Tokyo Crazy Paradise
Hana to Yume
2000 vol. 9, episode no. 78
Translation by Yuki-chan
Images provided by Venkarel

Hana to Yume vol. 9 cover page features Tsukasa with purplish-blue hair and blue eyes. She's wearing a pink tank top beneath a green shirt, orangish-brown shorts and low heeled boots. Looks like she's sprawled in a pile of leaves and flowers... [I think]

The episode title page is in black & white, and features someone putting on camouflage wear, tightening a belt, tying a headband and readying a machine gun [rifle?]. It's Tsukasa in camouflage wear.

Text: Full force the manly way!! [Okay, that's a very poor translation...]

Horizontal Chain

Tsukasa slings the rifle strap over her shoulder. "War preparations done!!" [She's dressed in camouflage wear, but is wearing pants, not the bulma seen in the episode title page of the last episode.] She clears her throat. "...Okay......"

Ryuji does not look impressed. "---......" He's pouting to the max.

Tsukasa doesn't know what to say when she removes the blindfold she had put over Ryuji's eyes. "...... ......"

Ryuji is bound and bagged. [Reminds me of a stumpy snowman... a Ryuji-daruma! BTW a yukidaruma is a snowman..., daruma = ball]

Ryuji: "......"

Text pointing to Ryuji: While Tsukasa was changing, he was blindfolded and bound.

Tsukasa, with an exasperated sigh: {...He's still pouting...} "...You're... too persistent for a guy! We're almost there."

Ryuji pouts.

Text pointing to Ryuji: Eyes of protest/objection.

Tsukasa gets pissed and points down at him: "Stop arguing 'cause you're fighting with me!!" {Give it up! Give it up already!!}

Ryuji continues staring in protest for another 3 frames.

Text in each frame: Eyes of protest/objection without blinking.

Tsukasa sweatdrops as Ryuji's expression doesn't change: "...... ......" {The bastard...! Is he not planning on consenting unless I do the promised thing...!!?} Anger begins to well up inside her. {I don't want to but I don't like those challenging eyes.}

The Ryuji-daruma is still staring up at her defiantly.

Text: Humph...! You can't even do a little kiss you gaki?

Text: ...This is the aura Tsukasa picks up.

Tsukasa snaps. "Fine then!! Dammit--!! Shut your eyes!!" Flames surround her as she squats down at Ryuji's side.

Text: Flammable. Fuelled by her hatred for losing.

Ryuji: "...A...?"

Tsukasa: "I said that I would show you proof of my promise!!"

Ryuji starts: "! ...Hoho~~~~~..."

Tsukasa: "Shut your eyes!!"

Ryuji flatly: "You close your eyes."

Tsukasa is shocked: "W...!!? Shut up! It's normal for the one to be kissed to close his eyes!!"

Ryuji: "A!? You gotta be kidding! That's kakkowarui. Why should I, a guy, have to close my eyes and wait patiently?"

Text: Right now even without that you're kakkowarui.

Ryuji: "And in cases like this it's usual for the girl to close her eyes!!"

Tsukasa: {I don't know about that!!} "That's retarded for the one doing it (the kissing) to close his/her eyes first!!" {It's too manuke!!}

Ryuji: "It's dumber for the guy to close his eyes!!"

Tsukasa: "It's dumber for the one doing (the kissing) to close his/her eyes first!!"

Ryuji: "The guy!"

Tsukasa: "The one doing it!"

Ryuji: "The guy!"

Tsukasa: "The one doing it!"

Text: Damn you...!!"

Tsukasa and Ryuji are staring at each other, nose to nose. Sparks are flying everywhere.

Tsukasa: {...In this case...! The one who looks away first loses...!!}

Text below them: Like a staring contest between hoodlums.

Asago staring

Asago stares silently: "---..."

Bun-san: {...What a unromantic love scene... Can these two only do things by fighting......?} He has a handkerchief around his throat.

Text pointing to the handkerchief: For Ryuji's sake, he blindfolded himself as well. It's not a bib.

Asago: "..."

Ryuji and Tsukasa: "...A......" They finally remember that they are not alone.

Tsukasa: {...I forgot... That's right, these guys were here too...!}

Looks like Tsukasa, Ryuji, Asago and Bun-san are inside one of the trucks.

The driver slams on the brakes suddenly and everyone starts rolling around.

Ryuji, still in his prison is seen rolling around more than the rest as the text explains.

One of the kumiin bursts in the back door. "...Sandaime!! You won't believe it!!" [Not a direct translation, 'cause there's no English equivalence...]

Ryuji, shaking his head: "...What is it?"

Text pointing to the bag that was imprisoning Ryuji: He escaped from the daruma.

Tsukasa and Bun-san are seen sprawled on the floor of the truck with spirals for eyes.

Kumiin: "The SST passenger jet is readying for take off......!!"

Ryuji: "!!"

On the other side of the fence the plane can be seen on the runway.

