Tokyo Crazy Paradise
Hana to Yume
2001 vol. 11, episode no. 99
Translation by Yuki-chan

The episode title page is in black and white and features Tsukasa... without her protector [i.e. you can tell she's female]. Anyways, it looks like she's wearing a polo shirt and blue jeans and she's looking upwards, with her hands behind her back. A faint breeze is tossing her hair about and there are trees in the background.

Text: Peace is the best...!

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Tsukasa is staring dumbfounded with her mouth hanging open. "...! WAAAAAAAAA" {Everyone---!!}

Smoke fills the hallway and Tsukasa can't bear to look as hangs her head.

Azuma: "!!" He points in the distance. "...What's ...that...?"

Tsukasa: "!" She raises her head. ".......?"

Kali the cyborg cat is seen with a stunned Toshi and Taku on its back. It's also dragging Tsubaki and Sho by their uniforms (like how a cat carries its young). All 4 guys have X's for eyes.

Tsukasa: {---...E...?}

Azuma: "...A dog...?" [!? Is he blind or what!? It looks very feline to me...]

Tsukasa: {--...A...} She recognizes the cat as it drops its load to the ground.

Kali looks up and stares straight at Tsukasa.

Tsukasa: {---...A...! Him! That huge, red-eyed freaky cat!!} She remembers seeing Kali in the hotel lobby back on the graduation trip. She freaks out some more. {...W... Why..... in a place like this!?} Her heart is racing. {It's eyes are still red... and... Hi...! It's freaky......} She blanches.

Tsubaki: "UU~~~ Ow~~~" Seems that they all wake up at that moment.

Azuma: "!"

Tsukasa: "!!" {Everyone...!}

Sho: "It was really bright and then all of the sudden I was thrown back."

Taku, looking up: "WA!! What's this!!?" {What kind of animal is this!!?}

Sho: "A carnivore! It's a carnivore Taku-nii!"

Tsubaki: "Get away, get away---!"

There's a cute SD of the four of them backing away from Kali.

Tsukasa: {They're all right...!!} "......" She stares at the cyborg cat. {...It... saved them---... ...Maybe... it's not a dangerous animal after all... Though its face is scary.} Seems that she thinks it's a real cat. {It won't put a curse on me or anything I suppose.} The hospital bed/stretcher she's in slowly creeps forward.

Ryuji starts and suddenly grabs on the railing on the side of the 'bed'. "!"

Tsukasa looks up at him to notice that Ryuji's staring off to the side. She follows his gaze and catches sight of a long haired man standing in the cloud of settling dust. {---...A...}

Misumi is seen standing over Ouguro.

Tsukasa: {It's Gonzaemon------!!!}

Misumi stares down at Ouguro with distaste. He does seem to be injured (blood on his shoulder and lower left ab) but it doesn't seem to be bothering him at all.

Ouguro: "...So......" {...Sousui...!!} He stares up at his former leader, his face pale. "...Why......" {...There's no way... ...I could have sworn.... I......!!} He thinks back to when he thought he shot and killed Misumi. He tries to crawl away but without much success, missing his legs below the knees.

Misumi: "---... ...Ouguro---... The dictator......" He loosens his sword from its sheath.

Ouguro starts. "---!!"

Drawing his sword, Misumi stares coldly. "...Has to be immortal,"

Tsukasa: {...A......}

Misumi: "In order to be the dictator......!!" He swings his katana in a low slash to behead Ouguro.

Ouguro grits his teeth and squeezes his eyes shut.

Tsukasa: "SHIVA......!!"

Misumi's hand twitches in mid-swing.

Ryuji starts at Tsukasa's sudden outburst. "!!"

Ouguro, sweating profusely slowly opens his eyes as he realizes he's not yet dead. Turning his head a slightly to the left, he notices that the blade is a mere hair's breadth away from him. {Hii...!!}

Text: Sundome. [Sundome is when one stops his attack before actually making contact with the target. Like no-contact sparring which you might do in karate training.]

Misumi turns slowly, the cold look gone form his eyes. {...She just---...} [Does that mean that he's Shiva now...? Oh well... I'm going to call him Misumi until I can tell which personality is on the surface...]

Tsukasa, blushing a little looks him straight in the eye. "...That's... not your body right---...? ...It's wrong... to stain the hands of someone who has no knowledge of what's going on---..."

Misumi looks back at her and then smiles. "......"

"...I won't allow it---.."

Misumi chuckles as he recalls the words said by Shiki.

"I won't allow Misumi's hands to be covered by some idiot's blood...!!"

An SD Ryuji points angrily at Misumi. "...What are you talking about. There's no way that the guy hasn't murdered anyone up until now." {It's too late. He's already filthy. There's no point in saying that.}

Tsukasa starts.

