Tokyo Crazy Paradise
Hana to Yume
1996 vol. 18; episode no. 5
Translation by Yuki-chan

Tsukasa juggling Ryuji, Kamosan, Asago, and Bunsan

Some men are at some big table with lots of food discussing the pin Tsukasa had ripped off of one of the men in black. They’re arguing over its origin.

“It’s really made well don’t you think?”

“It’s not something to be appreciated. Our name, Kuryugumi’s name has been trashed!”

“That’s right! Using our name to sell drugs... Nidaime would never have tolerated this!!”


“Isn’t that right Sandaime!?”

Ryuji isn’t smiling. For a moment, the men had forgotten they were in a meeting with him. They pale in fear.

Ryuji: “If their goal is to trash Kuryugumi’s name, then they’ll make another move soon. Like I said before, we must be prepared for anything. That’s all.” He gets up and leaves.

The men: “He doesn’t smile....”

“Fourteen and he is our leader, yet he doesn’t seem so young.”

“To find a Seisai suitable for Sandaime is not easy...”

“Sumongumi’s kashira

Sumon: “Y...yes?”

“I’m impressed with your daughter who managed to swipe this pin off of one of those guys.”

“We’re counting on you.”

“That’s right. She must be brought up properly so that she’s fit to become his wife.”

“Well... if Asago can’t handle the pressure, there’s also my daughter...”

Sumon: “No!! It’s all right! There’s no other candidate suitable to become Sandaime’s Seisai.”

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In the hallway. Ryuji, Kamo-san and Bun-san are walking when they notice Tsukasa.

Tsukasa: “Hey Ryuji, I’ve been waiting for you. Why? To say my goodbyes of course. When I think back, we’ve been in the same class from grades 1 through 8, sitting next to each other. It’s like we were bound in these sticky, black strands or something.” [Kind of looks like sticky cobwebs.]

Kamo-san, whispering to Ryuji: “Is something wrong with Tsukasa-san?”

Bun-san, also whispering: “Maybe she’s high on an overdose of vitamin pills.”

Tsukasa: “But that will all end today, because tomorrow, it’s our fate to be separated with the new class arrangements!!”

Bun-san: “That’s right. After that drug dealing incident,”

Kamo-san: “The two schools were combined.”

Ryuji: “Hmmm.”

Tsukasa: “Don’t you laugh at me! Tomorrow, I’m going to be the one laughing!!” She runs off, Ryuji staring at her go.

Kamo-san, chuckling: “Sandaime? Aren’t you going to Tsukasa-san’s room like you usually do? You seem a bit unsatisfied...”

Ryuji: “.....”

Tsukasa: “Waaaah!! What are you doing here? Don’t come in!... Hey wait a minute? Isn’t this my room? Go sleep in your own room!”

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The next day, Tsukasa looks at the class listings. Right under her name is Ryuji’s. She feels like she’s bound to Ryuji with the sticky black strands.

Ryuji: “Hmmm.”

Tsukasa gets pissed and starts yelling at him: “You! You set this up didn’t you?”

Ryuji: “How would I know?”

Tsukasa continues yelling at Ryuji. Her classmates are impressed.

{He called Shirogami-san a what!?}

{He’s definitely going to be dead someday.} [Remember, everyone knows Tsukasa as a guy.]

Toshi and Sho, Tsukasa’s younger brothers show up. She starts yelling at Ryuji for the fact that she and her brothers are living a hard life because of the never ending debt. Her brothers try to stop her.

Tsukasa: “You’re so.........” She stops. She doesn’t know why.

Ryuji: “What comes after that?”

Tsukasa: “.....?”

Ryuji: “I’m asking you what you were going to say.”

Tsukasa: “U...Ummmmmm...”

A hand comes out of nowhere, shoving Tsukasa aside.

Asago: “Good morning Ryuji. Oh, it’s like a dream that were in the same school...”

Sho, to Tsukasa: “By the way Tsukasa, about the debt thing...”

Asago: “I didn’t think this day would ever come! Not only are we in the same school Ryuji, but also in the same class...”

Tsukasa: “What....?”

Asago: “They had to put guys and girls together because of an overflow of students...”

Tsukasa: “What-----!!?” {Wait a minute! Can such a dangerous thing be allowed---!!?} She follows as Ryuji and Asago go for the classroom.

Sho: “Tsukasa---!”

Toshi: “She left.”

Sho: “Hasn’t Tsukasa heard about the debt from Sandaime?”

Toshi: “I had so much to ask her about. Oh well, we can catch her later.”

Sho: “Kaya-san was worried too. Something about seeing Tsukasa on TV while we were sick in bed.”

Toshi, sighing: “Is she really going to come home this weekend--?”

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In the classroom, Tsukasa is surveying the situation.

Tsukasa: “It’s dangerous... It’s too dangerous... To throw Ryuji into a room full of girls... It’s like throwing a stud into a group of sheep!!!!”

Bun-san: “Don’t you mean throwing a wolf in a flock of sheep?”

Kamo-san: “Wasn’t it throwing a sheep in a pack of wolves?!

Asago: “It’s neither of them!!! How rude!!!” She turns towards Tsukasa “There’s no way Ryuji would lay a hand on these young green girls.”

