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MHBC Youth Quarterly Bulletin "TRAIL"

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From the Editor's Desk

In the last three months we have faced so many trials and gone through enormous challenges. We have experienced loss of beloved ones who left for their heavenly abode but we also celebrated the growth of new families in Christ. Life indeed is a paradox for the very same life, which is the essence of our existence fills us with much trepidation because most of us forget to rejoice how richly blessed we are.
A bigger portion of our lives is spent worrying about what awaits us tomorrow. And to spend it worrying why or how things happen is to miss out on a happy, content and fruitful life as God intends. Surely, every deed, every action and every incident is not an accident. There is a greater design to the world than we know. When we accept that things happen for a reason, that the chain of events are all related to one goal, we then recognize the power of a being greater than anything else at work. And this knowledge brings reassurance of good things even in the most desolate times.
Somebody once said “I am going to a special place when I die, but I want to make sure my life is special while I am here”. So when we stand at the crossroads unsure of life, when we doubt the purpose of our existence, as surely we all will at one point in our lives, we need only pray- “Lord I do believe. Help me believe more” (Mark 9:24). We may never unravel the mysteries of the why’s, if’s and how’s of life but with faith and hope we find new meaning to our existence.

From the Youth Director’s Desk. Neino Zhotso, Youth Director

It is wonderful to see the grace of God manifested in the lives of many youngsters as they submitted their lives to God and accepted Him as their personal Saviour in the last camp. We also witnessed the faithfulness of God as He poured out His spirit to the craving souls.
Spiritual life commences as one is born of the Holy Spirit. We are now alive unto God, who works in us by His Holy Spirit to reflect His character. The Holy Spirit works in us to make us holy even as God is holy. “As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as He who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do”. (I Peter 1:14, 15)
As human beings, we have our natural inclination and we cannot resist these passions unless we have our strength from God. When you are tempted to the things contradictory to God’s will, be purposeful in your heart. “I will maintain my righteousness and never let go of it…..” (Job 27:6)
Life in Christ may not always be smooth and at times you may want to give up living for Jesus who is leading you to eternal life. Remember what Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33). We have the assurance of victory if we rely on Jesus on a daily basis.
In this generation too, we need men and women of Daniel who will resolve not to defile themselves with anything that is not of God. But rather pray, study the word of God, have fellowship with believers and be prepared to accomplish great things from God.

Spiritual Diary
Vikhor Tepa

I remember the first time I entered a painting competition. The kids were given choices to paint based on certain themes. I decided to paint on the theme “Children’s Park” and with my imaginations running wild I had already made a beautiful park with lots of children playing around.
The real test of a competitor came when I had to start painting. To cut it short, it all ended up in a mess and I had to leave the competition. That was one learning experience. The following years I practiced harder and of course yielded better results.
“Then another servant came and said, sir here is your mina; I have kept it laid in a piece of cloth.…………
Then he said to those standing by, take his mina away from him and give it to the one who has ten minas.”(Luke 19:11-27)
When God created men He blessed everyone with gifts and talents. I never realized, painting was in my genes until the time I tried again and again to discover that it was something I could do without much difficulty and develop it further. Now I am always very careful so that I do not misuse it and lose it. All that I am today is because of what God has done in my life. I’m eternally indebted to Him and the only way I can repay Him is to make the best use of what He’s given me.
I’m always elated and overwhelmed with joy and contentment when I complete a painting to my satisfaction and I’m sure it is the same with any artist. When God Himself is the master craftsman, how much more would He be happy to see us, the climax of His creation?
God gave me this special gift but I never knew what it was. He just placed it in my life and signed it, Best Wishes, GOD. What do you have in your gift box? Open and see what the lord has presented you.