Kumiin: "At this rate it'll fly off." {What should we do?}

Bun-san, leaning on the door frame of the truck, his hair mussed up: {...Well yeah, when you're having a quarrel between lovers at an important time like this...}

Ryuji [I think]: We can't let that take off.

Tsukasa, who's already out of the truck. "...!"

Asago sits on the edge of the back of the truck before stepping down. She sways though and Tsukasa starts, catching her hand.

Tsukasa: "! Hey!"

Asago turns to her angrily. "......! Just because I was quiet watching your exchange between Ryuji silently doesn't mean that I accept your relationship with him."

In the background, Ryuji is shouting orders that the plane must be stopped before it takes off.

Asago: "Even though I don't want to acknowledge it, I don't have a right to say anything that goes against Ryuji, and that the only reason I kept quiet...! It was Ryuji that said it so it can't be helped!!"

Text: Referring to the proof of one's vow.

Tsukasa, looking thoughtful: "---..."

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In the plane.

Sakaki is glancing outside the window. [He has a window seat.]

Sakaki: "---...O...? ...Hey, Shiva."

Misumi is barely listening. He's reading something, and has a seat to Sakaki's right.

Sakaki: "Looks like some people are here to see us off."

Misumi starts and surprises Sakaki in his haste to look out the window. He sees a number of kumiin, and of course Tsukasa. He smiles. [Scary thought isn't it.]

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Kumiin: "The passenger plane is accelerating (for take off)."

Kumiin: "It's in range of firing."

Kumiin: "I'll fire." [Actually, it may be the same one talking but I can't tell...] He hefts a bazooka.

Ryuji: "!! Wait!!"

Sakaki, who can see what's going on. "Uwa!!" {What the hell!!?}

Just as the kumiin is about to fire, Tsukasa lifts the back end of the bazooka.

Kumiin about to fire: "A." He fires. "AA!"

The blast hits the rear left wheel of the plane just as the nose left the ground. The plane starts skidding across the runway.

Kumiin who fired: "What the hell did you do you kuso-gaki!!?" He shows a popped vein.

Tsukasa: "That's exactly my words for you---!! Aiming like that at the body of the plane like that!! I don't care if the Garyukai gang dies but there's a pilot in there---!! Think of a way that doesn't endanger the katagi first!!"

Kumiin: "Shut up! If there are gokudo who think about things like that at a time like this then they'd be morons!!"

Ryuji cuts in coolly: "This passenger plane is one that flies a number of time faster then regular commercial jets. It's reinforced for emergency purposes so I was going to say hit the wheels so that it would have to do a belly landing..."

A shadow passes over the faces over a number of the kumiin.

Text pointing to Ryuji: A moronic [is there such word?] gokudo.

The one who fired plus a couple of others around him start bowing and apologizing in unison.

Text above the kumiin: Forgive us!!! We're sorry Sandaime!!

Text pointing to the kumiins: Feeling group responsibility...?

Ryuji ignores them. "...But that's dangerous like that."

Tsukasa: "!"

The plane skids across the runway, its left wing hitting the ground. Piece of the wing break off. Suddenly, the plane crashes onto it's left side and an explosion rips through the air.

Tsukasa: "!!!"

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From a little distance away.

Akira, who's getting into the police cruiser. "...What... ...that explosion......" The smoke can be seen from where he is.

Munakata, who's in the driver seat. "An accident on the highway... a report of a group of people seen in camouflage wear in an unusual vehicle... Maybe some fighting type gokudo's starting a war or something?" He has a cigarette hanging from between his teeth. A number of police cruisers are behind theirs.

Akira, slamming the car door shut and looking at his partner with suspicious looking eyes. "Don't be so calm about it Munakata-san."

Munakata, whistling: "Why no~t? It seems fun. Let's get them to let us join in."

Akira, with popped veins: {~~~This guy~~~!! ...Don't be kidding like that...!! If that suspicious vehicle is Kuryugumi's, then there's a possibility that Tsukasa will be there!! Start a war!!? I can't leave Tsukasa in a place like that---!!}

Munakata's police cruiser starts to follow the path of destruction left by Kuryugumi. Looks like Kuryugumi ripped through a fence, a gate and who knows what else.

Munakata, as he drives up a low flight of stairs: "...But the gokudo seem to have fun, not having to hold back or anything~~~"

Akira: "That's not something to admire!!"

Another police cruiser follows Munakata's lead.

Cop: "Wa! What's this!!?"

Text pointing to a ruined fence: Kuryugumi passed through here.

Text pointing to a ruined gate/railing: Kuryugumi passed through here.

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Tsukasa, Ryuji and a number of kumiin are staring at the smoke that's rising a little bit in the distance.


Tsukasa: "...It caught fire..."

Kumiin: "...What...? ...You mean, this is it...? Did we kill Garyukai's don...!?"

Tsukasa: "......" She then notices something and starts. "!!"

