Tokyo Crazy Paradise
Hana to Yume
2001 vol. 12, episode no. 100
Translation by Yuki-chan

The episode title page is in colour (a double spread) and features Tsukasa in the foreground, Ryuji in the middleground. Tsukasa is wearing a pink checkered top.. and a black bow tie (loosened). She's also wearing a silver bracelet and is carrying a black hat. Ryuji is wearing a black shirt, white pants and a blue coat with a white lining. Behind them is a fence and some greenery.

Text: Rest the wings of fighting... A holiday (day of rest) for the two of them on a day scented with the summer breeze. [Crappy translation... really crappy...]

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Tsukasa: {---...Dear Dad and Mom, Today, the sky here in Tokyo is amazingly blue with white clouds. On a day like this, it feels that even my heart will leap---}

A worried looking Tsubaki puts his hand to Tsukasa's forehead. A forgotten crutch falls from Tsukasa's left hand. It looks like Tsukasa's right hand is in a special glove. Toshi, Sho, Tsubaki and Tsukasa are all dressed in their school uniforms.

Azuma: "......"

Taku: "..."

Tsukasa: "...Huh......?"

Tsubaki: "......"

Toshi and Sho are nervously standing nearby.

Toshi: "......"

Sho: "......"

Tsukasa: "...I... Was I... just talking out loud?" {By any chance?} She points to herself.

Toshi, Sho and Tsubaki worriedly: "...Yup......."

Tsukasa, with sparkles around her. "Fu fu... Oh man...... I'm actually a poet and I've just recited out loud......"

Tsubaki: "Kozuki... That's more like a diary entry than a poem."

Sho and Toshi cluster around Taku and Azuma.

Sho: "...Taku-nii... Do you think Tsukasa is all right---...?"

Toshi: "She appears fine but I bet she's pretty shocked---..."

Azuma, listening with interest: "......"

Taku: "...U~~~n..."

Toshi, looking slightly ticked: {'Cause} "...Anohito (That woman)...... said a lot of unnecessary things don't you think?" {That was a bit callous towards a child.}

Azuma, his heart beating furiously: "......! ......!"

Taku, in thought: "U~~~~~~nn."

Azuma, shyly: "...A... Um... ...Isn't... that referring to Wakasa-san's DVD......?" {The one Tsukasa-san purportedly saw......"

Toshi: "Yeah."

Azuma: "...What...... did Wakasa-san have to say......?" He has large sparkly eyes and is heart is beating in anticipation.

Toshi eyes him suspiciously. "......" He starts to walk away. "...I can't say that to someone who's so interested that they have sparkling eyes of wonder." {Ask Tsukasa.}

Azuma, disappointed: "Aa! But......!" {Are you saying that I should ask Tsukasa-san herself about things that may have hurt her--!? How brutal!!}

Taku: "...Azuma-san......"

Azuma turns with twin rivers from his eyes. "...Hau......."

Taku: "...I think...... ...even though it's only been a few days since we returned from Megafloat, the reason for her wanting to go to school has something to do with 'her message' influencing her......" He watches as Toshi joins the others.

Azuma: "...I see... ...If it will divert Tsukasa-san for awhile then I will gladly help..."

Taku smiles. "...Arigato gozaimasu------..."

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In the car.

A nervous Tsukasa reassures herself that something in her pocket are still there.

Sho notices: "Tsukasa? Is there something in your pocket?"

Tsukasa starts, shaking her head vigorously. "No. No!" {Nothing!!}

Sho's sitting next to Tsukasa, holding her school bag.

Tsukasa turns away to look out the window and blushes a little. "......"

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Reaching the school, the party gets out of Azuma's car.

Voice: "A------! There you are------!"

Sumire makes a grand reappearance. "Tsuka-cha---n" [In case you've forgotten, Tsuka-chan is Sumire's nickname for Tsukasa.]

Tsubaki: "...A. Sumire. Kozuki... You... better prepare yourself." He sweat drops.

Tsukasa: "E? What?"

The next frame shows a fierce Sumire close up with fangs. "------SO!? SO!? SO!? SO!? SO!? SO!? SO!? WHAT'S HAPPENING WITH ASA-YAN!?"