Tsukasa: “Oh yeah, well I’ve been watching him for the last 8 years and it seems like he always goes after the ones with big breasts...”

Asago throws one of the computers onto Tsukasa, making a very short snow man-like Tsukasa.

Tsukasa: “Does she see me as a rival or something?”

Kamo-san: “It seems like it... Probably because of that drug dealing event. To not be able to protect Sandaime at the most crucial point, and to also be beaten by you... To be honest, we were a bit shocked ourselves. It’s probably a shock that she couldn’t do her duty as Durga.”

Tsukasa: “Durga...?”

Kamo-san: “Among us gokudo, it’s another popular word meaning seisai. Durga is the goddess of war/fighting among Indian religion. Seisai is sometimes given this title. Her role is to influence group members, become her husbands right hand when it comes to fighting, and support him spiritually as well....”

Tsukasa: “Kamo-san... Could you please stop whispering?” Ryuji is in the next seat and probably can overhear everything.

Kamo-san: “Tsukasa-san... Aren’t you interested?”

Tsukasa: “Why would I?” Kamo-san backs off. {I have no interest in knowing what seisai means to the gokudo.... It’s just... This guy has the ability to protect himself... and he wants a bodyguard, and a woman on top of that to protect him!!?} She glances over at Ryuji who’s blowing smoke rings.

Ticked, she grabs his cigarette and puts it out. He lights another one. This repeats 5 times.

Tsukasa: “I’m telling you to stop dammit!!” She closed her fist around the cigarette.

“Auuuggghhh!!!!” The class freaks out. When classmates turn around, Tsukasa and Ryuji are already gone. Asago is not impressed.

Kamo-san and Bun-san are running down the hall after them.

Kamo-san: “Wait!!” Bun-san startles, then he too notices. “We should stay out of the way.” They crawl away like insects.

Ryuji’s running Tsukasa’s hand under cold water.

Tsukasa: “Enough already.”

Ryuji: “No. Your wound from the drug dealing hasn’t healed yet either right? Women should keep their bodies unmarked.”

Tsukasa: {Wait a minute... Is he trying to say that he’s worried about me? No way man! He’s yakuza! The yakuza never worry about others!!!} Shoving Ryuji away: “Don’t leave scars? What are you talking about? And you’re the one who forced me to become your bodyguard!! And I’m supposed to not get any scars when I don’t know where a bullets coming from?”

Ryuji: “If you don’t get hit then there’ll be no problem.” He sticks an ice Band-Aid on her palm. She looks at it in awe.

Kamo-san: “That’ll be 500 yen.”

Tsukasa, pointing at him: “You! You’re really----”

Ryuji: “Really? So what were you going to say before anyway?”

Tsukasa: {You really don’t show mercy for people who mean nothing to you.} “You’re really a nasty guy!” {Why am I doing this? A little while ago I would of said something like that easily. Why did I take that back?}

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Back in the classroom. Asago comments that Tsukasa is of no use.

Asago: “For Ryuji’s bodyguard, you sure mark your body a lot.”

Tsukasa, looking up at the ceiling: “Well aren’t bodyguards supposed to be nothing but a protection against bullets?”

Asago: “You don’t get it do you. A good bodyguard can protect his kumicho well enough without having to use his own body as a shield. To have to do so shows that it’s all that you can afford to do, meaning you’re have no brains, no skill.”

Tsukasa is getting royally pissed now.

Asago: “Just because you got to Ryuji before I did that time, doesn’t make me see you as being superior, because I have no marks from bullets on this body of mine. It’s my pride, to become Ryuji’s seisai.”

Apparently, Asago had heard a mouthful from her father about the drug dealing incident. After hearing that Tsukasa, a kid off the street, was doing a better job at protecting Sandaime, he reminded her that she had to do better, since all of the clan leaders were counting on her to live up to the name of Durga. Sumon had it arranged that Asago had ripped off the pin from the guy. Sandaime had agreed to this apparently, and Asago was shocked. She was told that if she was embarrassed, then she had to prove herself worthy as Ryuji’s seisai.

After venting her anger out on Tsukasa she notices that Ryuji’s looking at her. She walks passed him with her head down.

Asago: {...Ryuji---} “Don’t hate me....” {I’ll try harder...I’ll try harder.}

Ryuji looks at her and ruffles her hair. “I won’t.”

Tsukasa watches her go: {So where am I supposed to vent MY stress? She goes and says what she wants.... and me?} All the other students had left the room for gym class. She notices Ryuji’s looking away from her, and throws out a punch.

Ryuji blocks it easily. “Hmm!”

Tsukasa: “Stop laughing like that!” She starts chasing him around the room, trying to catch him.

Bun-san, watching this: {Sandaime looks like a 14-year-old kid (-_-;)}

Kamo-san is just smiling. His phone rings. “What!?” He turns to Ryuji. Ryuji is practically on top of Tsukasa, and he’d managed to remove her jacket. She’s wearing a dark long-sleeved shirt underneath a protector (that serves to hold her breasts back and also as bullet protection). She has him by the hair and is trying to kick him off.

Kamo-san: “Sandaime! Sorry to disturb you in your fun, but I’ve just heard that Sumongumi’s kashira was shot, is now in a coma!”