It was the year 2002. August 24th was the fateful day my brother Johnny who was so close to me passed away. With the initial shock and overwhelming anguish, our family had to prepare for the last rites. In the process, two important things that mattered most to be inscribed on his tombstone was the day and year he was born and the day and year he died. In between there was this dash (1974-2002). Little did I realise how much this small insignificant dash stood for. It represented the entire time he had spent with us on earth. We have been so much blessed in that dash of his life.
Many of us have glanced, passed by and even knelt beside the tombstone or epitaph of loved ones and friends without giving any importance or second thought to the dash in between and its worth. It does not matter how much we own. The wealth and material things we possess of this earth seem so insignificant. The dash represents the life that we have lived and loved. When we die, will the eulogies spoken of us be pleasing to the ears. Will the people who stand beside us paying their last tearful respects and the eulogies spoken of us present a false picture or will it be truly genuine. We will never know how much time is left for us to live. It might be years or just a little moment. Are there some things, which we would want to change to make the dash more special and worthwhile? There is so much of the love of God in all of us to share. As long as God places us on this earth, give away a genuine smile, extend help and shower appreciation. Make the life that we live worthwhile by good living.The perception of good living is the same for all believers. A certain brewery uses the slogan in advertising their beer,” Know the real joy of good living.” They claim that if you learn how to drink their beer, you will really be living. So they say that ‘ Beer belongs ‘.This is their idea of good living.
There is a joke of a rich Texan who when asked of his last request as he lay dying said he wanted to be buried in his gold cadillac. It was done and one man in the funeral sighed and commented, “that’s real living “.
To others, services are the real secret of good living. A well qualified doctor gave up his wealthy practice in the US and went abroad as a medical missionary. His father visited him. After one last major operation that lasted several hours, his father asked how much he would have got if he was in the US. He answered that he would earn more than a thousand dollars but he gets nothing as a medical missionary except the knowledge that he has helped someone and that is real living to him.
A man may have fine health, a good job, a nice family and a lovely home and yet may never have come face to face with Jesus Christ in an experience of saving grace. This is not living. It is just mere existence. Good living involves commitment to Christ and a vital church connection, meaning faithfulness, service and fellowship and not just having your name in the church roll. It involves separation from the world. We don’t have to sink down to the level of worldings. Constant communion and walk with God is good living.
We find the joy of good living when we know our sins are forgiven, we have somebody to help us along life’s journey, living by the best set of rules in the world. We know that death holds no fear. We have an eternal home waiting. The joy of good living comes from trusting Christ, loving and following him. It is a joy that last through all the golden years of eternity. Just remember good living brings joy not only to us but to others also.
A preacher was holding a meeting in a certain place. When he gave the invitation, a wealthy woman of distinction came up to accept Christ. She asked permission to say a few words. She was granted this permission and she said, “Maybe you want to know why I came forward. It was not because of the sermon or the song. I came because of the influence of a little woman in this congregation. She has served in my home for many years. I have never known her to do or say an unkind thing. On the other hand, I know many unselfish things that she has done. I often sneered at her religion and laughed at her faithfulness. But when my baby died, she was the one who cause me to look beyond the grave and shed my first tears of hope. The sweetness of her life led me to Christ. I covet the thing that made her life so beautiful.”
May god help us to learn to live in such a way that someone else will say “I have seen Jesus in your life” whether as a compliment or an eulogy for god’s glory. Make the dash after years special.

I read of a man who stood to speak
At the funeral of a friend
He referred to the dates on her tombstone
From the the end.
He noted that first came her date of birth
And spoke the following dates with tears,
But he said what mattered most of all
Was the dash between those years (1934-2004)
For that dash represents all the time
That she spent alive on earth...
And now only those who loved her
Know what that little line is worth.
For it matters not, how much we own
The cars...the house...the cash,
What matters is how we live and love
And how we spent our dash.
So think about this long and hard...
Are there things you’d like to change?
For you never know how much time is left,
That can still be rearranged.
If we could just slow down enough
To consider what’s true and real,
And always try to understand
The way other people feel.
And be less quick to anger,
And show appreciation more
And love the people in our lives
Like we’ve never loved before.
If we treat each other with respect,
And more often wear a smile....
Remembering that this special dash
Might only last a little while.
So, when your eulogy’s been read
With your life’s action to rehash...
Would you be proud of the things they say
About how you spent your dash?

