Chapters 6 - 10

A Bubble Gum Crucible/Highlander Xover Fanfic - Third in the Series

By Craig A. Reed Jr. (

Index: Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10

Bubble Gum Crisis is copyrighted Artmic Inc. and Youmex, Inc. 

Highlander, the specific concepts of Immortality, the characters of Duncan MacLeod, Amanda, 
Joe Dawson, and the Hunters are the property of Rysher Entertainment. I am just borrowing 
the characters for a little while for non-monetary reasons. I can be contacted at the Email 
address above. C&C will be accepted, out and out flames will result in a Boomer or two 
being sent after you.

Please, enjoy my take on the Bubble Gum Crisis universe.....

Chapter 6
ADP Headquarters April 10, 2036 9:45am
Nene frowned as she stared at the monitor before her. What had started as a simple request for data on Sylia's new houseguest had turned into a series of dead ends. As far as the Mega- Tokyo central computer was concerned, no one by the name of Natalia Korsgaard ever existed. She sat back, and chewed on a fingernail. There's something wrong here, she thought. Let's see if the Tax people have a record. While the computer tracked through the MegaTokyo Revenue and Taxation department's system, Nene went to the small office coffee maker and poured herself a cup. She sipped her coffee, enjoying the silence of the office. Her subordinate, officemate, and other half of ADP's Computer Security department, Corporal Alan Tremolini, was on an enforced vacation. She smiled as she remembered the look on his face as she told him to take two weeks off. "When was the last time you had a vacation?" she asked him several days before. Before he could answer, she continued. "I checked your personnel record. You haven't had more then two days off in a row in over four years. So, as your boss, I'm telling you to go visit your family, go fish, go get a tan, get drunk, or anything else you want to. As long as I don't see you for two weeks, either here or at the Pit, I don't care what you do." He'd sighed, and after a half hearted argument, given in, and promised to go visit his family in the United States. Just to make sure he didn't try and take his work with him, she'd changed the passwords in the security system the night before he left. At least someone who works around here will get some rest and relaxation, she mused. Her computer beeped, and she sat down and looked at the screen in puzzlement. Not again! The screen was flashing in small, neat letters MATCH NOT FOUND. Enough of doing it the official way. Let's do it Nene's way. She exited the network, and stood up, taking the opportunity to stretch. She then went to the office door and closed it. After locking the door, she went and knelt down next to a cabinet under the table that held the coffee maker. She unlocked the cabinet, and removed a large box from the shelf inside. She relocked the cabinet, and carried the box back to her desk. Inside the box, there were a set of VR goggles, an interface module, and a pair of VR gloves. She took them out, placed the box on the floor next to her and started setting up the equipment. Use of VR technology at the ADP was discouraged - it was a matter of money, wasted time, and the bosses not wanting their people spending their working time in cyberspace doing Heaven knows what. As the senior Computer Security Officer, Nene was grudgly allowed more freedom to use the equipment in her role of keeping the ADP computer network secure. But she still couldn't use the equipment with a free hand. After she was finished setting up, she entered the network and started hacking into the system. Her icon, a clown faced BU-55, formed on the edge of ADP's system and flew into the net. She quickly slipped into the MegaTokyo central computer system through a back door, and began searching. She glided deeper into the system, easily avoiding the security programs. After thirty minutes of investigating the main system, she found that someone had beaten her to Natalia's records and thoroughly erased them. Nothing but isolated bits remained. She then moved into the GENOM personnel system. Security was tighter than on the main network, but not a problem for someone as experienced as Nene. There were no records in the personnel directory for Natalia Korsgaard, so Nene expanded her search profile. After ten minutes, she found an unattached file in the purge subsystem, and opened it. As soon as she saw the words KORSGAARD, NATALIA, she knew she'd found what she'd been looking for. Moving quickly, she downloaded a copy of the file onto a disk, and began to erase all traces of her intrusion. Just as she cleared the purge subsystem, her computer beeped a warning. Damn! There must have been a silent alarm on that file, and now someone's tracking me! Nene's icon replicated itself, and went in multiple directions, trying to lose her tracker. That didn't work. The opponent, in the form of several BU-12B icons bore in on her icon. She released several decoy programs to try and confuse the other netrunner, with no success. Whoever was tracking her, they were very good, too good to be a simple netrunner. GENOM computer security, no doubt. Someone was doing their best to eliminate Natalia Korsgaard's existence, someone with skill and power. No good. She couldn't lose the person who was tracking her. In the attempt to escape, she was leaving a trail that an average netrunner could follow, and this person was far above average. In a final, desperate move, she called up the flare program that several crackers of her Boomer Cracker group had developed. She didn't want to use it, but unless she did some- thing quick to lose this person, they would trace her back to ADP, and that would be trouble. She released the program, and ran straight for home. After several seconds, she turned to look. The BU-12B was still stumbling around, but it wouldn't for long. Nene came out of the system like a diver breaking the surface for air. She took several deep breaths, then hit the power switch on her computer, and the screen went blank. She leaned back in her chair, and glared at the screen. Damn Damn damn! That SOB traced me as far as the ADP computer system! I hope they didn't trace it any farther! The phone rang twice before Nene picked it up. "ADP Computer Security Office, Sergeant Romanova speaking." /This is GENOM Computer Security,/ said a cultured female voice. /My name is Mrs. Landings, and I'm the Security Officer on duty./ "How can I help you, Mrs. Landings?" asked Nene cheerfully. Uh-oh, this isn't good. /We've just had an attempted breach of GENOM computer security. We lost track of the intruder, but we managed to trace them as far as the ADP computer system. Under the circum- stances, I am calling you to inform you of the attempt, and suggest you check your system for any intruders./ "I sure will. Can you give me any idea what the Intruder was after?" /I'm afraid not. That is something you do not need to know to do your job./ That hit a nerve. "In that case, can you give me any more information?" /Only that we are very interested in capturing and prosecuting the intruder./ With a bullet through the head, no doubt. "I'll see what I can do, but it's going to take some time." /If you can speed up your investigation, it would be greatly appreciated./ "I'll do my best, but half the computer security office is currently on vacation." There was silence for several seconds, then Landings said, /I will contact you tomorrow. Good-bye, Sargent./ Nene looked at the receiver, and shrugged. It looks like Natalia Korsgaard has some powerful enemies. I better call Sylia.

