Tokyo Crazy Paradise
Hana to Yume
2001 vol. 14, episode no. 102
Translation by Yuki-chan

The episode title page is in black & white and features Tsukasa. She's standing alone, her left hand supporting her right. She's holding out her pinky on her right hand, as if in the process of making a promise. [In Japan, two people link their pinkies to seal a promise.] Anyways, her eyes are closed and there seems to be bubbles of light surrounding her.

Text: I haven't forgotten that day's promise Kamo-san...

Horizontal Chain

On the stone steps of the temple.

Tsukasa, at the top of her lungs: "A------!! You bastard---!! You and your cheating at counting again!!" {Let go of me---!! Let me off---!!} "AA---!! We're at the top!!" {Hi~~~!} "You boke ahondara---!!"

Ryuji: "...... ...Yeah yeah......" He's showing a popped vein.

Tsukasa is seen perched on Ryuji's back with a look of horror on her face as they reach the top of the stairs. Azuma and Bun-san are watching worriedly.

Bun-san, sweat dropping: {...... For the sincere gesture of piggy-baking her to the top of the endless stone steps, the words in return are boke ahondara...... Poor Sandaime......} [You know what boke is. Ahondara is another twist to aho.]

Ryuji: "I'll let you down. I'll let you down."

Tsukasa blushes a bit as he helps her down. {...Man...!! This guy's tired out himself and...!!}

Ryuji: "...See over there." He looks off in the distance where a shrine lies. "He'll be cared for there until the events at Kuryugumi die down."

Tsukasa: "------... ------..." She stares at the shrine open mouthed. {---...For some reason, every time I recall that moment,}

A faint version of Kamo-san greets Tsukasa at the entranceway with a smile.

Kamo-san: "...Okaerinasai Tsukasa-san------..."

Tsukasa: {My heart feels are warm and fuzzy inside------...}

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Tsukasa: "......." She's holding her chin with both hands as she recalls the warms fuzzy moment. There are flowers in the background.

Tsubaki: "...And then? ...What did Shirogami say when you told him Kamojima-san was there?"

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Ryuji points at the shrine.

Ryuji: "...Aa. I'm telling you he's in there (the building)."

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Tsukasa points her finger for emphasis. "It didn't sound like he understood......"

Tsubaki gives Tsukasa a look of exasperation. "He's really worthless in these kind of important situations---..."

Tsukasa: "You don't say---!? Ryuji should have been the one to have seen him rather than me------!!" {If he only used his brain---!!} [Not a direct translation...]

Looks like Tsukasa and Tsubaki are in the school cafeteria or something. Both are sipping drinks.

Tsubaki: "It's like why did someone who fears the occult like you even bring up the subject?"

Tsukasa: "Really!!"

Tsubaki looks a bit evil as he leans closer to the table to whisper. "I'm sure that you would have used the ''ghost'' as an excuse, especially since you wanted him to ask you ''then should I stay with you for the night'', right?"

Tsukasa stares at him dully.


Student 1: "N?"

Student 2: "It sounded like something was hit with a blunt instrument......"

The students in the cafeteria [assuming that's what it is] turn to gawk.

Students: "...Aa...!!"

Tsubaki is seen slumped over the table, his eyes like whirls and with a huge lump on his forehead. The drink in front of him is tipped, spilling stuff on to the table.

Text pointing to Tsubaki's forehead: The contact point of where the blunt instrument hit the target. [Or something like that...]

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Somewhere outside, Tsukasa is stalking away angrily with her backpack in tow [does that mean she's skipping?].

Tsukasa: {...How cruel Asaba-kun---... You didn't believe me... I was really serious!!}

A close up shows Tsukasa with a huge red lump on her forehead.

Text pointing to the lump on Tsukasa's forehead: The blunt instrument. "Especially since you wanted him to ask you ''then should I stay with you for the night'', right------...?"

Tsukasa pauses to think. "......" {...Well yeah... I was really reluctant to part with him yesterday---...}

An image shows Ryuji seeing Tsukasa off the day before.

Tsukasa: {I don't know when I can see him next... That'll change when Ryuji starts going back to school though.} "...But..." {To expect something more from Ryuji who's trying to keep the reality that I'm ''Wakasa's daughter'' a secret, respecting the fact I want to remain katagi, is kinda unfair---... ...And yet... if he did ask, I may have agreed. It's not like Ryuji has time either......} [Ummm... I'm not sure that this part is right... It sounds a bit weird...]