Sumire is seen backing Tsukasa up in her chair. The force of her words blows Tsukasa's hair back.

Tsubaki, holding a drink: "..." He looks down in shame.

Tsukasa: {...I see...... It's this......} Holding up her hands as if to ward off Sumire, she explains all she knows. "...But... ...really... even if you ask me, you won't learn much...... Since I've been back, haven't associated with Kuryugumi so I don't know..." {Expect for the fact that a different medical team was on standby at another site away from were we were. And that they found Asago and some cop------...}

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As the ground heaved, the medical team members in white lab coats hung on to the ambulance.


A little distance away, Asago and Munakata were struggling to make their way to safety as the building crumbled down around them.

Asago is trying to support him but falls to her knees. Munakata is holding her shielding her back while Asago tries to protect his head as the rubble fell.

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Sumire, clearly surprised: "---Asa-yan did that? Protecting a cop you say?" {Now that's unusual...} "WHY!?"

Text below Sumire: Police = dislike is the association here.

Tsukasa: "...Dunno..." {I don't get it either.}

The Kozukis and the Asaba twins are sitting around a table sipping drinks.

Sumire: "...H-m... Then so then even you don't know what's going on..."

Tsukasa: "...Yup... It sounds like she's in a public hospital..."

The digital clock on the wall reads 8:15.

Sumire: "What hospital's Asa-yan in? ...Aren't the kumiin in several different hospitals too?"

Tsukasa is staring intently at the clock. "...... ...... ...... ...... ......"

Sumire: "......" She follows Tsukasa's gaze. "Heeeey!!" She slams her fist on Tsukasa's head.

Tsubaki: "A!"

Tsukasa turns into dog form, her jaw dropping a mile.

Tsubaki: "Sumire--!! You--!! What the hell are you doing!!?" {Kozuki's injured---!!}

Sumire: "Shut up!! It's because he's thinking of something else when I'm asking an important question!!"

Tsukasa, still in dog form staggers around. "Nooo... Hoa...... I remember this pain~~~ Déjà vu... like Asago's fist~~~"

Sho, worriedly: "...Tsukasa... ...It seems like... you've been restless since this morning...... Is something up...?"

Tsukasa stands up straight. "Why!? No!? Nothing's up!" She turns to her younger brother.

Sho, looking exasperated: "...Why are you talking in such short sentences?" {Something's strange......}

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Earlier that morning.

Meiko hands Tsukasa a mobile phone (the kind with the display).

Meiko: "---Here Tsukasa-kun, keep this. Sandaime will call today at 8------" {I was given this.} She smiles as she's tending to Tsukasa's wounds.

Text at the bottom of the frame: That was when she came this morning to treat my wounds.

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Tsukasa: {...Humph...!} She rustles in her pocket to pull out the phone. Glaring at it with distaste, she sprouts a popped vein. {...What's this 8 o'clock thing......? It's already 9, that lying Ryuji.}

The teacher turns to Tsukasa: "Kozuki-kun--- Are you all right---? Are your injuries tiring you------?"

Tsukasa smiles back at the teacher, waving her hand.

She suddenly transforms into a gang member, sitting in her chair in a sloppy manner. {Or what is this? Does 8 mean 8 at night Shirogami-san?}

Text: Feels like a chinpira. [chinpira = hoodlum, gang member]

The phone rings all of the sudden.

She starts and whirls to face the phone lying on her desk.

It rings again.

Tsukasa: {Here it is---!!} She reaches for the phone. {---Wait!! If I were to respond at once wouldn't it seem like I was looking forward to it!!? I can't!! I have to let it ring some more!! That's right!! Five times!! I'll count to five!!} "One, two, three, four" The phone is ringing a number of times. Tsukasa is imagining a bunch of dogs sitting patiently waiting for the food to be served.

Text: In waiting mode.

Tsukasa's dog ears and tail are twitching, trying not to refrain from touching the phone.

Tsukasa: "Five" {Yess------!!} She eagerly dives for the phone which suddenly stops.

All she hears is a dial tone.