Sylia's Apartment April 10, 2036 10:08am
"I understand, Nene. Under those conditions, you did the right thing. I'll talk to you later. Good-bye." "What was that about?" asked Priss, as she emerged from the bathroom. She was wearing Mackie's bathrobe and a towel over her damp hair. "That was Nene," replied Sylia, replacing the receiver. "It looks like there's more to our house guest then at first glance." "What?" "Someone has tried to destroyed all records of her existence on the computer system. She also has GENOM interested in her." "Shit." "Is she still sleeping?" "She was when I checked on her before my shower." "I think it's time we woke her up, and got some answers to several questions." Priss nodded. "Let me get dressed first." After Priss disappeared into the spare bedroom, Sylia went over to the window and stared out into the city. She was standing there when she heard a knock at her front door. She glanced at the clock, and frowned. That must be Linna. She said she would be by to discuss some modifications to her hardsuit about this time. When she opened the door, Linna bounced into the apartment. "Ready to listen?" she asked brightly. "Something's come up," said Sylia slowly. "I tried to get hold of you earlier, but you had already left. We have a guest." The smile faded, and Linna became sober. "What happened?" Sylia quickly outlined the last six hours, and Linna listened. When Sylia mentioned the name of the guest, Linna was startled. "Natalia Korsgaard?" she asked. "She's in her mid twenties, tall, slim, very pretty, with long blond hair, and blue green eyes?" "Yes. You know her?" "She and I worked in the same aerobics club about three years ago." She pursed her lips in thought. "Haven't seen her in over two years. Last I heard, she'd gotten a job over at GENOM Tower." Sylia nodded. "It looks like GENOM tried to kill her last night." She told Linna about Nene's call. "She's all right, isn't she?" asked Linna, looking uneasy. "She seems to be fine, but the blouse she was wearing was covered in blood. She was also hysterical, and kept taking about Holy Ground. Did she have religious beliefs when you knew her?" Linna shook her head. "She didn't express any views to me one way or the other. Come to think of it, she never did tell me much about herself. Always stayed to herself when she wasn't working. She didn't have any close friends, and she never knew her parents - she was an abandoned baby." "We were just about to talk to her. I think she could use a friendly face about now." By the time they entered the living room, Natalia was curled up on the couch, sipping coffee, looking worn and confused in an old white bathrobe. Priss was draped across a chair, reading the morning newspaper. When Natalia looked up and saw Linna, she smiled tiredly at her. Linna went over and sat down next to Natalia. "How are you feeling, Natalia?" "Linna?" Natalia tenatively reached out and touched Linna's arm. "Is that really you?" Linna gently took Natalia's hand in both of hers, and looked into the scared woman's eyes. "It's me." Natalia carefully put her coffee cup down, then threw her arms around Linna. She started crying softly into the dark haired girl's shoulder. Linna looked up at Sylia, who just stood there and watched the scene in silence. Priss shook the newspaper noisily to show her displeasure. After a minute, Natalia broke the embrace and leaned back. She wiped at her eyes to clear them of tears. "I-I'm sorry," she stammered. "I'm being a crybaby." Linna smiled to reassure her. "Why don't you tell me what happened last night?" Natalia took a deep breath, held it, then nodded. "All right." She started to speak slowly. "About two years ago, I got a job with GENOM, as a secretary." "I remember. You were happy when you told me the news." The blonde gave her a small smile, and nodded. "I was, wasn't I? Anyway, I worked hard, and quickly gained a reputation as a model secretary. Six months ago, I got the job as Raymond Tarson's Personal Assistant." "Tarson?" asked Priss, looking up from the paper. "The special assistant to Quincy?" "The same. For me, it was a dream come true. I was making four times as much money as when I was an aerobics instructor, and I was doing a job I loved." "But what happened?" "Last night, I left at my usual time, around six in the evening. I'd made it all the way down to the parking lot when I realized that I'd left my keys in my desk drawer. So I went back up get them." She picked up her coffee cup and sipped from it. "When I got back to my desk, I heard voices coming from Mr. Tarson's office." Her voice was becoming smoother and more coherent now. "I move nearer the door, and listened to the conversation." "Who was with Mr. Tarson?" asked Sylia quietly, watching Natalia carefully. "Miss Georgia Dukane, Tarson's chief aide. Mr. Victor Marx, who's the head of Hericana Electronics, and Mr. Graves." "What does Graves do?" asked Priss. Natalia shook her head. "I don't know. He's not a pleasant man, and his eyes...." She shuddered. "We can go back to Mr. Graves later," said Sylia soothingly. "What were they discussing in the office?" "Something that Mr. Marx was manufacturing for Tarson. I don't know what the item is, because they always referred to it as "the package." Whatever it is, I don't think GENOM has any idea that it's being made right under their noses." "Anything else?" asked Linna. "Tarson made several references to something called `Operation Iakovos', and stressed to the others that Quincy and Faust had eyes everywhere. Before I could find out more, Graves came out of the office and grabbed me." "What happened next?" asked Sylia. "He grabbed me by the throat and started to strangle me. Tarson came out of the office, and stopped him, telling him that this wasn't a good place to leave a body. Graves relaxed his hold, then he hit me, and I blacked out." Natalia stared into her now empty coffee cup. "When I woke up, I was in a car with Tarson, Graves, and two bodyguards. We drove out into the area when Priss found me. The car stopped... I was hauled out and...and...Tarson shot me." The last three words were a whisper. "He couldn't have," said Priss suspiciously. "You're not even marked." In a blink of an eye, Natalia's soft features took on a hardness and anger. "That Bastard s-shot me four times!" she screamed at Priss. "I felt each shot that hit me! He killed me!" Linna gripped her friend's shoulders firmly. "Calm down, Natalia," she said determinedly. "Screaming at Priss isn't going to help anything." Natalia slumped. "You're right. I'm sorry. It's just been the last twelve hours have been a nightmare. I must have blacked out again." She put down her cup. "After Tarson shot me, it all gets confusing. Jason, people fighting with swords, a strange feeling...." She trailed off and looked at the others, who were staring at her in puzzlement. "Did I say something wrong?" "Who's Jason?" asked Linna. "Oh. I should tell you, but I'm not sure it really happened." She looked down at a ring on her hand. "Or maybe it did." "What?" "When I woke up this time, there was a man squatting next to me, with a sword laying across his knees. I remember screaming something at him about killing me, but he told me his name was Jason, said he was a friend, and he was here to help me." Priss snorted. "I doubt it." "Enough, Priss," said Sylia. "Please continue." Natalia nodded. "I believe him too. But just then, I felt's hard to describe...sort of like being too near electrical equipment, or something like that. Jason felt it too, and he told me to get out of the area." "What else did he say?" "He told me to find someplace where there were people. If I couldn't find such a place, I was to find a church, or a graveyard, or any Holy Ground. Wherever I found myself, I wasn't to leave it unless he came and got me. Finally, he gave me this ring." She held up her hand to show the ring. "And told me not to take it off until after he found me." "May I?" asked Sylia, taking Natalia's hand and looking closely at the the ring. She ran a fingernail along the face of the ring, frowning as she did so. "Find something, Sylia?" asked Linna curiously. "I don't know. Natalia. could you please take off the ring?" Natalia slipped the ring off and handed it to Sylia. Sylia looked closely at it. "I think I've seen this design somewhere before, but I can't recall where." "What is it?" asked Priss, suddenly alert. "A skull wearing a beret." Sylia said slowly, "with the letters 'SOG' under the skull." She looked at Natalia. "Did someone else show up?" Natalia nodded. "I didn't see him, but I heard him speak to Jason. Then I heard them fighting." "What type of fighting?" asked Linna. "They were using swords." "Swords?" Sylia glanced at Priss, who stared back at her. Each had the same thought, each remembering Priss's words about hearing something like a swordfight when she found Natalia. This entire situation was getting stranger by the minute. "I know Jason had a sword," said Natalia, not noticing the exchange between Priss and Sylia. "And I'm pretty sure the other guy had a sword too." "Two guys fighting with swords at five O'clock in the morning?" asked Linna doubtfully. Natalia sighed. "The last twelve hours of my life don't make any more sense to me then they do to you. My boss shoots me four times and leaves me for dead. I wake up and find a guy next to me with a sword who said he's a friend. Then another guy shows up and I have to run away. Tell me that all makes sense, I dare you to." There was silence in the apartment for a moment, then Sylia said calmly, "I think we should move Natalia somewhere else. There's too many unknown players right now for my taste. Priss, take Natalia to your trailer and keep an eye on her for now." Priss nodded glumly. "How long?" "A couple of days at least." "I'll need some clothes," said Natalia. "I can go buy you some," said Linna. She turned to look at Sylia. "We stay away from Natalia apartment, right?" Sylia nodded. "I'll get you some cash for the clothes. Then, I'll contact Fargo and have him dig around for any dirt on Tarson."