Misumi: {...A...! I never mentioned it... That guy...}

Tsukasa: "That's right......! He's a fiend...!" She glares at him accusingly.

Text pointing to Tsukasa: A critical look.

Ryuji smiles slyly to her right.

Tsukasa shows popped vessels... which actually fly towards Misumi and bounce off his head.

Misumi: "..." Reversing his hold on his katana he meets her eyes. "... ...They were all bad guys..." He suddenly thrusts the katana into the ground in front of Ouguro who flinches in fear.

Tsukasa: "...... Wouldn't... that include"

Misumi smiles softly. "---...Aa---..."

Suddenly, the ground around the katana begins to crack.

Taku and Toshi: "...N?" The ground sways.

Sho and Tsubaki: "N...?"

The hospital bed tips dangerously.

Azuma: "!?"

Tsukasa: "...E...?"

Ryuji: "!?"

Misumi leaps to regain his balance as the ground tips again. {...Could it be...}

Azuma: "...Could it be...!"

Unable to cope with the massive shaking, the stretcher falls to the ground.

Tsukasa: "...!"

Ryuji puts an arm around her shoulder as Azuma tries to stabalize the stretcher as well.

Ryuji: {...Here it comes...!!}

Tsukasa [I think]: {...Could it be......!!}

The ground heaves upwards suddenly and a huge rift forms between Tsukasa's group and the Kozuki bros. & Tsubaki group. Kali seems to be sitting patiently, unperturbed by the surroundings.

Tsubaki: "WAAAA"

Sho: "...Gi...!"

Toshi: ".........! Gi......!"


A view form above shows the airport, the ground breaking up into hundreds of pieces which were gradually floating away.

[Hey... I just realized this now but Tsukasa was wearing a wrap shirt when she was sitting in that floating stretcher thingie at Megafloat... without anything underneath to conceal her breasts... So if Tsubaki even glanced at her, he could have easily noticed that Tsukasa was in fact a girl...]

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Text: ---The complete destruction of Megafloat International Airport---...... That shocking news spread across the world in the blink of an eye------...

Tsukasa: {...Ua...!!} She drops the newspaper to the floor as she sees the aerial shot of the ruined airport, holding her head. {I just wanted to read the heart warming comics......!!}

Birds fly high in the peaceful looking sky.

Voice: "Tsukasa------!"

Two young boys run up.

Masa: "Tsukasa---!!"

Isahaya: "A! It really is Tsukasa oniichan---" {Welcome back home!}

Text: For those who have forgotten. Iruma Masashi. The son of the landlord where Tsukasa lives. A cheeky kid in Grade 3.

Masa(shi) is the one with the spiky hair who's wearing clothes that are too large for him.

Text: And his friend Isahaya. [His last name is Tenko. If you've forgotten who they are, look back in episodes no. 10 & 11]

Tsukasa is reclining on a beach chair under a patio umbrella with a drink nearby. The dropped newspaper is lying on the floor. She's hooked up to some machine or the other with twin wires going to each injury site.

Tsukasa: "O..." {---And of course...} "...Yo..." She smiles. She's dressed in a T-shirt and shorts but it looks her breasts are bound. [i.e. she looks male]

Masa is all excited. "Tsukasa!! I was just watching TV at Isahaya's place!!"

Tsukasa, flinching: {It's mentioned on TV.} "...O... Oh......"

Masa has large eyes full of respect. "Wow!! Wow!! Ryu niichan and the Kozuki brothers!! You fought against evil to protect the peace on earth!!" {Kakkoii---!!}

Tsukasa, looking blanched. "...A ha ha."

Masa, still all excited: "I can tell at a glance what kind of battle it was like at that Megafloat!!"

Tsukasa: "....Fu fu fu...... Is that right~~~..." {I didn't want to recall the events that took place at Megafloat if possible...} "...Hey~ Masa~~~?"

Masa, with sparkly eyes: "What!?"

Tsukasa: "...If you have a good heart... then could you sort of avoi~~d that topic for awhile~~~?"

Tsukasa suddenly becomes a think hollow version of herself with sunken cheeks and a pale face.

Masa freaks, as does Isahaya.

Masa: "!!"

In the background a woman is doing the Scream. "Kyaaaa!"

Text pointing to the woman: Kaya-san.

Tsukasa: {So at Ryuji's insistence, I'm here home like this......}

Kaya is panicking. "Meiko sensei---!!" {Iyaaaa!} "Tsukasa-kun is suffering from omoidashikoke again!!" {Hurry up and re-inflate her---!!}

Text: Omoidashikoke, a horrible condition where one becomes thin and withdrawn when he/she recalls the events of a desperate battle. [Shell shock? It seems to be a made-up word mind you...]

Tsukasa's field of view is filled with a number of butterflies.

