
       The Kamchatka Peninsula is situated in the North-East extremity of Russian Federation.
   The total area is 472.300 sq.km. and population is about 400.000 people. The huge part of its territory is uninhabited and represents itself wilderness, partly it is impassable jungle, partly it is beautiful north tundra, both are natural habitat of unscarred beasts, innumerable rivers and lakes both full of fish, sometimes the landscape recalls the surface of Moon, but sometimes you can feel yourself like in a Paradise.
      If you take a look at the map of the Peninsula you can see several outlined areas which are on our opinion most interesting for an acquaintance. So some pages of our site will be dedicated to these areas.
 North of all it is the area of aboriginals. You will learn a little of their history as well as of nowadays life.
 A bit lower it is a circle around an area of the biggest volcanoes of Asia. You will see several pictures of volcanoes and learn about catastrophic eruptions at Kamchatka.
 Right of the Peninsula within a trapezoid the Commander Islands lie and you will learn about this least known part of Russia
 The parallelogram in the mid of the peninsula outlines the Kronotsky biosphere Reserve together with the well known Geyser Valley
 The circle below the Reserve comprises Petropavlovsk city and vicinity
 At the south outskirts another Reserve is established. You will see a few pictures with a little description.

You may click on any outlined
area to open the next page

   Source of Information of this site:
1.Reference book "Kamchatka 2002".
Author and editor E.Ribachenko.
2."The pages of Kamchatka history" Author V.Cergeev.
3.Kamchatka tourist's hand-book.
Author V.Kirilov.
4.Kamchatka.Sites of World Nature Heritage. Author E.Lobkov 5.Authors of pictures are: A.Diakov, N.Kraev, A.Komisaruk, A.Nechaev, M.Zelensky, E.Alesin, Y.Muraviev, A.Khrenov, E.Lobkov, Y.Zakharov
With my thanks to them.
Commandor Islands Kronotsky biosphere Reserve and Geyser Valley Biggest Volcanoes Petropavlovsk Aboriginals South Reserve