Unknown Location MegaTokyo, Japan April 10, 2036 10:54am
Hunter One looked up to see Jager One slipped quietly into her office. He looked worn and tense for some reason. Something had disturbed him, and something told her she wasn't going to like the reason. She paused the work she was doing on the computer, folded her hands on top of her desk, and looked up at him. "What is it?" she asked mildly. "We have reports that two more Immortals have come into the city early today." "Who?" "Duncan Macleod and Amanda." "When?" she asked slowly, a chill running down her back. Macleod was a legend among the Watchers, and an unspoken terror among the Hunters. The Highlander had been the force behind the destruction of the first Hunters, those led by the visionary Horton. Amanda was less of a danger, but she was one of them, and not to be taken lightly. "Early this morning. Came over on a flight from Seacover and checked into the MegaTokyo Grand before eight." Hunter One nodded. "How many people can we spare to keep track of them?" "I can spare a team of four. Any more, and our other operations will be impaired." "Assign the team. Also, I want both Greyhound and Bloodhound teams are on standby." "You want to eliminate them?" "If the chance arises, yes." "Do you think Storm called them in?" "Possible," the woman replied, unfolding her hands, and leaning back in her chair. "Storm is a loner. There are few people, Immortal or otherwise, he trusts. Macleod might be one of them. Speaking of which, any sign of Storm yet?" "No. He probably went to ground." Hunter One shook her head. "He'll hide only long enough to regroup, then he'll come after us." Jager One snorted. "If he finds us." "I keep telling you don't underestimate Storm. He's spent more time fighting in elite units then you and I have spent breathing. Working in the shadows is something he's use to doing." Her voice took on a sharper tone. "The sooner you realize that, the better off you will be. Jason Storm is a danger to us, and will be until he is eliminated." The man nodded slowly. "Can I ask you a personal question?" She stared at him. "What?" "I've known you for over a year," he said carefully. "I seen you supervise several successful operations against Immortals with no break in you demeanor. But when Storm's name comes up, you become...." He trailed away, unable to find the right word. "Obsessive?" she asked. "Emotional. You also know a lot about him." She took a deep breath. "I have personal reason for seeing Storm dead," she said flatly. "Reasons that you don't need to know about." "Who's letting their emotions clouding their reason this time?" She leaned forward and glared at him. "Get out." He turned and opened the door. "Don't let him drag you under, Magdalena," he said, not looking at her. "If you allow him to so, he's won." "Leave my mental health out of this," she said in a voice tinged with menace. "Not if it interferes with you duties," he replied coldly. "Think about that before it's too late." With that, he left the office, closing the door behind him. Magdalena stared at the door for a long time, waiting for the tears that never came.