Tsukasa: "...... Bakayaro------!! Don't hang up just because you had to wait five rings---!!" She gets up and throws the phone on the desk. {Are you some impatient kid or something------!?}

A nearby male student sweat drops. {...No... That was 13 rings Kozuki-kun......}

Text pointing to Tsukasa: While she was deciding what to do, it rang another 8 times.

Tsukasa: "---..." She looks at the phone sadly. "...Damn..." She whispers.

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Ryuji sighs and flips the phone shut. "---..."

Meiko: "---...Oh...? ...Tsukasa-kun... didn't answer?"

Ryuji: "... ...Aa......" He's dressed in a black suit and tie, and Meiko is dressed in black attire as well.

Meiko: "...That's too bad... This is probably the only time you have available..." {Your 8 o'clock promise was ruined because of your schedule as well......}

Ryuji: "...... ...I wish... ...I could have at least let her know before it started......" {---...And also... I wanted to hear her voice------...}

A little off in the distance, men in dark suits are milling around.

Meiko: "...Tsukasa-kun... seemed pretty genki this morning...? ...Outwardly anyways---..."

Ryuji: {Since I can't be at her side now, I want to ---... her voice}

Meiko: "It's not like it couldn't have bothered her------... Since it was the words from her true mother------..."

Ryuji thinks a moment, remembering Tsukasa's smile. He bows his head and closes his eyes. {...No---... ...I'd rather---------...} He pictures himself with his arms wrapped around Tsukasa. [Iya! Kawaii ©]


A voice breaks his train of thought.

Meiko and Ryuji: "!"

Bun-san, also dressed in black: "...It's about time------..."

Ryuji, almost reluctantly: "...Aa..." He stares down at the phone in his hand. "......"

Meiko has gone ahead but Bun-san glances back at Ryuji.

Ryuji opens the phone and taps at the keyboard.

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Later at lunchtime.

Tsubaki: "Kozuki~~~ Let's eat lunch------! Lunch..." He notices Tsukasa's crying with huge sparkly eyes. "...WHAT'S WRONG!?"

Tsukasa: "...Nothing..." There are sparkles around her as well.

Text around Tsukasa: Tears come to people when they are too happy------...

Tsukasa, eagerly opening her lunch: "Lunch © lunch © It's a Kaya-san special lunch."

Tsubaki: "How cool. Today it was Sumire's turn to make lunch--- I prefer Azuma's---"

Tsukasa: "Is the mister's cooking great!?" {That's rather unexpected.}

Tsubaki: "Well yeah, since he's looking after 2 gakis~~~" {He can get married any time.}

"---Today at 10 am at the Shinchyuonkou temple there was the funeral held for the kumiin who were not able to return home following the 'East-West drug war' at Megafloat International Airport."

Tsukasa's dog ears perk up and Tsubaki starts as well.

Tsubaki: "A."

Tsukasa: "......" A dog faced Tsukasa starts shaking and sweating like a cornered animal complete with her ears down.

Tsubaki: "Kozuki no! Don't listen!!"

"The funeral was attended by Kuryugumi's kanbu and a large number of kumiin."

Tsukasa turns to the sound of the announcement to see 2 students watching the news via computer.

Tsukasa: {---...E......!?} She stalks over to the computer, scaring her classmate.

Classmate: "!!"

Tsukasa: {Wha...}

"Following the attendees offering incense to their fallen, Kuryugumi's sandaime kumicho quietly expressed parting words---"

An image on the monitor shows Ryuji at a microphone saying farewell to the fallen kumiin.

Tsukasa: {---Wha... What------!!? ---...Wh... Why......!! Why didn't you tell me about such an important thing------!! Ryuji------...!!} She starts.

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Apparently, the phone she borrowed rang once after that first time

Tsukasa: "......" The phone is silent. "?"

She glanced at the clock and noticed the time.

Tsukasa: {---That one ring just before 10.}

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Pulling out the phone, she flips it open to notice a text message.

	Sent mail 2021/6/3 9:47
Tsukasa: {---It ...wasn't a phone call------......} Her eyes sadden as she scans the message. {---...I---... probably really caused him grief------...... ...In such a solemn place where only the kanbu, kumiin, and Kuryugumi's relatives are massing............ ------My request that I want to remain 'katagi'------... though I deny that I'm ''Wakasa's daughter'' of course there's no way,}

Tears fall from her eyes.