Tsukasa: "---..." She recalls when Ryuji was piggy-backing her, closing her eyes. {...I want to be by Ryuji's side---... but... If I do, then I have to move on my own------... ...Otherwise------...}

Her thought are interrupted by the voice of a news broadcaster.

"---...and so though Garyukai's top executive Ouguro has been questioned again,"

Tsukasa bristles at the mention of Garyukai.

Announcer: "He refuses to answer any questions."

Tsukasa: {...I just heard a bad name......}

All around her, bystanders are staring at the huge screen TV on one of the city's tall buildings.

Announcer: "There is still no information regarding Garyukai's 'important figure' who has seemingly disappeared from the totally destroyed International Airport Megafloat."

Tsukasa: {Garyukai's ''important figure'' who disappeared---... ...wouldn't that be Gonzaemon.........? The fact that they're not mentioning ''Soryou Misumi'' must mean that the cops know that the body and the spirit inside are separate------... ...Or could it be that---...}

Tsukasa is standing with her hand to her mouth as she thinks for a moment. Since Misumi is on her thoughts now, there's a mini version of Misumi labelled as Gon [for Gonzaemon] sitting on her head, taking care of his katana.

Tsukasa: "..."

Announcer: "---...And actually, for this report, we've also tackled Kuryugumi's Sandaime for an interview!!"

At that mention, a mini version of Ryuji comes flying in, kicking Misumi out of the way.

On the TV screen, Tsukasa watches as a news reporter (male) comes flying towards Ryuji and his escorts.

Reporter: "Shirogami kumicho---! About Garyukai's ''important figure''---------!!"

Ryuji is seen turning to face the reporter as Bun-san and two other escorts (male) try to keep the reporter at a distance.

Kumiin: 1 "Who the hell are you---!!?"

Reporter: "If you know, then please tell us---!!" {You know right--!!? You should know---!! Shirogami kumicho---!!"

Kumiin: 2 "Shut up!! You're too persistent!!" [I don't know why but these two are speaking in the Osaka dialect...... Why!?]

Bystander 1: "Wow, literally tackling!"

Bystander 2: "Man that reporter has guts."

Bystander 3: "He's going to be killed."

Tsukasa: {...No... I don't think so...... Since Ryuji's there......} "......" {...Still...... Ryuji looks busy today too---..."

Text: She also saw him on TV during lunchtime.

Kumiin: 2 "Enough already!!" He tries to block the camera.

In the background, Ryuji's knees suddenly seem to give away and Bun-san starts.

Tsukasa stares in surprise as she watches Bun-san catch Ryuji by the arms. {---RYUJI------...!?}

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Back at Kuryugumi.

Ryuji sits on the couch with a thud.

Bun-san, taking Ryuji's jacket: "...Sandaime, are you all right?"

Ryuji, tiredly: "---...Aa..." He's leaning forward, his arms supporting his body.

Bun-san: "You must be exhausted... With such a full schedule these past few days......"

Ryuji sits up, sighing.

Bun-san: "...... ...Could it be that you still aren't sleeping very well at night...? ...The sleeping pills you received from the medical room..."

Ryuji interrupts him. "...Shibuya."

Bun-san: "...Hai."

Ryuji: "...Tea..."

Bun-san: "......." Reluctantly, he leaves Ryuji alone to go get some tea.

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Bun-san is in the halls thinking about the young kumicho.

Bun-san: {...They're not working------.......? Those sleeping pills....... He's physically drained so if he takes the sleeping pills they should put him to sleep immediately... ...Is there something that's troubling him emotionally...?} He pauses. {....... ...Could it be....... No it can't.... Something like that... ...It is Sandaime after all---..."

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Back in Ryuji's sitting room. [Or whatever it's called.]

Ryuji is sitting on the couch flipping open and shutting the lid of his lighter, the tea cup sitting further away from his reach than the huge ashtray. The metallic sound reminds him of Tsukasa's battle with Freya, her knife against Freya's claws. "------..."

He tries to light his cigarette when he realizes that only air is leaking from it.

Ryuji: "......?" He tries the lighter a few more times. "...... ...... ......"

Ryuji recalls how in the past, a hand had reached out removing the cigarette from his lips.

"---You're smoking too many---..." A worried looking Kamo-san used to scold him gently.

Ryuji glances at the ashtray before him on the table. "---..." {...Now that I think about it------... he did that often---...}

Text pointing to the overflowing ashtray: Today's cigarette count.

Ryuji: {...Maybe I did overdo it today......} He glances at the useless lighter in his hand. "......" He smiles and drops the lighter on the couch.

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At the main gates to Kuryugumi.