Chapter 7
Outside Sylia's Apartment building April 10, 2036 11:24am
The dark blue car with tinted windows pulled into an empty parking space on the opposite side of the street from the apartment building. The car looked unremarkable, but with all the modifications done to it over the last year, it was more then it appeared to be. The driver's door opened, and a tall man slipped out from behind the driver's seat. He stepped out onto the sidewalk, and looked around carefully. He took in everything in a matter of seconds, his eyes never resting in one place for very long. His face was angular, with shark-like eyes the color of smoked glass. His jet-black hair, flecked with gray, was cut close to the scalp, and the rest of his well-tanned face was shaved smooth. The body under the well-tailored business suit looked to be in excellent shape. Not bad for a man who was over a thousand years old. Satisfied that there was no one near him, the Immortal who called himself Graves pulled out a small case slightly larger then a pack of cigarettes, and opened it. The case contained a small tracking unit, and the readings made Graves smile. It wasn't a warm smile. He turned and looked up at the building across the street. He could see a lingerie shop that occupied a large part of the ground floor, along with a nightclub and a small coffee house. Most of the eight-story building seemed to be offices, but there appeared to be a private residence located at the top. He glanced down at the tracking unit, and nodded slowly. According to the tracker, Natalia Korsgaard was currently in that penthouse apartment. Excellent, he thought. I couldn't have planed this better myself. The tracker he'd planted on Natalia on the way to the badlands worked perfectly. He'd known she was a potential Immortal the first time he'd laid eyes on her, but he couldn't figure out a way to get her away from under Tarson's nose. Natalia solved that problem herself when she'd made the mistake of overhearing Tarson's plans. Of course, he'd "found" her before she'd heard anything important, but with Tarson's paranoia, it hadn't taken much to convince him that she heard everything. After that, Natalia's fate as a mortal was sealed. Graves reached into an inner pocket, and pulled out a phone. He dialed a number from memory, and waited for the connection. /GENOM Tower,/ said a polite female voice. /How can I help you?/ "I wish to speak to Mr. Raymond Tarson, please." /Can I ask who's calling, please?/ "Tell him it's Mr. Graves."

GENOM Tower April 10, 2036 11:27am
//Mr. Tarson?// asked the voice on the intercom. "Yes?" demanded Tarson with a snarl, not bothering to turn away from the window. //Mr. Graves is on line three. He wishes to speak to you.// Raymond Tarson stifled a curse, and turned to his desk. "I will speak to him." //Very good, sir.// Tarson didn't bother with picking up the receiver, but just punched the phone button, and snarled, "Yes?" /And good morning to you too,/ replied the too-smooth voice of Graves. /Have a pleasant night's sleep?/ "You know I didn't!" snapped Tarson. "Where the hell are you?" /Running down a couple of loose ends from last night's problem./ Sweat began to break out on Tarson's forehead. First the search for Natalia's file by an unknown Cracker, now this! "What loose ends?" /I don't think it's anything to worry about. I'll use my own people to take care of things./ Tarson nodded to himself. "I've just receive word that there was an attempted cracking of our computer files a little more then an hour ago. It might relate to your loose ends." /I see./ There was silence for a minute, then Graves said, /This could upset our production schedule by at least a week./ "I realize that. Take care of your loose ends, and we'll worry about the production schedule later." /Very well. Good-bye./ "Good-bye."

