Tokyo Crazy Paradise
Hana to Yume
1996 vol. 17; episode no. 4
Translation by Yuki-chan

Tsukasa stares in disbelief. Ikazaki wakes up all of the sudden because of the noise.

Ikazaki: "What was that noise?"

Tsukasa: "Baka!!! Don't get up now!!!"

Tsukasa: "Get down----!" She whips her chain out and disarms the guy with the machine gun. She then proceeds to knock him out with a flying kick.

Tsukasa: "You bastards! Are you really from Kuryugumi? If so, then stop this sudden attack! Aren't these guys supposed to become members!?"

Guy in the suit: "They're garbage. Apparently, having students like you in the school ruins this school's image."

Tsukasa: "Hey wait a minute there. You don't include me in that statement do you!?" She beats the crap out of him too. "Are you in with the principal here!!?"

Ikazaki: "The principal...? He lied?"

Tsukasa hears gunshots from other areas in the school. She grabs the pin off of one of the guys and starts running for the door.

Ikazaki: "Wait! Me... me too---!" {Don't leave me here alone!}

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Back in the hallway, Asago, Ura and company are running, avoiding being shot at. There are now several men in dark suits after them. Asago doesn't recognize any of the men, and they were even firing at her, proving that none of them were actually from Kuryugumi. She sees them firing at innocent students too.

Asago: {Those bastards! They're even shooting at ordinary people! How low! I can't let them get away with this! I don't know who they are, but I swear, I'll get that badge!} [Seems like she has some honour after all...] She steps toward them.

Ura: "Asago! Where are you going? What should we do!?" {Don't leave us here! I don't want to die!!}

Asago: "Didn't you want to become gokudo!? Then don't rely on others. If you want to stay alive, then fight to protect yourself!! That's what it means to be gokudo!!!"

Ura: "Kakkoii!!!!" [kakkoii = cool!!!]

Asago: {The only time I move for something for other than myself is for the sake of Kuryugumi... To protect the man who is soon to become my husband... To protect Ryuji!!}

She grabs a fire extinguisher.

One of the guys: "And who might you be?"

Asago: "If you're part of Kuryugumi, then shouldn't you know who I am!? Sumon Asago. I'm the one whose to become wife to Kuryugumi's Sandaime, Shirogami Ryuji!" She tries to spray the guy with the extinguisher, but she hadn't pulled the pin. The guy fires, causing the extinguisher to explode. Ura catches her as she is shoved back by the force.

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Back in the principal's office.

Ryuji: "By the way Kashiwabara, I've heard that Rokuo Minami and Kita are only sister schools according to the public. Isn't it true that between the two schools there's really a lot of tension?"

Kashiwabara: {How... How did this student find out something like that? Something that's hidden from the public's view? ...And what's with those eyes!? Those eyes look like they can see the truth through anyone!! Who is this student!?}

Students come pouring into the principal's office.

"There's people with guns in the school!"

"And they're firing at us!!"

"Several of us were shot!!"

Kashiwabara: "Impossible!!"

Ryuji, turning to the reporters: "Hey, you may see something that'll go down in history. Let's go..."

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Back in the hallways, Tsukasa and Ikazaki see a fallen student. He's not dead, and Tsukasa rips off a sleeve and binds the guy's arm.

Tsukasa, in thought: {What's going on!? I thought they were after the students involved with the drug dealings. To be running around with guns like this is as if someone wants to bring down Kuryugumi's name. I don't think even Ryuji's stupid enough to be doing something like that...} She looks at the pin she swiped off the guy in the SAC office. {Are they really from Kuryugumi---?}

She turns to Ikazaki and tells him to call for help.

Ikazaki: "Who!? Me!?"

Tsukasa: "Do you have a problem with that!!?"

Ikazaki: "Yeah! What if those guys come back and shoot at me!?"

Tsukasa, smacking him on the head: "You don't even know if you'll actually be hit so don't be scared! Or is it that you can't do anything without your mama? If you can only step on the weaker, then you're no different then those guys who are shooting the innocent!"

Ikazaki looks at her, and notices for the first time that Tsukasa has been nicked by several bullets.

Tsukasa: "Didn't you want to change yourself? If you're going to, why not is a better way?" He nods, and runs off.

Tsukasa is all charged now, and starts sprinting down the halls.

Tsukasa with a ripped shirt in a sailor suit[This picture doesn't really come from the manga but it fits appropriately here... I think it's in the tankoubun] She bumps into someone, causing her and the person to spin in circles. It's Ryuji.

Ryuji: "Tsukasa...?"

Tsukasa: "Ryuji!!" {Why are you here!?}

Ryuji notices the mark across her chest. "You got hit didn't you..... How stupid of you..."

Tsukasa, getting mad: "Is that bad for something that's only good for protection against bullets!?"

Ryuji: "If I was going to use you only as a protection against bullets, then I wouldn't have gone through the trouble of choosing you as my bodyguard in the first place!"