Meiko: "---If you were at Kuryugumi, there's no way you could have avoided all this commotion---..." She's waving a bunch of realistic looking butterflies attached to flexible wires in front of Tsukasa's face.

Text pointing to Meiko's actions: Setting an atmosphere that is totally irrelevant to fighting.

Tsukasa is staring dazedly at the butterflies. "---..." {---But... threw himself in the midst of all that commotion---...}

There's a pic of Ryuji flanked by Bun-san and someone else while reporters try to get answers out of him.

Female reporter: "We've heard that the reason for Megafloat's destruction was to foil Garyukai's plot, but for how long have you known about Garyukai's plans!?"

Male reporter: "Did you realize it when they used civilians to attack you!?"

Tsukasa: {---...Is this---... as if... I'm the only one who's... escaping...? I want to stand where he (Ryuji) does (in danger) next to him. I even said so myself that I wanted to stand at his side... ...But---...}

Ryuji, when he was against her getting involved in the battle against Garyukai: "The ones to stand in the most dangerous position is the kumicho or the seisai!!"

Tsukasa, starting to panic: {...That means... standing next to him means!! That's like agreeing to become that (the seisai)......!! Kuryugumi's seisai......!? Me.........!?}

Her mouth suddenly gapes open and she freaks out Kuryugumi's doctor.

Tsukasa: {Wai... Wait a second...!! I...! I wasn't thinking that far---!!!}

Meiko, shaking Tsukasa frantically: "Tsukasa-kun!? Tsukasa-kun!! What are you thinking about!? What are you confused about!! NO! For you, the best medication is for you to relax and not worry about anything!!" {Forget about whatever you're thinking about right now!!}

Tsukasa, her mouth hanging open: {...Forget.....? ...I can't......! This is something I have to think about right now.........!! AA...! But...!! I don't have the courage to find a solution.........!!}

Words echo in Tsukasa's mind.

"---...Tsukasa... ...You're a strong one------......"

There's an image of her mother as seen on the DVD.

Tsukasa pauses as she recalls her mother's words. "---..."

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"---...Tsukasa------... ---..."

Taku, Toshi and Sho are watching the monitor, with dark shadows over their faces.

Sho: "......"

Taku: "......"

Toshi: "......"

Sho: "...Taku-nii..."

Taku: "...E...?"

Toshi: "...Wasn't it... the Wakasa DVD you had...?"

The message from the Kozuki husband and wife to Tsukasa plays in front of them.

Ikumi: "---Follow through with your seigi---"

Taku: "...Yeah..."

Sho: "Why is it Mom's and Dad's DVD...?"

Taku: "...I wonder why---..."

Toshi starts all of the sudden. "A!! Taku-nii!! You lost the DVD once!!" {There was a huge hole in your pocket!!}

Text above the Kozuki brothers: This is Isahaya-kun's place.

Taku starts. {That's right...!! It was great that we found it but, they must have been switched......!!}

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Some time ago.

There's a pic of the Kozuki brothers running down a hallway in search of the missing DVD.

Toshi: "A! There! It's there Taku-nii---!"

Text above the Kozukis: Thank goodness~~~ We found it before anyone else did~~~

Taku: "I'll put it in my omamori so that I won't lose it anymore."

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Back in the present.

Taku: {...Hey... Wait a minute...!! They're switched...!? ...Then... ...Could it mean...!! That there's the possibility that Tsukasa has the 'Wakasa' DVD------...!?}

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Back in the Kozuki residence.

Meiko: "...My! You had it attached to the back of your belt during the battle!?"

Tsukasa, smiling: "Yup ©" {Since it's my omamori!}

Meiko: "That's sweet of you--- ©" She brings out a DVD player out of nowhere.

Text pointing to the DVD player: Mei-chan's.

Meiko: "Here you go, a DVD player." {It can play old ones too.}

Tsukasa: "Arigato Meiko sensei--- ©" Looking down at the DVD, she smiles again. "......" {I'll see Dad and Mom---... and get some courage from their words...}

Click. Tsukasa presses the play button.

Both she and Meiko are leaning forward in anticipation.

Tsukasa: {Fu fu fu. I already remember the beginning~~~~~~. First it's ...'Genki? Tsukasa.'} [Genki = active, lively, healthy. As a question, it can mean "Are you well?/How are you?]

Voice from the DVD: "---...Forgive me... Tsukasa..."

Meiko has round eyes. Tsukasa shows narrow eyes of disbelief.

Wakasa: "...It's not something that I can say to you when I'm going to be leave you but---..."

The image on the screen shows a young woman with long black hair looking rather nervous.

Wakasa: " ---Still... I... ah... want to say something---..."

Tsukasa: {------!!?}

[Damn! Wakasa speaks in the Osaka dialect!! It's gonna be hard to translate!!!!!]


visits since July 15, 2001