Silky Doll April 10, 2036 11:34am
Duncan tried to keep a straight face as Amanda swept into the lingerie store as if she'd owned it. But after several minutes of watching her hold up smaller and smaller wisps of material for his inspection, he smiled and shook his head. This was the fifth store they had visited in the last hour and a half, the car he'd rented was half filled with bags of clothes, jewelry, and other expensive trinkets. It's a good thing it's her money she's spending, and not mine, he thought. I couldn't afford to do this more then once a decade! He spotted the saleswoman approaching them, her smile warm, but with a questioning look in her eye. "Can I help you?" she asked politely. Amanda spun towards her, flashing a dazzling smile. "Can I please speak to the manager?" Duncan saw a flash of uncertainty in the saleswoman's eyes. "She's currently not here." "Well," said Amanda, like she was pondering something. "It's just that I need her advice on some items, EXPENSIVE items, that I plan to purchase." She shrugged her shoulders. "Oh well, maybe another time. Come along, Duncan." Amanda started for the front door, but the saleswoman said quickly, "If you can wait two minutes, I will contact the owner, as she is only elsewhere in the building. I'm sure she would be most eager to assist you." Amanda appeared to think for a minute, then sighed dramatically. "I believe I can wait two minutes, but not much longer then that." "Two minutes then," replied the saleswomen, with a warm smile. "If you'll excuse me, I'll call the owner." The two Immortals watched the saleswoman walk away. Duncan leaned over to Amanda and whispered, "You enjoyed that, didn't you?" "Of course," replied Amanda in a low voice. "Salespeople hate to see a customer walk out of their store empty handed. That was true a thousand years ago, and it's still true today." "And since when have you had much experience with salespeople? I thought you -" Amanda gave Duncan a sharp elbow in the stomach. "Not now Duncan," she said smoothly. "An upscale store like this is bound to have security, ALL types of security. Including listening devices." Duncan rubbed his stomach. "Sensitive today, aren't you? I think you -" He felt the approach of another Immortal, and a quick glance at Amanda told him she'd felt it too. They started to look around slowly, trying to spot the newcomer. Duncan felt Amanda's hand on his arm. "The front door," she breathed. Duncan turned and saw a man of medium height standing outside the door, watching him. The man was broadshouldered and thick waisted, dressed in a light brown overcoat, thick T- shirt, blue jeans, and boots. He wore his dark blonde hair long, and sported a thin mustache and beard. His face had the harshness of people who spend most of their time outdoors. His eyes were a clean deep green in color, and there was a look of surprise on his face. Jason Storm. "Stay here," said Duncan. "But-" Duncan shook his head. "I want to talk to him, that's all." She nodded. "Can you trust him?" "Master Chang instilled a strong code of honor in his students. Jason would take his own head before he would break it. I can trust him." Duncan gave her a warm smile. "At least for now." "Be careful." Amanda whispered. "I will be." Duncan walked over to the front door, but Jason had disappeared from the doorway. He stepped out onto the street, and looked around. Thirty meters to his right, he saw a figure in a light brown overcoat turn into an alley. Duncan hesitated. A trap? he thought. Not Jason. Not unless he's changed so much in forty years that he would throw away one hundred and thirty years of Master Chang's teachings to take my head. Still, let's not take any chances. He walked slowly towards the alley, his senses alert. Fifteen meters from the shadowy mouth of the alley, he felt the presence of an Immortal. Suddenly, he increased his pace, and darted into the alley. His katana flashed out from under his overcoat and into his hands, ready for attack or defense. Despite the mid day sun, most of the alley was in deep shadow. It took Duncan a few seconds to adjust to the difference in the level of daylight, but no one attacked him. This alley was fairly clean, not a surprise considering the area of the city he was in. "Jason?" asked Duncan, not relaxing his stance. "It's me, Duncan." "Duncan Macleod?" replied a voice from a doorway five meters from Duncan. "Duncan Macleod of the Clan Macleod?" "Yes." "It is?" A shadow shifted slightly, and Duncan saw someone standing in the doorway. "What was I doing the first time you ever saw me?" "Arguing with a doctor about getting several of your men some treatment." "What was the Doctor's name?" "Doctor Debeney." He thought he saw the figure relax slightly. "You are Duncan," the voice said. "But we cannot speak here. There's a Shinto shrine three and half a block north of here. Do you know it?" "Yes." He hadn't been there in decades, but he was familiar with it. "I will meet you there in twenty minutes. I need to talk to you - alone." "And my friend?" "Is she one of us?" "Yes." There was silence for several seconds, then Jason said, "It will be too risky if all three of us meet. The Hunters might try something." "I know about the Hunters." "We will talk at the shrine." With that, the shadow turned and walked away from Duncan, moving deeper into the alley. Duncan thought about pursuing Jason and getting some answers immediately, but shook his head. He would get his answers soon enough. As soon as Jason faded into the shadows, Duncan replaced his katana under his overcoat, and walked out onto the street. He slowly walked back to the store, his eyes searching for anyone lingering on the street. He saw no one suspicious, but he didn't feel any less at ease. By the time he walked into the store, a dark haired woman was showing Amanda several of the more exotic lines of lingerie. Amanda spotted Duncan over the woman's shoulder, made a small face at him, and said in Japanese, "The man who has to make the final decision just walked it. Why don't you explain it to him?" The woman turned, and eyed Duncan carefully. He guessed she was in her mid twenties, though with today's technology, she could be ten years older. She was about as tall as Amanda, slim and graceful. An air of elegance combined with a certain calculated look gave Duncan the impression there was more depth to this woman then she allowed to be seen. After several seconds of critical examination, she nodded. "He definitely looks like he has the discriminating eye, madam," she said in perfect English. "Duncan," said Amanda, "this is the owner of this fine establishment, Miss Sylia Stingray. Sylia, this is an old and very dear friend, Duncan Macleod." "A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Macleod," replied Sylia. "The pleasure all mine." Duncan turned to Amanda. "But I have to take a rain check. I'm meeting an old friend in twenty minutes." "Oh? Is the invite for two?" Duncan shook his head. "Guys only thing. I won't be too long." "Well, whose going to decide if this is worth buying?" Amanda asked in a little girl voice. She held up a wisp of fabric that when worn, would leave nothing to the imagination. Out of the corner of his eye, Duncan could see Sylia watching the entire conversation with an amused look. "Er...Why don't you surprise me? You know how I love surprises." "I know," replied Amanda with a sultry look on her face. "But don't say I didn't give you the chance to choose for yourself." Duncan leaned forward and gave Amanda a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'll be back within side of an hour. Wait for me." "I always do." The two women watched Duncan stride out of the store. After several seconds, Sylia spoke. "Your friend is an interesting gentleman. Have you known him for long?" "It seems like I've know him for centuries," replied Amanda quietly. She then turned and smiled at Sylia. "So, since the man who was going to make the final decision just left, why don't we see if we can find some items to make him regret that decision, hmm?"