Kamo-san: {Sandaime!! Is this a confession of love!!?}

Tsukasa, looking confused: {What's that supposed to mean...?}

Kamo-san: {She doesn't get it... (T_T) }

The reporters spot Tsukasa and go to question her. He throws her his uniform jacket.

Ryuji: "Wear this, and button up the front too." Tsukasa stares in disbelief. "But don't dirty it with blood."

Tsukasa: "Don't say such complicated things!" [But she wears it anyway.] Ryuji blocks the reporters while Tsukasa puts the jacket on. More shots are fired and they race towards its source.

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Kashiwabara: "This isn't a part of the deal!!" The guys in the suits and shades, Ura and Asago start yelling in the hall.

Kashiwabara: "I told you to kill off those 'undisciplined students'. I don't remember saying that I wanted the other's hurt!" {And I told you to do it discreetly!!}

Ura: "What!? Kusojiji! Are you betraying us!?" [kusojiji = old geezer] "You said that if we sold drugs as Rokuominami students that you'll introduce us to Kuryugumi!!!"

The men in suits look back and forth between them as if they are watching a tennis game.

Kashiwabara: "If it's let out to the public that students from our school become yakuza, can you imagine the minus image it would give us!? You guys are like a cancer in our school... Using money for everything to do whatever you want knowing that I can't do anything to stop it... Don't you get it? You're an obstacle." Turning to the men. "It's not too late yet! You can still kill these guys."

One of the men: "No problem. To us, it doesn't matter how many we kill... as long as we sell Kuryugumi's name!" They aim for the principal too. They start firing, but the guns are deflected by someone.

Ryuji: "We don't need guys like you selling our name. We're fine with the way things are." The reporters behind him look shocked.

Asago: "Ryuji---!!! You came!"

One of the men: "You're Kuryugumi's Sandaime kumicho, Shirogami Ryuji !"

Kashiwabara: "What?... You're kidding..."

Asago picks up a gun, demanding that the men reveal who they are. Suddenly police sirens are heard.

Kashiwabara: "Who!? What!? Who tripped the emergency alarm!!? No---! The media! The reporters!"

Ikazaki: "It was me. And I called the police while I was at it."

Tsukasa: "Ikazaki..."

The gun is knocked out of Asago's hands, and three guys aim for Ryuji. Kamo-san and Bun-san can't whip out their guns in time.

Asago: {Ryuji!!!}

Ryuji doesn't move. Three shots were fired, aiming for his heart, but they were deflected by Tsukasa's chain which she whipped around both Ryuji and herself. Asago can't believe what just happened, and both of Ryuji's bodyguards look shocked as well. The police come pouring in and the men get away.

Ryuji: "A-----ah!!! I wonder who's fault it is..." He rests his chin on her head.

Tsukasa: "Are you trying to say it's my fault!?" She cranes her neck to look up at him.

Ryuji: "Well isn't it true? ...Since you did something so complicated...." Both are tangled in Tsukasa's chain. Asago yanks one end of it, sending them spinning.

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All the students involved with the drug dealing were taken away, and the drugs were also recovered. Kashiwabara was also arrested. Apparently, he was jealous of the good name Kiryu had at Rokuominami and as revenge, he had planned this. Hearing this, Tsukasa wanted to beat him up, but she was stopped by Bun-san.

Kashiwabara: "I was framed by them! They said all I had to do was sell drugs, using Kuryugumi's name! It's not my fault!" Hearing this nonsense, Tsukasa wanted to whip one of the guns at him, but she was stopped by Kamo-san.

The students being used by Kashiwabara were arrested, but most planned to change for the good, while Ura still claimed that one day he'll become a yakuza good enough for Asago.

The only question left was who were those men in the black suits....

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Asago, to Tsukasa: "Hey! The next time I'll be around Ryuji, don't take over the situation like you did today!! It's my duty to protect Ryuji!! A wife who can't protect her own husband is not a wife at all!!!" She turns and runs, about to cry. She stops and turns. "And hurry up and take off my uniform you hentai!!!"

Tsukasa: {I wonder if I'll still be alive when I return it...} She notices a piece of paper in the pocket of the jacket [which is Ryuji's in case you've forgotten.. It's a note, written by Ryuji. He's planned what he was going to say to her, explaining... well it was a bit unclear. Tsukasa wasn't sure if he was trying to say that Kuryugumi was clean, or that he didn't know how to apologize. She smiles at this. {Mom, Dad, I really hate the yakuza, I really do, but for some reason, I can't truly hate him... because... in front of me.... he takes off the mask he wears in front of Kuryugumi....}

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In some room, Ryuji's staring out of the window.

Kamo-san: "Sandaime, we've started the investigation of those men in black."

Ryuji: "...Kamojima..."

Kamo-san: "Hai?"

Ryuji: "Do you have a first aid kit?"

Kamo-san: "......."

Kamojima Toshiyuki understood instantly what was going to happen next. He even knew where he was going and for what purpose.

He could also imagine in what condition Sandaime would return.... but he didn't know what event could possibly happen next after that.