Tsukasa: "...A...!" Out of breath, she struggles with the crutch. "The entranceway's open!!" {I'm Ryuji's bodyguard but to the kumiin, I'm a katagi's gaki so I have to name myself and have Ryuji's permission to have the gates opened~~~ What a pain in the butt.} She stops to ponder for a moment. {...Maybe... Since Kuryugumi is the way it is now... if I enter without permission, I may be thrown out...... Okay. Just in case, I'll sneak in so that I'm not seen.}

Transforming into ninja dog, she takes the main path.

Nearby, 2 of the kumiin are strolling the grounds.

Kumiin: 1 "..A...?"

Kumiin: 2 "...A?" {What's up?}

Tsukasa is seen scanning her surroundings, still in ninja form.

Kumiin: 1 "A!!! IT'S THE BOZU!!!"

Text pointing to that statement: She's still the bozu to them. [bozu = boy]

The ninja dog freaks. "!!"

Kumiin: 2 "A!"

Horizontal Chain

Somewhere else in Kuryugumi.

Bun-san: "......... ......... ......... ...E...? ...Tsu-bo is...!?" {In Kuryugumi!?} He stares in surprise at the kumiin who's reporting to him. {...Tsu-bo...!! Did you forget what Sandaime said to you at Onkouji!?} His mouth is hanging open. [Okay, I think I've figured it out. I called the temple Shinchuonkouji. Well ji is temple, and Shinchu means new/improved (I think). on is the kanji for sound while kou is the kanji for light...]

Kumiin: "That's right."

All around them, the kumiin are running around in a hurry.

"Did you find him---?"

"Maybe he's already inside---"

Kumiin: "...But when we gathered the welcoming party to greet him properly, it seems he disappeared."

The two kumiin who caught her outside had started hollering at the top of their lungs for the welcoming party.

Bun-san, sweat dropping: "... ...And why are you trying to greet him properly?" {What's wrong with the normal way......?}

Kumiin: "E...? Because according to the kanbu's talk,"

Bun-san: {Tsu-bo, right now, at Kuryugumi,}

Kumiin: "That bozu is Hogou's kage no seisai's daughter right!!?" The kumiin is looking at Bun-san expectantly for confirmation.

Bun-san: "They're just assuming that." {Sandaime said that these sort of rumours have been spreading, did he not!!? Were you listening then!?}

He's referring to the moment at Onkouji where Tsukasa was not paying attention to Ryuji as she was examining his face.

Text pointing to Tsukasa's reaction then: No, she wasn't listening.

The kumiin meanwhile is ignoring Bun-san's protests and is looking upwards, his hands clasped in prayer. "I swear~~~. His fighting spirit at Megafloat is telling everyone that that bozu isn't a katagi!!" {Just remembering it now gives me goose bumps......}

Bun-san: {...Hey... the story that Kozuki Tsukasa is ''Ayabe Wakasa's daughter'' is moving from an ''assumption'' to a ''known fact''...! ...What are you going to do Tsu-bo...! At a time when your identity is pretty much known do you think that Kuryugumi will leave you alone when you come back at a time like this------!!!?}

Bun-san is picturing Tsukasa as a frog, dancing her way into a snake's open mouth.

The Tsukasa frog: "Hi ho! Hi ho! To this way, go--- go--- Into the snake, into it's belly."

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In Ryuji's sitting room, a French man makes a dramatic appearance.

Tsukasa, the French man: "OH---! M~y GOD" [with really poor pronunciation.] "It's empty! It's as if I've been treasure hunting, yet there is no treasure~~~" Dressed in a suit and tie, with glasses and hair that reminds me of Einstein, she flops to the floor in despair. "Where are you wandering, you pile of treasure~~~~~~"

Text: Referring to Ryuji.

Tsukasa slumps back on one of the chairs. "What the hell's he doing~~~" {When he's so tired and all...... ---He's really,} She catches sight of something on the table. "...A!! What's this huge number of cigarette butts!!?"

Text pointing to the ashtray: It's even overflowing.

Tsukasa slumps back into the chair again, holding a hand to her head. "...OO..." {What's this...!} "...Though I did kinda expected it......" {How come nobody scolded him before it got to this point!!?} She thinks a moment. "......" {...I guess nobody could have... The only one who could have ''cautioned'' Ryuji like that amongst the kumiin was Kamo-san---...}

She catches sight of the lighter on the next chair, and then the untouched cigarette on the table.

Tsukasa: "...... ......" She looks back and forth from the lighter to the cigarette. "---...Maybe he was cautioned...?" She's overcome by that warm feeling. {...By Kamo-san---...} She recalls her meeting with Kamo-san yesterday.