Chapter 8
City Trash Dump #5 MegaTokyo, Japan April 10, 2036 11:39am
"Oh, what a stench!" exclaimed Daley Wong as he climbed out of the police car. "What died here?" The police car was parked in the small parking lot near the front gate of the trash dump. Sitting on the edge of the Badlands, this trash dump was no stranger to the presence of police onsite. Even now, there were several other police vehicles parked here in this lot, mostly N- police cruisers. Several N-police officers were standing around, trying to talk and breathe through their mouth at the same time. "I smelled worse," replied Leon McNichol, staring around. "I once had to chase a Boomer into the sewers - and compared to that, this aroma is a spring breeze." Daley reached into his pocket, pulled out a filter mask, and put it on. "Speak for your- self. I hope Mindoro has a good reason to call ADP down here. You took the call, what did he say?" "According to Mindoro, the dump's foreman found a dead Boomer down here early this morning." "So?" Leon shrugged, and looked at his partner. "So, the Boomer didn't just wonder in here and expired. Someone, or something, decapitated it." "Wonderful." Leon pointed to a stocky figure in overalls approach them. "There's Rubin now." The figure wave at them, and made his way through the last of the trash. Rubin Mindoro pulled down his filter mask and smiled at the two ADP officers. "Good Morning!" he said happily. Daley sighed. "Why are you always so cheerful, Rubin?" The N-policeman shrugged. "It beats being depressed and morose like you two." "What have you got?" asked Leon quietly. Rubin smiled. "It gets better. Not only do we have a partially dismember Boomer, we've got bits and pieces of two more Boomers scattered among the trash dump." "Wonderful," growled Daley. "And I just had this suit washed, too." "Don't worry, Daley. I sure we can lend you guys some overalls and boots." Twenty minutes later, Daley, Leon and Rubin were standing over the remains of a headless Boomer. The overalls the two ADP officers were wearing were a bit baggy, the boots and gloves a bit too tight, but at least they offered protection from the garbage. Leon squatted down and carefully looked at the neck joint, then the exposed knee joint. "Looks like a blade of some type," he said. "Not a laser or other energy weapon. Have you found the head?" Rubin pointed to a spot several meters away. "Over there." Leon stood and went over to the Boomer's head. He carefully picked it up and looked at it. "Whatever did this, it was a clean stroke." "Which means someone with some experience with the weapon in question," said Daley, picking up the detached leg and looking at it. "And some knowledge of Human or Boomer physical structure." Leon careful replaced the head where he found it. "Rubin, what about the other two Boomers you found?" "Just small bits and pieces. Unlike our friend here, we don't have much to work with. It's going to take your people hours to get every single bit." Leon nodded. "Daley, call in a couple of retrieval squads, and tell them to be ready for some real dirty work. Rubin, can I count on the N-Police lending a hand until our people get here?" Mindoro nodded. "I can hold my people here until yours show up." "I want a complete analysis of everything." Leon turned and walked back towards the car. "Where are you going?" asked Mindoro. "I'm going to get something to eat. For some reason, I'm really hungry all of a sudden." Mindoro watched Daley become pale at the thought of food, and chuckled. "Your partner is one strange dude." "Tell me something I don't know," muttered The red headed Inspector, as he followed his partner.

