If you are unable to hear the music on this page, may I suggest you go to http://www.headspace.com and download Beatnik. If you are unable to hear the music on this page, may I suggest you go to http://www.liveupdate.com/dl.html and download Crescendo.


Talk of the man of bionics,
It's hooray for the age of electronics.
Without this thing in my ear, I just cannot hear,
Even with the best of phonics.

And, then if I want to see,
The things going on around me.
I rely on my lens to identify my friends
They're a necessity you'll have to agree.

Then I've got some false teeth,
That I use when I want to eat.
They click and are loose but necessary to use,
And just chewing is quite a feat.

Oh yes, then there's my heart,
Where an old sow did her part.
And gave me some of her ticker to make me feel chipper.
These doctors are pretty darn smart.

So , now the lazy old pump,
Is too darn slow to thump.
So my pacemaker is regulating my ticker's pulsating,
And getting me up off my rump.

Oh yeah, then there's the pills
it's enough to give you the chills,
Two to three times a day without any delay,
I've got one for each of my ills.

But, I have one thing to say,
It's nice being here every day.
With all of the strife, I still love this life,
And I can still live it my way.

Leland Adams
A Cardiac Rehab patient


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