Tokyo Crazy Paradise
Hana to Yume
1997 vol. 11, no. 20
Translation by Yuki-chan

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Flashback. In Shibata's car. Azumi and her father are talking. Shibata realizes that Asago knows about the Gold Dragon clan stealing customers from the Silver Dragon clan. He tells her to hurry and claim Ryuji. It's part of his scam to be named head clan under Kuryugumi.

Shibata: "Azumi, at first when I told you to claim Ryuji, you were so against it. What made you change your mind?"

Azumi: "I didn't want to baby sit." {I thought that to have Kuryugumi would be neat, but not with a 14-year-old child -- That's what I was thinking, but when I first met him, my thoughts changed.} "A guy like him is different. He's not a child." [Remember, Azumi is 18]

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Back in Ryuji's room. They're on his bed. She thinks she can make him turn towards her because of her sexual experience. She removes his shirt. He suddenly asks her about the sudden increase in business with the Gold Dragon clan.

Ryuji: "You know something about it don't you?"

Azumi: "What?"

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Tsukasa is with the police guy. She had asked to accompany him on this case (even though she meant it as a joke). She wanted to have something to do so that she wouldn't remember Ryuji and his words. They're on his motorbike on the way to Kasagi's place. Kasagi Yusuke was the owner of the car used in the hit and run, and his father is the president of Kasagi company, some big corporation. The police guy suspected that Kasagi was involved in the production of illegal weapons, after all, the car was not reported missing before the hit and run.

They get to Kasagi's place. Asago is there, demanding that she talk with the president. Asago sees Tsukasa with the police guy and gags in disgust. (Recall that the police and yakuza do NOT get along) Tsukasa starts telling her about the illegal guns, but the police guy stops her.

Asago: "What gun? Does it involve Kasagi?"

Tsukasa: "Um... I'm not really sure..."

Asago: "Even if you did, you probably wouldn't tell me anyway, since you're a police kid right?" Tsukasa is put on the spot. The police guy goes up to the house leaving Asago and Tsukasa at the gates. Right now, you're at Ryuji's side like a faithful dog or something, but when a situation arises, won't you side with the police?"

Tsukasa: "I... wouldn't..."

Asago: "Someday you're going to betray Ryuji. Nobody says it, but everyone believe so. That's why nobody trusts you...of course that includes Ryuji." Asago walks away with her bodyguards, leaving Tsukasa shocked.

The police guy returns, saying that the father had reported the car was stolen just today, but it was still suspicious that it wasn't done before the hit and run. He suddenly asks her if she's really friends with Ryuji.

Tsukasa: "Why do you bring up Ryuji all of the sudden?"

Police guy: "Break your ties with the yakuza. They're hypocrites."

Tsukasa: "Even people who aren't yakuza are like that."

"They easily fool and betray people."

Tsukasa: "Even people who aren't yakuza are like that."

"They kill people without mercy." He grabs her by the shoulders.

Tsukasa: "Other people kill too. Yeah, I thought that there was no such thing as nice yakuza, but Kuryugumi's diff..."

The cop:"I'm trying to say that Kuryugumi is like that!!" Tsukasa looks shocked. "The one man I respected and admired even more than my parents was killed by Kuryugumi. Meeting him, I wanted to become a police officer like him. But Kuryugumi involved him in their petty internal disputes!!"

Tsukasa: "That person... what's his name?"

"Why do you ask?" He looks suspicious.

Tsukasa: "Umm...umm..." trying to think. "I was thinking of doing a funeral dance for him."

The police guy laughs. "Well sure, why not. His name was Kozuki Yutaka."

Tsukasa is surprised. That's the name of her late father. She does a strange dance-like thing and ends with a prayer to the heavens. {Thank god I haven't revealed my real identity to this guy. If he ever found out who I was...and that I was friends with the yakuza...}

The guy smiles. "You're fun to be around." He starts talking to himself. "You remind me of when I was in school. It makes me want to just skip work and go out and have fun...What am I saying? I'm on duty!!"

Tsukasa: {There's no way I can reveal my identity now, especially after I know what my father meant to him...}

Police guy: "You know, do you want to go out some time or something? I'm mean..."

Tsukasa wasn't listening. "Sorry, did you say something?"

"No!!" {Come to think of it, why do I have to ask a junior high kid out, much less a boy?} [As of this moment, the police guy does not know that Tsukasa is female.]

The police guy had found out that Kasagi and his son were in Yokohama on their new cruise ship to celebrate the opening of a new branch. One of Asago's bodyguards overhears this and starts to follow.

