Trans-Pacific Exchange Program
American Society and Business 1999


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© 1999 Lai Ying Loong
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The 1999 Treat Fellows
Front (L-R): Nathan, Timmy, Lisabeth and Rita
Back (L-R): Gabe, Ying, Lauren and Chad

Every year, eight motivated Stanford students are chosen for a unique opportunity to interact with other Asian college students through the Treat Cross-Cultural Fellowship program. The Treat Fellows meet with Asian students visiting the Stanford campus from top universities in Japan, Singapore and Thailand to discuss ideas, share visions of the future, and make long-lasting international relationships. In the summer, the Treat fellows then fly across the Pacific for a study trip in which they are reunited with the Asian students for more intercultural study.

This year's eight Fellowship recipients were chosen after a grueling decision-making process. they were the top candidates from a pool of nearly fifty applicants. They are among the most excited, sincere and interesting students at Stanford.

The eight (wonderful!) Treat Fellows for 1999 are as follows:
Take a look at them in Black-and-White!