil exploration, although his real riches come from drug smuggling and white slavery. His past credentials have allowed him to ingratiate himself with MI6, for whom he worked on a smuggling operation, and to plant the lie that his former friend (now deadly enemy) Milos Columbo is the one involved in the highly illegal trading.
Kristatos fancies himself as a patron of sporting achievements, sponsoring Bibi Dahl's Olympic hopes - he spends a few months each year in Cortina to keep an eye on her, though he has failed to notice her proclivities and thinks she is still a virgin, possibly having designs of his own upon her.
The KGB contacts Kristatos to obtain the ATAC from the wreck of the St Georges, leaving the exact method to him - through Locque, he arranges for the murder of Sir Timothy Havelock, and sees Bond's interest in the case as an ideal opportunity to set 007 against Columbo. When Bond discovers the ruse, he and Columbo lead an attack on Kristatos's smuggling operation in Albania, destroying it. When Kristatos later captures Bond and Melina Havelock, he tries to kill them in a particularly painful way by repeatedly dragging them over a coral reef behind his boat, and is not in the least bothered when one of his own men falls into the sea and is eaten by shraks.
After stealing the ATAC from Bond, Kristatos goes to his old hideout at St Cyrils to await the arrival of General Gogol. However, Columbo leads Bond to the old monastery, and after a lengthy battle, Kristatos is killed by his old enemy. (FYEO)

(Vladek Sheybal)
A Czechoslovakian chess grand master, and also a member of SPECTRE, in which he is Number 5. As Director of Planning for SPECTRE, it is his job to come up with devious plots to earn money for the organisation. He pits his wits against both MI6 and the KGB in an attempt to set the two espionage agencies openly against each other while SPECTRE profit from playing the middle; unfortunately for him, he is outwitted by Bond, and pays the price for failure by being killed by Morzeny's poisoned shoe-spike. (FRWL)

Kutze, Vladislav
(George Pravda)
Polish nuclear weapons expert working for Largo. Although he's willing to go along with the plan at first, when things go wrong he changes sides, throwing the arming device for the remaining bomb into the sea and trying to help Domino escape from the Disco Volante. (TB)

A Soviet military computer, used by General Orlov to plan attack strategies against NATO. (OP)

Kventinova Uuce C 27
Kara Milovy's address in Bratislava. (TLD)

(Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa)
An undercover agent for the Hong Kong police, working alongside MI6. He and his partner Loti, along with a ninja assistant, have successfully passed themselves off as Eastern drug lords, with the intention of locating and destroying Sanchez's main refinery. Unfortunately, Bond's vendetta against Sanchez interferes, and when he captures Bond it leads Sanchez's forces to them, where Kwang is mortally wounded. Rather than talk, he swallows a cyanide capsule. (LTK)

K 3396
Registration number of the hearse used by the Three Blind Mice. It ended up taking them to their own funeral. (DN)

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