Tsukasa starts thinking. {A couple of months ago, I probably would have sided more with the police than with the yakuza, but now... What should I do if such a situation comes up...? I feel kind of like a traitor...}

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Back at Ryuji's place. Asago is on the phone. Kamo-san answers and informs Ryuji. Their idea of phones are the type with visual aids. Looks kind of like a computer.

Kamo-san, whispering: "And did you get anything out of her?"

Ryuji: "Almost... but..."

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Flashback to what happened minutes ago.

"Sandaime-----!!!" A bunch of his kumiin are lined up with tears streaming down their faces.


"I know that we lower kumiin have no right to dispute your actions---!"

"But we would like to say one thing, although it may cost us our lives!"

"Take any other women except her---!!! We don't like her!!!" They are at the door to his room, all crying and shaking their heads.

Azumi is furious, and is left in his room. She's also mad at herself for almost revealing what she knew about the business affairs of the Gold Dragon clan.

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Asago tells Ryuji about Kasagi company. There was to be a party celebrating the opening of a new branch, but that was cancelled when Kasagi company broke its deal with the Silver Dragon clan. She believed however, that the party would occur soon.

Asago: "Kasagi's getting his private ship ready for some big function." She tells him of her intent to watch what's going on. "If the Gold Dragon clan really did steal customers from our (Silver Dragon) company, then Shibata may show up." She asks Ryuji if he will be there.

Ryuji: "Why? Are you lonely?"

Asago: "No!! Its just that this may require the presence of our kumicho..."

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At Yokohama's Private Harbour Land.

The police guy and Tsukasa finally meet with Kasagi.

Kasagi: "Well...I realized that the car was stolen about 3 days ago."

Police guy: "Why didn't you report it right away?"

Kasagi: "Well, I thought that if it was stolen that I could just get a new one..." The police guy and Tsukasa are seen with the blood vessels in their heads popping. "But I thought that it may be used for criminal purposes and quickly filed a report today."

They are allowed to meet with Kasagi's son Yusuke. Tsukasa notices a guy on the ship. He looks familiar.

Tsukasa: "Aaahh!!! Its the 3rd guy that I couldn't catch!!"

"What? Where!!?" They start chasing after the guy, who's actually Yusuke.

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A little distance away in her car, Asago is watching what's unfolding in front of her. She decides to wait until there's sufficient evidence before barging in on Kasagi's ship.

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Somewhere on the huge ship, they're running, looking for Yusuke.

Police guy: "Kasagi's statement is false."

Tsukasa: "The son must have killed his own buddies with his own car."

"He probably feared that his name would be mentioned. Kasagi's company is a prosperous company which has been steadily rising towards success. If the public finds out that the son enjoys hunting people as prey, this would result in a huge scandal."

Tsukasa: "See? Even people who aren't the yakuza kill for their desires."

"Well let me tell you that this gun," referring to the Inverted Cross, the gun he picked up at the crime scene, "may be produced by Kuryugumi!!"

Tsukasa: "Ryuji would never do such a thing!!"

Police guy: "I know that you want to believe in your friends, but if you keep judging from personal reasons, you're not going to be a good police officer."

Tsukasa: "....."

"Isn't it our job to reveal the truth, even it's something that you don't want to believe?"

Tsukasa agrees. {If my parents were alive, they probably would have said the same thing.}

She looks up all of the sudden and asks his name.

Police guy: "Me? Kise. Kise Akira." [Finally!! The cop has a name!!!]

Tsukasa: "Thanks for scolding me Akira-san." She smiles.

Akira starts pounding the floor. {Why do I have to be disturbed by the words of a junior high kid, much less a guy---!!! Am I hentai or something?} [hentai = strange/abnormal, perverted]

Tsukasa decides to take another look on the lower deck of the ship leaving Akira to check the upper deck. He agrees, with his back turned to her, crying silently.

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"Kill those two." Tsukasa overhears voices. "If those two are removed, then nobody will know that Yusuke had this gun. It's worse if the police find out about the origin of this gun than about the hit and run. If the police find out about this, then we'll be killed by Kuryugumi."

Tsukasa: {What?}

Kasagi: "I told you so many times not to go hunting in the same place twice, you baka!" [baka = stupid]

Yusuke: "Sorry---" {Haven't I apologized enough?}

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Outside, Shibata arrives. Asago is pleased.

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Kasagi and his men step out of the room where Tsukasa was. He points the gun at her. "You! Boy!"

"What's wrong?" A voice is heard behind Tsukasa. She turns. It's Shibata from the Gold Dragon clan!

Akira is running down the stairs to where she is.

Akira: "Hey! Tsukasa! Are you there? Instead of charging the son with possession of the illegal gun, maybe we could charge the president---"

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Tsukasa doesn't know what to do. Asago's words echoes in her mind. "---but when a situation arises, won't you side with the police?"