Shinto shrine April 10, 2036 11:49am
The shrine was located on top of a small tree covered hill, one of the few unspoiled areas left in the city. It had survived the Second Great Kanto Earthquake almost intact, as well as the reconstruction afterwards. It's age and relative importance kept it from becoming a victim of every land hungry corporation in the city. Even in today's climate, there were people who still believed in sprits and religion, and most corporations knew better then to provoke their wrath. Hasn't changed much since I was here last. Duncan climbed the stairs leading to the shrine slowly, senses alert. He reached the courtyard without incident, and looked around the stone paved ground for any sign of Jason. Just then, he felt the presence of another Immortal. A figure stepped out of shadow of a nearby personal shrine. "It's been a long time, Duncan," said Jason. "Over thirty years," replied Duncan, walking slowly towards Jason. "That long?" Jason seemed slightly amused. "You look well." "As do you." "Monastery life has always agreed with me." There was a pained expression on his face. "Or, it did until recently." Duncan nodded. "I know what happen at the Monastery. I received word from a friend. I'm sorry." Jason looked off in the distance. "Your friend must be a Watcher." "He's Retired. You know the Watchers aren't responsible for what happened." "I know." "I also know why you're here. You can't do this alone." Jason shrugged. "It's best I do so. If Immortals band together to fight these Hunters, those Watchers who sit on the fence might decide that maybe the Hunters were right after all, and come down on their side." "So why did you ask for a meeting?" asked Duncan sharply. "Are you asking for help?" "I am, but not with the Hunters." "I don't understand." Jason nodded slowly. "I'm afraid I have another problem, one that occured just last night. The problem is in the form of a young woman who is a brand new Immortal." "How new?" Jason glanced at his watch. "Less then eight hours." "What?" Duncan asked in disbelief. "You dragged a brand new Immortal into this?" "I didn't drag her into this," replied Jason in irritation. "I came across her just as she was coming out of her first death." He paused to consider his next words. "In fact, she doesn't know she's an Immortal yet." "All right," growled Duncan. "I want all the details of what happened last night, from the time you found her, until right now."

Outside the Lady633 Building April 10, 2036 11:55am
Graves saw the two vans seconds before they pulled up to park near where he was standing. He glanced down at his watch, and noted that his team was several minutes early. Excellent. The vans were somber in color, unremarkable in the flow of traffic. The ten men that stepped out of the vans were equally somber in dress and appearance. They were all lean and fit looking, dressed alike in long black leather coats and sunglasses. As if a switch had been turned on, the people on the sidewalk began to give the group assembling near the vans a wide berth. One of the men approached Graves. "Orders?" Graves handed him a picture of Natalia Korsgaard. "This is the package," he said in a low voice. "Penthouse floor of the building across the street there. Retrieve her ALIVE at all costs. Anyone else in the penthouse is fair game. Speed is of the essence." "Security?" "None seen externally, but there could be heavy internal security." The man nodded and turned to the others, and started issuing orders. The men quickly formed themselves in teams and strolled across the street towards their target. Graves stood there and watched his team move into place, his countenance remaining the same. Only his eyes showed any hint of expression, and it was hard to tell exactly what he was feeling.

