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Reviewed By Nix Eclipse as part of Zombie-A-Go-Go!

Genre: Mad Scientists, Pissed-Off Zombies & Barbara Crampton's Boobies
Director: Stuart "From Beyond" Gordon
Writers: Stuart "Castle Freak" Gordon
Dennis "Dagon" Paoli
& William "No relation to Chuck" Norris
Based on the stories of H.P. "Our (Elder) God Who Art In (Horror) Heaven" Lovecraft
Featuring: Jeffrey "Frightmare" Combs
Barbara "Chopping Mall" Crampton
& David "The Brain" Gale

Herbert. Herbert West.

Damn. How do you approach Re-Animator? This is one of those films that defined me as a person. Can I say anything that would do it justice? I can't yell and foam at the mouth over how bad it is, 'cuz it's a great fucking movie. How do I make this entertaining, at all?

Re-Animator is one of those films that has attained cult status. Sorta like Texas Chainsaw Massacre. If you didn't see it when it first came out, it sounds much more bloody and offensive than it actually is.

But this film is much more than it seems. It has great acting, scripting, and direction. And, btw, no animals were killed or injured in the making of this film. The credits just told me that, so it must be important.

The basics: Herbert West (Jeffrey Combs) has created a fluid that can revive the dead. Only problem is they're all pissed off and kill people when they are re-animated. West moves in with fellow med student Dan (Bruce Abbot) and they both work to find the secret to make the serum work. Chaos ensues.

Did I really need to tell you that? You've seen it, right? No? You fool! This is one of few films to play in theaters without a fucking rating. Get your ass off the couch and buy it, goddammit! It will change your life.

Just watching it, again, has made me aware of one of the best aspects of this film. The music. Sure, Richard Band ripped off Psycho, but his sound-track really propels and supports the film. Without the great music, this might not have worked.

Now, I should be talking about Jeffrey Combs as Herbert, but I really want to focus on Dan (Bruce Abbott). Without him, this wouldn't work, either.

Herbert is, obviously, a nutcase. Dan gives us the character we can identify with. And Bruce Abbot is a great fucking actor. He gives a fantastic performance. You really end up liking his character.

David Gale as Dr. Hill: What a loss. He could have been the new Vincent Price. And he's dead. Fuck.

How about Barbara Cramptons' tits? They gave a great performance, didn't they? Damn, bitch! Take that sweater off! No, seriously. She is a great actress. And her tits are sweet!

So, Re-Animator: Watch this fucker. It's like nothing you've ever seen.

Nix Says: The final shot is classic.

Screen Shots______________
Thank you, Stuart Gordon.

That fuckin' guy.

Don't even think about what's in that beaker.

"Mac! Somebody got to the BLOOD!"

Again, thank you, Mr. Gordon.

"I'm coming for YOU, Hulk Hogan!"

H.O.P.E.L.E.S.S. Rating:
- Whether you like the insane plot or the low budget, there's plenty to fuck with your head.

Sequels: Bride of Re-Animator , Beyond Re-Animator


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It sucked sweaty boiled eggs.
No better or worse than I'd expect from a movie review.
Very entertaining (i.e. it kicked generous helpings of the proverbial ass!) and I'd like to find out more about this topic at my local library, because "Knowledge is power"!
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All materials found within this review are the intellectual properties and opinions of the original writer. The Tomb of Anubis claims no responsibility for the views expressed in this review, but we do lay a copyright claim on it beeyotch, so don't steal from this shit or we'll have to go all Farmer Vincent on your silly asses. © March 5th 2006 and beyond, not to be reproduced in any way without the express written consent of the reviewer and the Tomb of Anubis or pain of a physical and legal nature will follow. Touch not lest ye be touched.


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