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	In  the second part he told the Five Ascetics the Dhamma
	by which he was enlightened. This was the result of his
	avoidanceof both extremes and teading what he called
	the Middle Path. That Dhamma is called the Four Noble
	Truths. This may imply either the Truths of teh Noble
	persons or the truths that ennnoble a person. Those 
	Truths are:
		The First Noble Truth od Dukkha, generally 
	translated Suffering.While elaborating its manifestations,
	the Buddha pointed to the phenomena of birth, old age,
	death, grief, lamentation, illness, sorrow, despair,to 
	associate with the unpleasant, to be dissociated from
	the pleasant or the beloved and finally, as a synthesis,
	not to get what is desired for. In summary, the Five
	Aggregates of Existence that are attached are( the
	seat of) Suffering.
		The Second Noble Truth of Dukkhasamudays, 
	the Cause Suffering. The Sutta pointed out to Tanha or
	Desire as the cause thereof. It drags the person to 
	re-becoming or re-existence, being thereby accompanied
	with Nandi or Enjoyment and with greed or lustful
	emotions. This Desire is of three kinds viz. the Desire to
	have object of sensual pleasure, the Desire to be or to have
	nor to be ( as opposed to the second category).
		The Third Noble Truth of Dukkhankirodha, 
	the Extinction of Suffering. According to the Sutta,
	it is made possible through the disgorging of Desire
	with nothing of its remnants left, the parting with, the
	giving up of and the deliverance from Desire, with no
	lingering attachment to it.
		The Fourth Noble Truth of
	Dukkhanirodhagaminipatipada or,in short, of Magga.
	This is what is called the Noble Eightfold Path as
	afore-mentioned and already elaborated.
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