Tokyo Crazy Paradise
Hana to Yume
1997 vol. 9, no. 18
Translation by Yuki-chan

At doors to Ryuji's place. Kamo-san is seriously freaked out seeing both Tsukasa and Azumi. They say they're together because according to Tsukasa, she had saved Azumi from a bunch of guys. According to Azumi, Tsukasa had intervened when unnecessary and had followed her to Ryuji's place.

{Kamo-san: Well yeah, if you're dressed like that.}

(For those who don't have the luxury of visual aids, Azumi is wearing a really short skirt, a tight top that exposes her shoulders, half of her back and a good portion of her breasts. She's also wearing a jacket, long earrings, a choker, low boots with heels, dark lipstick and probably 2 tonnes of hairspray to keep her bangs up. She's also carrying an expensive looking purse.)

Kamo-san asks why Azumi doesn't take a bodyguard with her. She replies that she heard that Asago never has. Kamo-san comments that it's because she's Ryuji's fiancee and therefore must have the ability/strength to prove herself worthy. Azumi says she understands that anyone who works for Ryuji must not be a burden and must be able to protect him/herself and that was why she came alone.

Tsukasa realizes she's serious about taking over Asago's position, but Kamo-san grabs her arm. He politely escorts her out. Tsukasa asks if he's herding her out but he just smiles and she can't tell if he's lying or not. (There are flowers in the background)

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Kamo-san re-enters the main hallway. Men there (of lower rank) are staring at Azumi's breasts.

Azumi: "What are you looking at?"

Men: "Oh, nothing." {Just thinking that those are some big breasts}

Azumi: "Put your head down like you're supposed to. It's 100 years too early for you to look at me!!!"

She shoves Muko's down and steps on the back of it. "That's right. Bow down about this level." The guy gets pissed off. He grabs her collar and threatens her.

Azumi: "Who do you think I am? I'm the girl who will become Kuryugumi's Durga." Everyone in the room is stunned. Ryuji walks in.. Azumi ratted on the guy.

Sigh. "You again Muko...?" Ryuji assures her that he'll punish the guy later. Azumi doesn't like that.

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In front of the water fountain (somewhere in Ryuji's house) Asago sighs, feeling like she lost her self confidence. Flashback. She had told Ryuji about her father who'd been acting strangely lately. Asago had secretly did some investigating and found out that contracts to her father's business (mostly to do with lending $$$) had been cancelled (that's what I think it's saying). Ryuji had also heard that business was being rerouted to the Gold Dragon Clan. Silver Dragon is currently the head clan under Kuryugumi. It used to be Gold Dragon while Odawara was still around. If Gold Dragon raises their name, they may become head clan once more. If that happens, Asago's worried that her position as fiancee may be in danger. End of flashback. Asago's wondering why she spoke of her fears to Ryuji. (It's not yakuza-like to do such things, especially if you are of high position) She wanted him to say something along the line of "Even if Silver Dragon loses its position as head clan, my feelings for you won't change. No matter what happens, I'll still take you as my wife." (Can you really see him saying this though?)

Asago's worried that she's unqualified for the position of Durga...She then noticed that the water in the fountain is not still. (Glub, glub glub) Tsukasa bursts out from the water fountain and scares the crap out of Asago.

Tsukasa's talking to herself: "I thought I was going to die, I thought I was going to die!!" She sees Asago and asks what she's doing.

Asago: "What do you mean? What are you doing coming out of a place like that?!!" Tsukasa explains that it was her dangerous escape route. (Recall that she can't swim) but this time, she used it to sneak in. She also mentions that Azumi was here too.

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In some other room, Azumi and Ryuji are talking. Both Bun-san and Kamo-san are present. Azumi's still complaining. "You should have punished him right on the spot otherwise they'll step out their line in rank. You of all people should know that it can cost your life when the lower ranked gain power." (She's referring to Ryuji's father who was betrayed by Odawara, the Gold Dragon's former leader)

Ryuji: "That's right." Azumi is taken aback. Ryuji explains that Kuryugumi had its own way of dealing with these kinds of incidents.

Azumi can't believe he's still 14. "I want to be your bride."

Ryuji's face doesn't change expression. "Sorry, but I already have a fiancee." Azumi insists that she still has a chance since he's not married yet and starts snuggling up to him. (Actually, I think it looks sick).

Tsukasa comes in blowing a whistle and holding a yellow card [I don't know what its meaning is] "DQ DQ! You're cheating trying to get Ryuji using your charm!! If you're going to compete for the position of Durga fight fairly!!" Asago thinks Tsukasa is sticking up for her. "Well if Asago could charm Ryuji, there would be no prob" {Don't you think? I don't think it's fair to let a competition occur if you know the outcome of it...}

Asago: "You be quiet!!!" Asago is red in the face with fangs included. {Yeah, so what if I have small breasts}

Azumi to Tsukasa: "You claimed you were Sandaime's friend. But you're not involved so you have no say in this."

Tsukasa starts getting mad. "Well yeah? I'm really Ryuji's..." Ryuji grabs her by the arm and starts dragging her off. "Hey wait! I'm still in the middle of a conversation Ryuji----!"

Glaring contest between Azumi and Asago.

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Tsukasa: "Hey Ryuji. How come I'm the only one thrown out again?"

Ryuji: "I told you to go home to your brothers."

Tsukasa: "But things might get messy with this fiancee business right? I'm kinda worried...!!" {I am your friend!!!}

Ryuji: "This doesn't involve you. Go!!!"

Flashbacks. Azumi had asked her why she knew so much about Kuryugumi. Tsukasa explained that she was Ryuji's friend. She hadn't said she was his bodyguard since she had been told countless times that the existence of the bodyguard was solely for the purpose of protecting the leader of the group. She had thought that she could say that the relationship between them was that of friends since he had helped/saved her a number of times and they had gone thru several events together.

Tsukasa: "Fine...I understand" {Ryuji, you bakayaro!} "I don't care anymore!!!"

Kamo-san enters. "Are you sure it's okay with that?"


Kamo-san: {Are you really sure? Can't you realize that you're breaking the very bond you wished for with Tsukasa? A---ah. You're so good at dealing with Kuryugumi...}

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Back in Ryuji's house, Asago and Azumi are arguing. Asago accuses Azumi's father of stealing customers from her own father. Unfortunately, she has no proof.

Bun-san: {Oh oh! This is getting a bit messy...}

Azumi asks Asago if she really feels qualified to become Ryuji's wife. She claims that she can satisfy him both mentally and physically. Asago vows that she won't give up Ryuji.

Later that day at the Kozuki residence, her bros and Kaya are trying to figure out what's bothering Tsukasa. Takuma, her oldest brother comes to talk with her. He thinks it may be because Sandaime doesn't want Tsukasa to be leaking info about Kuryugumi to the police. Tsukasa claims that she'd never sell her friends out to the police...but now she's confused. She really respects her late parents and wants to become a police officer herself but she also wanted to stay friends with Ryuji...