My Father - My Perfect Model by Mechüni Whiso

Indeed, my father is ‘my perfect model,’ the hero of all my fairy tales, the king of my sand castles, my friend, my philosopher and my guide. Every person I’ve known till date looks up to their Dad like I do to my own and I guess it goes the same for all you readers too. On a day like Father’s day, we are reminded of how fortunate we are to be blessed with such wonderful Dads. Guiding us when we took our first step, showing us the right path, being there on our first day of school….on our first encounter with life, safe-guarding us and yet giving us our first feel of independence…Oh! They sure boosted our confidence to face life. Each of these have a story of its own as to what father’s love can be. With the encouraging words and that ever-helping hand, they have lifted our spirits to newer heights.
We don’t often get a chance to express our gratitude for all the happiness they shower on us and for making the family we have today such a special one. So, Father’s day is the perfect time to let them know how much they’re loved and wished all the joy they bring to us. Let’s be thankful for our fathers and for those who have been like a father to us, not just on a special day like “Father’s Day” but lifelong. By the way, I’m not just merely talking about our earthy fathers here but I’m also talking about our Heavenly Father. In fact, I think, all the credit should go to Him and I don’t need to say why.
God wants us to grow up like Him just like a father would want for his kids. “You look just like your Dad!” How may times have you heard that in your lifetime? Maybe you’re like your Dad- or like your mom- in more ways than just simple physical appearance. Hold it! Let me first ask you a question. Why does God discipline His children? Because he loves us and knows what’s best for us, and simply because we are His children- part of God’s eternal family, right? Sure I am. God has an end in mind- behaviour modification. Many Christians fear God’s discipline because they think of it only in terms of punishment. But Hebrews 12 teaches us that God is not punitive Parent or a fearsome Father, but a wise disciplinarian whose end is to bring into our lives a holiness that will model what God is like. We will, in fact, begin to look more and more like God.
“You look just like your Dad!” What an honour to share in finite, fallible form some of the characteristics of your Heavenly Parent.
Do people see your Heavenly Parent when they look into your eyes? Are you like your Father? If yes, let that be your present to your Father on this special day called “Father’s Day”. It’s gonna be the best gift of all. However, if you are in doubt, why don’t you start wrapping up his present now? (It doesn’t matter how broke you are. This gift, unlike other gifts doesn’t need a single penny).
What more could exceed the joy and satisfaction felt by a father to see “Daddy’s lil’ girl” or ”Daddy’s boy” growing up to be just the person he wanted them to be. Wouldn’t that be the perfect gift? Oh, you sure are gonna make Him proud. So start packing ‘the gift’ right away. It’s never too late, y’know.

The Cross - Neiketounuo Zumvü

The geographical center of the city of London is in the form of a cross known as Charring Cross. A person standing there can find his way anywhere in London. The story is told of a little boy who was once lost. A kind man came along and wiped away his tears. Then the man said, “Can I take you home, son?”. The boy replied, “ Oh no sir, take me to the Cross, and I’ll find my way home.” When we fix our eyes on the cross and look at it, we will find our way home and see the magnificence of God. Focusing our mind on the cross will help us see the beauty and the value of the cross of Jesus. The cross is the place where human did the worst to God and God did His best for you and me. Where are you with the cross of Jesus? Are you gambling with the cross or serious with it?

Missionary report - Khrienuo K

Greetings to all the Trail readers in the name of our risen Lord Jesus Christ. First of all I give Glory and Honour to our Almighty God for this wonderful opportunity. I also thank the trail editors for giving me this privilege to share my mission report. I have a dream, a dream to serve the Lord as a missionary to reach out to the unreached with the good news Today, by the grace of God and through the prayers and financial support of all the believers I am serving as ABCC missionary in Nepal, the only official Hindu country in the world. Hinduism is the state religion of Nepal and approximately 87% of the total population are Hindus. Nepal is divided into five regions East, Central, Western, mid-western and far-western with a total population of 23,21,4681 (2001 census). At present we have four ABCC missionaries in Nepal. Mego Chüsi in Dhude, Neisalie Rosi in Ilam, Aleno Peseyie and myself in Biratnagar. Our mission field covers Biratnagar, Betauna and Kotari. Biratnagar is one of the oldest cities in Nepal situated in east Nepal bordering Bihar. It is the commercial hub of Nepal with all its industries situated here. Kotari and Betauna are small villages situated 5 and 20km from Biratnagar.
Our weekly schedules:

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday:
Home visitation.

