Lucky woke up in the middle of the night, in cold sweat. He couldn't remember what woke him up, but he was now wide awake. Knowing it would be a while before he could go back to sleep, he got up, sat next to Elizabeth's bed and watched her sleep. She was so peaceful, so beautiful. Still today, after all they've been through together, he couldn't believe how lucky he was to have her by his side. She was just amazing. The strongest person Lucky had ever met. And she loved him so much. Who else would have left everything behind to follow her teenage boyfriend on the run? Who else would trust him so completely, so thoroughly after the rape? Who else would just love him, admire him, endure him and his moods swings?

Knowing someone was looking at her, Elizabeth slowly woke up. Seeing Lucky by her side brought a smile to her face.

"-Hey there Richard, she said with a smile, what are you doing looking at me in the middle of the night?

-Well, I have to check on my baby sisteer don't I? He asked, smiling back

-You need your sleep to drive us wherevver we're going tomorrow. Go back to sleep

-You're right, goodnight, he said, gettting up

-What about my goodnight kiss? She askked"

Lucky leaned down and gently brushed his lips with hers. He whispered "I love you" and got into his bed, putting both his arms under his head and stared at the ceiling. Even though he told Elizabeth everything would be all right, the truth was, he didn't know. After all, it has been nearly 6 years since he's been on the run, he knew how to take care of himself in a city he knew, but what about taking care of Elizabeth in a city of strangers? Luke gave them enough money to last a while, but what if that wasn't enough? What if his credit cards didn't work for some reasons? Or the phony IDs he had for him and Elizabeth got them in troubles, how would they get out of it? They needed to lose the truck, but how would they get a car?

Before he knew it he was sleeping from the exhaustion. He woke up the next day, with breakfast smells. The room was filled with light and Elizabeth was up, dressed, and ready to start the day.

"-Hey there sleepy head, how are you? She said

-What time is it?

-A little after 7. I got us breakfast at the little restaurant on the other side of the street. But you are no fun!

-Come again?

-I was looking forward to waking you upp with a kiss!

-I'm so tired, can barely keep my eyes open, he said with a smile"

Elizabeth laughed and kissed him. He sat on his bed and ate his breakfast, he didn't even know he was starving until the first piece of muffin was in his mouth. They packed their stuff and he paid the desk. They had to be out of there as soon as they could, and Lucky still didn't know how he would pay for a new car.

Driving on the little roads, listening to music, Lucky saw a car by the side of the road, with a "for sale" sing in the window. He pulled on the side of the road and he ran the doorbell. An old man opened the door, and smiled at Lucky.

"-What can I do for you lad?

-Well, I saw the car for sale, and I'd like to know more about it

-The old celebrity? Sure, come with mee"

The man told him the car needed some fixing up, but that it wasn't that bad. Lucky thought the price was reasonable, and he gave 200$ more to be able to take it right away, not wait for the changes to be made. He even gave the pick up to the man in exchange. When Lucky said that, the old man didn't want the money anymore.

"-Come on Lad, let's just call it a trade OK?

-But sir

-No Buts! I don't know why you need too change cars so much, but if you are in trouble, you need your money. So leave me your truck and take the celebrity.

-Thank you very much"

Elizabeth was stunned when they took their stuff out of the truck. Lucky told her they would stop at the next town to get something to eat and rest a little. After all, it was already past 4, and he had been driving all day.

"-I think we can stop here for a while. If Helena's man are chasing us, they won't think we would be foolish to stop right now you know? They'll probably be waiting for us in California or something."

Lucky found a motel that rented room for weeks, or even months, and he rented one, taking once again the identity of Richard Jackson. Elizabeth and he went to the restaurant, and, while they were waiting for their food, Lucky saw a little boy trying to open the car door. He ran outside, and, when the boy saw Lucky coming at him, he started to run but Lucky caught up with him, taking him by the sweater. He was asking him what the hell he thought he was doing when Elizabeth came up from behind Lucky;

"-Richard, stop that, you are scaring him!

-Scaring him? He's a little thief Canddice! He tried to rob us just now!

-Is that true? Elizabeth asked the litttle boy

-Mind your own business! The boy answeered

-See what I mean? He has a serious casse of attitude! Come with us

-I'm not going anywhere with you! Saidd the boy, trying to escape Lucky's grip

-It's either with us or the police!"

> The boy calmed down and Lucky took him to his motel room, pushing him inside.

"-Sit! Said Lucky

-I'm not a dog! Answered the boy

-What's your name? Asked Elizabeth

-What's yours? He answered

-I'm Candice and this is my brother Ricchard. Now, wanna tell me yours?


-And where are your parents Jeremy? Assked Lucky

-I don't know! I was hungry OK? I saww a bag on the backseat and I thought maybe there was something to eat inside

-Where do you live? Elizabeth asked

> -Everywhere.

-You mean on the streets? Replied Luckky

-Yeah so? It was either that or the ceenter, and I don't like it there. So I took off!

-How old are you Jeremy?

-I'm seven but what do you care?"

Lucky looked at Elizabeth and he saw her eyes were full of tears. Wasn't it awful? A little boy, just a little older than Lesley Lu, was living on the street, in cold winter, with only a sweater and nothing to eat. Lucky took pity on him

"-Listen kid


-Jeremy. Sorry. We have to get back tto the restaurant and you are welcome to join us. Your diner's on me

-I tried to steal from you and you are buying me diner?

-Well, I've been driving for two days nnow and, when I ran after you, you gave me the exercise I needed. Come on"

Elizabeth had fun with the boy. He was full of stories, and Lucky saw he was quite resourceful. Kinda like Lucky was when he was his age. The waitress even asked them if the boy was their baby brother, she said he looked like Lucky a little. Elizabeth laughed when the lady left, getting Lucky to throw her a piece of his pizza.

After diner, Lucky asked Jeremy if he would be OK for the night, and the boy told him he had been OK before them, and he would be now. Lucky didn't want to let him go, Elizabeth didn't want either, but what else could they do? Nothing, really.

They were both fast asleep, after Lucky took Jeremy to the shack he was living under, when they heard a bang on their door. Lucky yelled at Elizabeth to hide in the bathroom, while he took the baseball bat he always kept with him. Lucky saw it was already morning, but still, keeping his baseball behind his back, he opened the door, only to see Jeremy with a police officer. When he saw Lucky, the boy said;

"-Richard! Before running in his arms"

Lucky thought he was cold like hell, since he was only wearing a pair of sweat pants, no shirt, and the boy came from outside.

"-We found him trying to steal from Leann's convenience store. Said the police man. When we said we would call his parents, he said he didn't know his phone number, he just moved here, and he gave us your address. Is this your son?"


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