Members Page

2007-2009 Chapter Officers 

Regent ~~~ C. Annelies Mouring 
Vice Regent ~~~ Virginia S. Davis 
Chaplain ~~~ Margaret Englehardt 
Recording Secretary ~~~ Beverly Frasure 
Corresponding Secretary ~~~ Marijane Coffyn 
Treasurer ~~~ Barbara Struve 
Registrar ~~~ Brenda Pike 
Historian ~~~ Martha Woods 
Librarian~~~ Marilyn Ottevaere 

The National Board of Management confirmed the appointment of Mrs. William J. Shukis as Organizing Regent of the Spirit of Liberty Chapter NSDAR on February 5, 2000, with thirteen members.

Organizing Members

Marjorie Renegar Cenower
Virginia Schaaf Davis
Rosalie Hart Gill
Nancy Bowman Kindred
Vanessa Leigh Kite 
Patrice Virginia Lanier
Laural Shukis Legan
Jennifer Gould Napier
Margie Burrell Sandell
Shelley Ann Sandell
Joanne Stamp Shukis
Ann Cenower Swilley
Linda Klunkert Swift


Anna Hart House 
Vanessa Leigh Kite