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Kamo-san: "...Well done------... You've done very well------..." He stood before Tsukasa in his usual suit and tie.

Tsukasa: {---When I remember that moment, my heart feels all warm inside.} She laughs, nervously. {I was praised. How embarrassing.} "You were watching, Kamo-san?"

Kamo-san: "...Of course ...All that time---..."

Tsukasa: {And I, who hates the occult so much that I couldn't stand up straight in a horror house probably wished that the event was for real, but only because it was Kamo-san------...}

Kamo-san: "And from now on------... I will watch over you------..."

Tsukasa's eyes had opened in surprise before she smiled back at him. "...Yeah... Kamo-san......" {---He waited for me to come--- Even if he was a ghost, I was happy to see that smile------...}

A close up shows Kamo-san smiling at her softly as he usually did. [In case you're wondering, Kamo-san appeared before Tsukasa whole, with no sign of any injury.]

Horizontal Chain

Tsukasa's specially gloved hand smacks at a panel on the wall.

The door opens to reveal that someone is sitting on the bed, flipping through a book.

Ryuji turns at the sound of the door opening.

Tsukasa and Ryuji make eye contact, and both look at each other in surprise. It looks like Ryuji was leafing through an album.

Tsukasa and Ryuji as one: "...Y... You!! What are you doing in a place like this------!!?"

The door slides shut, revealing the duck painted on the door.

Text pointing to the door: Kamocchi's room.

Ryuji gets up to greet her but falls to his knees, barely catching the edge of the mattress with his hand. "---!!"

Tsukasa, worriedly: "RYUJI!! Ryuji, are you..." She rushes to his side, her crutch forgotten, her arms outstretched to help him.

Sounds of laughter emit from Ryuji's shaking knees.

Text above Tsukasa and Ryuji: Laughing knees. A condition in the muscles that occurs after prolonged strenuous exercise. [Okay, the "laughing knees" part is a literal translation... that's how they say it in Japanese. In short, (in English) Ryuji is suffering from weak muscles due to exhaustion and strenuous activity, thus causing his legs to tremble.]

Tsukasa and Ryuji: "...... ......"

Tsukasa still has her hands outstretched as Ryuji's knees laugh even more. "...You... Could this be......?"

Ryuji is turning away, his face bright red. "......! ......!"

Tsukasa: {Muscle pains...!!!?}

Text under the pic where Ryuji is piggy-backing Tsukasa: Strenuous activity. Too much of it!!

Tsukasa: "...You're... kakkowarui........." She slumps to the floor in embarrassment, her face also red.

Ryuji is unable to face her. "......... ......... ........." He looks into the mattress.

Tsukasa: {---...But------... Knowing this guy, he probably hasn't let anyone else realize---...}

Ryuji, flaming red: "... ...Don't worry about me. Why are you here......"

Tsukasa has both hands to her face, with sparkly eyes. {OOO!! He's so red!! Even his ears!! The first time I've ever seen this!! What a great second blow to Ryuji's pride after seeing him asleep!!}

Tsukasa and Ryuji stare at each other, the former with eyes of interest, the latter with eyes of shame. "...... ......"

Tsukasa: {---That's why I can't leave him alone---...}

A strange smile spreads over Tsukasa's face.

Ryuji: "What's so funny!!?" {You!!}

Tsukasa: "What you ask. Kuryugumi's Sandaime has muscle aches. How could one not laugh!? Ha ha---! Yay---! Kakkowarui---!"

Ryuji is now sitting on the bed as Tsukasa pulls at his cheeks mercilessly.

Tsukasa: "This is what happens when you don't listen to me---!" {I want to be at Ryuji's side. But to do so, I have to make the move.}

Ryuji: "---But seriously, why did you come here (to Kuryugumi)......? Something important...?" He looks up at her.

Tsukasa: "...Yup..." She smiles down at him. {...Otherwise------...}


Kamo-san had held out his right pinky towards her, smiling.

Tsukasa: {---I can't protect him.} "...Promise..."

She holds out her right pinky.

Ryuji: "... ...A promise...?" She's standing in front of him with her left hand on his shoulder as he has his hands around her legs.

Tsukasa: "---...That's right...... I came,"

"...Take care of Sandaime---..." Kamo-san's words from earlier echoed in her mind.

At the temple, she had then linked pinkies with Kamo-san to seal the promise.

Tsukasa: "To fulfil my promise------..." {---The promise I made with Kamo-san.}

She hooks her right pinky.


visits since August 23, 2001