A worried looking Tsubaki peers at her face. "...Kozuki...? What's wrong......!?"

Tsukasa: {He wouldn't have agonized over inviting me to attend------......}

Hiding her face behind the phone, her tears fall silently.

Tsubaki: "...Kozuki......?"

Tsukasa: "...It's nothing......" {---...Ryuji------......}

Today at 10 am the mass funeral for Kuryugumi will be held. Sorry I couldn't let you know about it until the last minute. I was thinking of having Kamojima take it with him as a conversation topic with father...

Tsukasa pictures Kamo-san proudly holding the ashtray as if talking about it fondly to someone. She pictures Kamo-san dressed in a suit and tie as usual, against a background of a blue sky with fluffy clouds and feathers floating down.

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Azuma: "...Tsukasa-an...?"

Tsukasa: "Yup?"

Azuma: "Is the dirt path rough on you?"

Tsukasa: "Yeah... I'm fine." {Though it's hard to walk.} She hobbles along with her crutch.

Looks like Azuma is accompanying Tsukasa somewhere and Tsubaki is nowhere to be seen. The path seem to be lined with trees leading to a large area up ahead.

Tsukasa: "Sorry... mister for using you like this."

Azuma smiles down at her. "...Not at all." {I'm glad to be of assistance.}

Tsukasa: "...Still... This temple is huge..." {How far does this path lead?}

Azuma: "Well... that's likely because the supporters for this temple are rich......"

Tsukasa: "H-m. They're all rich?"

Azuma, sweat dropping. "Well it's not that they're all rich but they're all gokudo members." He laughs uneasily.

Tsukasa: "Ge!" {No way! A temple designated for the gokudo!?}

Suddenly, she hears a ringing noise.

Azuma: "Oh?"

Tsukasa: "!!?"

Azuma: "Is that a phone?"

Tsukasa freaks. "!!!" {Ryuji!!?}

Panicking, she reaches for the phone in the pocket of her school uniform.

Azuma: "Tsukasa-san, calm down. Calm down."

Tsukasa: {It's going to stop! It's going to stop!!}

Flipping the phone open, she jabs at the talk key.

Tsukasa: "Hai! Hel..."

Ryuji: "---It's me." Ryuji's image is seen on the tiny monitor.

Tsukasa: "...!"

She lets out the breath she had been holding and smiles.

Tsukasa: {...Ryu---...} She takes a better look at the monitor. "... ---... You're breaking out...?"

Azuma stoops over to glance at the monitor as well and they both sweat drop.

Ryuji: "---... ---...Is that... the only thing you have to say to me---...?" {That's a bit disappointing.}

Tsukasa: "......" {...That's because---... the Ryuji at lunch was much smaller and I didn't notice......... ...... He looks really tired... I bet he hasn't rested at all...} "...At lunch... saw the news...... Sorry about the phone..."

Ryuji: "...No... Same here..."

Tsukasa: {...Probably taking a nap while sitting at the sofa as usual...}

Ryuji: "For going ahead with the decision---..."

Tsukasa: {...Drinking sake instead of eating, smoking instead of venting his grief------...}

Ryuji: "Actually... personally I wanted just the two of us sending Kamojima off------..." Holding a hand to his mouth, he looks away in his moment of expressing emotion. "...... ...Forgive me... ...forget... that one just now..."

The wind picks up behind Tsukasa blowing leaves.

Words she heard recently cross her mind.

"---...If left alone, he would drive himself to death------..."

Tsukasa recalls the contents of the DVD she watched with a nervous looking Meiko behind her.

Ryuji: "......" He wonders about her silence. "...Are you angry...?"

Tsukasa: "...... ...No..."

"I want to aid him---------"

Such were the words coming from a determined looking Wakasa.

Tsukasa closes her eyes for a moment. "------... ...Ryuji------..."

Ryuji: "------...N...?"

Tsukasa, showing eyes of worry. "------...I want to see you---------..."


visits since July 27, 2001