
    To the Lighthouse was set on the Isle of Skye, located off the coast of Scotland.  Most of the events took place in the summerhouse of the Ramseys , located by the sea coast.  The sea and lighthouse were important elements in the setting, and played an essential role in the novel.  To the Lighthouse took place in three time periods, in accordance with the three books in the novel.  The first book, "The Window," took place in the time before the first World War.  The second book "Time Passes," took place ten years later on the Isle of Skye, but with the absence of people.  The use of nature to shift the time period was done smoothly enough that the progression seems to be only one year.  The last book, "The Lighthouse," was set after the first world war.  The atmosphere of To the Lighthouse was one of contemplation and pondering.  It seems secluded because much of the context takes place in the minds of the individual characters, as they react to past, present, or future situations. 


 Introduction     Author Background     Setting    Plot    Characters

Figurative Language    Diction/ Syntax    Tone    Themes/ Motifs

Memorable Quotes    Meet the Designers

