Role Playing

Although my name is Enrico Millo, and I'm a physics student and a piano teacher, almost once a week I became the master of wizardry Uwhn, specialized in dragon lore.

Born in the Grand Duchy of Karameikos, me, the small blue dragon Lapis on my shoulder, and a party of other five heroes are the pride of our country, defeating goblins, orcs, giants and other evil creatures.

Some years ago our country has fallen in evil hands, death and cold ruling everywhere, and an army of skeletons and ghouls leaded by haunts and lichs enslaving people.

All happened while we were guests in another plane of Existence for a period that for us was months and for our prime plane was years.

But we were back soon after, and evil, not yet knowing it, had a bitter surprise.

Our country was in danger, but we defeated evil, and the Black Eagle Barony, which had a principal role in the events.

Am I suddenly become mad ? Slow down, this is just a part of my parallel life, lived with my friends on thursday nights while playing Dungeons&Dragons, a marvellous game which I have been playing for seven years and still enjoy me so much.

In comparison with many other fantasy role playing games, maybe more evolved, its simplicity make it in my opinion surely the best.

Rules are easy, and make everyone enjoy it since the very beginning. But it may be customized while playing, and after many years this is certainly no trouble.

Somebody else of my party is going to show his D&D's character on the web: now you can see only Radlo, our thief and our two dwarves: Konn and Taron

Maybe, in the future, you will be able to see some more links in this page, but until then here is a presentation of my Character:

My name is UWHN, as I had said above, and I am a master of wizardry of 30th level

I'm 6'4.4'' tall, while my weight is of 220 pounds and 7 ounces; I know five languages; I have green eyes and red hair, and my love for red wine is my only (?) defect. I have a treasure worth 500'000 gold pieces, and a large library.

I'm very skilled using staff and dagger, and expert in disguise and harp building. Harp is my favorite musical instruments and usually my Harp of Charm can be heard accompanying my singing performances.

I have a good charisma, and this helps me a lot while I buy and sell: few resist to my bargaining. My lore is not of mere magic, because nocturne sky above me and wildlife in woods are no secret to me and I can even heal little wounds without help from magic or any god.

My ability in resolving troubles has more than once get my party out of mess, as well as good wine has helped in getting into trouble.

My interest in dragons developed while me and my friend Balder (an elf) were in the Principalities of Glantri, a magocracy at the north-west of our country. I have learned there how to speak safely with a dragons, and only some very huge of them still frighten me. When I'm in danger I can let dragon scales grow over my skin to protect me better.

Blue dragon and their electricity are those I like, and it has not been long ago that my little dragon pet Lapis became an inseparable friend of mine. Even if he's not what can be told large, he is capable of quite a damage when angry, and my ability to see through his eyes aid me in fighting without exposing myself.

Not very long ago I started to create new magic objects, and until now my successful tries presented me a Staff of Anti-Magic Shell, the up mentioned Harp of Charm and the most recent: a tristone of Heal and Pacifism.

Other magical items in my possession are the gauntlets of ogre power, a pendant found during a long campaign which makes me understand and be understood in any of the languages I have tried to, and a magic backpack made by dark elves that protect the items inside and lightens the luggage.


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