Fellowship in Kotari, which comprises of 8 to10 members.

House fellowships with the members in Biratnagar.

Biratnagar Baptist fellowship gospel service. The total strength of members is about 20-25.

Gospel service at Betauna Baptist church where 30-35 members congregate. Although the members are daily bread earners, they are honest in their tithes, offerings and first fruits. This is an encouragement for all of us. In Biratnagar most of the people are rich and educated and though they have heard and read about the saving grace of Jesus Christ, they do not accept Him yet. But we hope and pray that someday, they will all turn to Jesus. God is working miraculously amongst us and many people were healed from their sickness through prayer. We also have joint ministry with the Campus Crusade Nepal, where we share the gospel through tracks and film shows. Today in Nepal only 2% of the population are Christians. The rest either live in ignorance or are not willing to accept the gospel. Mark 16:14 (b) Jesus said, go into the world and preach the gospel to every creation. This is a great challenge for all of us, specially the youth to go and reach out to the unreached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ God bless us all.


Meet Mr. Rokose Tetso, a man of profound integrity and one of the most eligible bachelors of our church. Everyone who knows him agrees that he is a person who can be trusted implicitly.
Rokose is the eldest son of Late Phekhwe Tetso. He did his schooling from MHBES and PU in Poona University. As a very dynamic young man, he became involved in church activities and soon found himself as an office bearer of the youth department while still in his high school. In fact, he became treasurer when he was just in Class V and took up the chairmanship in Class X. Since then, he’s been chairman of CE for about five tenures. He joined the Audio Visual Gospel Ministry, ABKK in 1998 and till date, he’s involved in the ministry.
Nagas are lovers of music, and Rokose is no exception. He said he was inspired by his seniors and learned to play the guitar from our very own Rev. Dr. Neiliezhü Üsou when he was in Class IV. He’s an accomplished bass guitarist now and also a great bassist. Infact, when he was in Class IV he, alongwith Asoü, Seto and Late Asübu formed a band known as “ The Four Little Pigs”. They practiced everyday during recess, after class and on Saturdays and performed in various places. Such was their fervour and enthusiasm. Rokose remembers the times spent with his three inseparable friends with such joy and says that nobody could have had a better childhood experience as them. Neino Kuotsu reminisces about the old days and remembers Rokose as a very true and good friend. She said that even though he had gone away to Pune to study, he always washed their group photos and sent them to everyone and that thanks to him, all of them had a good photo collection.
Ako Whiso, Principal, C.D. King School, refers to Rokose as a “large fruit” of our church, and also as a good and promising young man. He was very impressed with his dedication and concern in the church building and remarks on his honesty and boldness. He said that only the upright in heart have such boldness.
Seyie Whiso likes his easy going nature and Neilhoukhoto’s all praise for him, saying that Rokose is a very straight forward person with a strong faith and that he appreciates his ability to mingle with everyone. Rokose has been to lots of places abroad- Taiwan, S. Korea, Japan, Bangkok to name a few. He went to these places on various occasions as a Naga delegate to attend Baptist conferences. Rokose is a man of many gifts. He is an ace photographer. At present he has his own studio called “Maple Land Video” where he does all kinds of technical work like editing, CD conversion, photo repairing, video coverage in various functions etc. If you think that’s enough, you will be surprised to know that he is also an accomplished carpenter and a very good one at that. He along with his younger brother Khoto, undertake all kinds of carpentry and interior designing and they turn out amazing works. You can look at the interior church décor and understand why. One of the best characteristics of Rokose is his ability to mingle with everyone. Ask him about his friends and you will be surprised at the size of his friends circle and age is no bar. We are fortunate to be his friends and we tell you, he makes you feel completely at ease. He’s got charisma and he’s got it in bundles. A thorough gentleman and a blessing to everyone. That’s Rokose. May his tribe increase!

TRAIL invites its readers to contribute articles in the form of poetry, humor, short stories, sketches, etc.
Published and printed on behalf of MHBC Youth, Kohima
Editorial Team : Donna (Convener), Noswedeno, Zhovi and Keduolhoukho.
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