Misumi is calmly walking away from the exploding jet with his hands in his pockets. Sakaki is a few steps behind him.

Misumi's hair is blowing all around his face. [How the hell did he walk out of there without a single scratch!? Why does this remind me of T2?]

Ryuji: "!!!" The kumiin stare in wonder. "......"

Tsukasa: "...Looks like...'s not over yet......"

Voice from behind them: "...That's right."

Ryuji: "!!"

They all turn at the sound of the voice.

Voice: "The battle begins here."

Tsukasa: "...A!!"

The guy with the big zit on his forehead: "Thank you for the flashy farewell... That explosion was the sign to mark the beginning of this battle with Kuryugumi." Behind him are a number of guys, probably drugged.

Ryuji stares back calmly.

Tsukasa has dots for eyes and she sweatdrops. "...Ryuji-kun ©"

Ryuji: "...What is it?"

Tsukasa: "...The people behind that mister... could they be...?"

Ryuji: "Well yeah... if that mister's from Garyukai then the people who look like everyday normal people are in fact not everyday normal people but,"

Tsukasa: "GYAAAAAAAA Iyaaaaaaaa!!!! Don't say anymore!!" She starts shaking her head violently in denial.

Ryuji: "If you don't want to hear it then don't ask in the first place."

Tsukasa: {Dammit...!! They know that we (Kuryugumi) won't point guns at the public and so they bring drugged people......!!! Always, always!! That they are so careful about preparations like this...!! At this rate---... It will be just like that time---...!!} She recalls the bloodshed at the Kuryugumi main house.

Guy with the mark on his forehead: "...These guys are programmed to fight at a certain keyword. Once the switch is on you... understand what will happen right? Then let's begin."

Tsukasa immediately whips out her chain & blade from her belt pouch and at the same time, Ryuji draws his gun.

The man is surprised and steps back. "!!!"

Tsukasa looks around her. "! ! !"

Asago and the other kumiins had all done the same, pointing their guns at the man.

The guy: "...! U....!"

Tsukasa can't contain her laughter. "He~y you mister, you ma~nuke~~~. Joking around like that ends you up in situations like this. Ba~~~ka~~~" She dances around.

Ryuji: "......" [I think he's trying to ignore her.]

Asago: {You're the baka here......!! And when we all did that in unison, so coolly!! I'll shoot you dead!!} Her face is red and she's shaking in anger.

A voice cuts through the crowd. "---A light in the darkness--- Thou shalt soon be clothed in that light." [Sorry, I never liked classical English... Don't shoot me if I ruined this part.]

Tsukasa: "...?"

Voice: "That is the light of life. Everything thou wishes--- shall be granted---"

The guys behind the mister start and a change comes over their eyes.

Tsukasa: "!?" She notices.

Misumi: "If thy will is strong enough---" He slowly walks over to where they are.

Misumi: "Then eliminate the things..."

Mister: "..."

Tsukasa: "STOP IT!!"

Misumi, chuckling: "...... ...There were only 2 more words..."

Asago and Ryuji: "..." They still have their guns pointed at the man but are facing Misumi.

Tsukasa: "...!"

Misumi: "---...Well... how about... a trade......?"

Ryuji: "...... ...A trade.......?"

Misumi, who has his hands in his pockets again: "...That's right---... ...If you comply, then I'll give you all these people here who are brainwashed with the drug."

The man: "!!? ...Leader!?" {...What are you...!!?}

Tsukasa speaks up: "...Then what do we... "

Misumi eyes her. Tsukasa's eyes go wide in understanding.

Tsukasa turns to Ryuji.

Ryuji looks back, understanding her wordless gesture. He shakes his head wordlessly.

Tsukasa: "...But..." {...But,} "You can't fight against... the katagi......I'm tired of just hurting people or seeing people get hurt... ...I don't want anyone to get hurt---......" She remembers Ryuji's pain after Kuryugumi was attacked by the katagi.

A stab of pain lances through Ryuji's left arm. Words echo through his head.

"If possible, I would like with your left hand still attached to her like that------..."

Ryuji's left arm reaches and grabs Tsukasa's left arm.

Tsukasa starts in surprise. {...Ryuji...!}

Ryuji bites his lip.

Tsukasa then reaches up with her right hand to touch Ryuji's face. She pulls his face in closer and as she closes her eyes, she kisses him on the lips.

Ryuji's eyes go wide in surprise.

Asago looks on impassively, saying nothing. Misumi does the same.

Tsukasa: "...That's the proof of my promise......"

Ryuji's arm is shaking, where he still has his hand on Tsukasa's arm.

Tsukasa: "...... Ryuji..."

Asago and the kumiin watch on in silence.

Scenes of the mayhem at Kuryugumi run through Ryuji's head. He closes his eyes.

"If possible, I would like with your left hand still attached to her like that------..."

Ryuji's hand slowly slides down Tsukasa's arm until he finally lets go.


visits since June 11, 2000