Chapter 9
Shinto shrine April 10, 2036 11:57am
Duncan listened to Jason's story in silence. After the Immortal finished his story, Duncan shook his head in disbelief. "I know Marder," Duncan said slowly. "He would have taken her head if you hadn't stepped in." He looked around the shrine. "What's the problem?" Jason took a deep breath. "I'm torn between two conflicting duties. I can't break off my war against the Hunters now to take on a new student. By the time I have secured her in a safe place, the trail of the Hunters would have grown cold." "But?" "But, I can't leave her out there with no knowledge of what she has become, and with no way to defend herself, especially with Marder lurking around. I could not forgive myself if she died before she had a chance to find out." Duncan nodded. "What do you want me to do?" "Could you and your friend take her in and protect her until I can finish this mission? Once I have put these Hunters out of business, I will return for her and take the responsibility to train her." "And if you get killed?" "Then I know she has been place into the hands of one of the very few Immortals I can trust - yours." "But -" "Please, Duncan," replied Jason. "You know I'm not doing this mission out of spiteful vengeance, but because it has to be done. Having a new Immortal to protect and teach is a burden I can not afford if my mission here is to succeed. If I fail, then she is in as much danger as the rest of us." Duncan closed his eyes, and thought deeply. After several seconds, He opened his eyes. "All right, I'll take her, for now. But you're the one who'll have to explain what's happened to her." "Agreed." "Where is she now?" Jason took a deep breath. "According to my tracker, she's in the same building that has the lingerie store I saw you in. I was about to determine where she was in the building when I felt your presence." "We better get going then," said Duncan, taking Jason by the sleeve. "The sooner we get her to safety, the better I'll feel." "Agreed." They walked out of the shrine, and headed back towards the lingerie store. Neither spoke until they were half a block from the building. "Why are you here," asked Jason slowly, "if you don't mind me asking?" Duncan shrugged. "A bit of a vacation. I haven't been here in twenty years, not since the Second Great Kanto Earthquake and I thought it was time to check up on some long-term investments I made in the post-earthquake building boom. It's one thing to see this place on television, it's quite another to see it in person. Amanda wanted to come along, and -" "Amanda is here with you?" Jason asked in surprise. "Rebecca Horn's student?" Duncan looked at him in surprise. "You know her?" "I know of her. Rebecca and Master Chang kept in contact with each other through the years. She spoke of Amanda in glowing terms. Rebecca always considered Amanda her favorite student." He looked sad for a moment. "Master Chang was sadden when her husband wrote that one of Rebecca's own students had taken her head." "He didn't enjoy the experience for long." "I know. He never said, but I think Master Chang was satisfied with the outcome." "I hope -" Duncan broke off as he felt the presence of another Immortal. He glanced at Jason, who was also looking around in surprise. The stopped and looked around. After several seconds, Duncan motioned towards a figure standing across and twenty meters down the street from them. A tall man with close cropped jet-black hair, flecked with gray, wearing a well-tailored business suit. He was looking around until he saw Duncan and Jason watching him. His eyes widen in surprise, and he turned and walked away. "That's him." Jason looked and his face became hard. "I know him," he spat out. "He's not a friend, then." "Not by a long shot," Jason replied. "He usually calls himself Graves, because that's all he leaves behind him when he moves on. I have a score to settle with the SOB." "Forget your score," said Duncan urgently, pointing towards the building they were approaching. "And look over at that doorway." Jason did as Duncan bid, and his face took on a calculating look. There were a pair of men standing near the main door of the building they were headed for. Both of them were lean and fit looking, dressed alike in long black leather coats and sunglasses. They were watching the street alertly, and stood poised to move quickly. "Trouble," breathed Jason. "And I think they're after your Immortal." Jason closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. "What have I gotten into to?" he muttered. "I'm beginning to wonder myself," replied Duncan. "But let's solve one problem at a time."

Sylia's Apartment April 10, 2036 12:02pm
Priss looked up from the paper. "Where's Natalia?" "Taking a shower," replied Linna from the kitchen. "How do you want your eggs?" "Cooked." "Very funny." "Scrambled's fine. Did Sylia say what the phone call was about before she left?" "There's a big spender down in the Silky Doll - she wanted the exclusive attention of the manager, ect." Priss shook her head. "Did she say why she changed her mind and wanted us to wait instead of talking Natalia away right now?" "She said she wanted to give Natalia a chance to pull herself together before we hauled her out of here. The big spender downstairs is delaying things a bit." "I don't know how she puts up with some of those stuck up bitches." "The same way I put up with them when I was an aerobics instructor," replied Linna. "Because I know in the end that I will get hard cash out of them." "Sure, they give you money, but -" A low buzz interrupted Priss. They looked at each other. "Someone's using the elevator to come up here. Was Sylia expecting anyone?" asked Linna. "No," replied Priss. She got up slowly. "Go check on Natalia, while I check the elevator's security camera." "Right." Linna cleared the stove, and turned it off before heading for the bedroom. Priss hurried to the security console Sylia had in one corner of the apartment. She turned the camera hidden in the elevator, and the image flicker to life on the security monitor. Priss stared at the security monitor for several seconds, and cursed. "Linna! We've got problems!" "What?" "There's four heavily armed guys in the elevator!" "I'll get Natalia," said Linna tightly. "Check and see if the stairs are clear." "I'm on it." Priss switched on the camera covering the stairs, and slammed a hand down on the console. "Shit!" Linna came out of the bedroom, a hastily dressed Natalia clutching her friend's arm. "What's wrong?" asked Linna. "There's four more guys on the stairs!" shouted Priss in anger. Linna shook off the scared Natalia dashed over to the phone. "I'll call the police." She picked up the receiver and put it to her ear. "The line's dead." "Take Natalia to the computer room, and lock the door. You should be safe there until the police arrive. Contact Sylia and tell her what's happening." "What are you going to do?" asked Linna. Priss unholstered her pistol. "Slow them down a bit." "Are you crazy?" "Can you think of anything else? Take Natalia, and go!" "Are they after me?" asked Natalia, her eyes wide in fright. Linna took her friend by the arm. "Come on, Natalia. Let's get you to safety." The blonde didn't resist Linna's gentle tugging, and the pair of them started down the hallway leading to Sylia's computer room. Priss double checked her pistol's magazine, and watched the elevator empty of its passengers. She switched cameras, and watched the quartet stride up to the front door of the penthouse. She then moved over to the edge of the corridor, and waited for the attack to begin....

Outside Lady633 building April 10, 2036 12:04pm
The two men assigned to guard the main entrance of the Lady633 building watched the two men approaching with suspicion. Neither seemed to be armed, but they each had the look of men use to violence. As the pair turned to walk into the building, the two guards move in to intercept them. "Is there a problem?" one of the men asked, with a smile. He was of medium height, hand- some in a rugged way, clean shaven, with long dark hair pulled back into a loose ponytail. He was dressed in a long black duster, white shirt, and loose fitting jeans. "ADP," said one of the guards gruffly. "We're searching for a renegade 33s Boomer thought to be in the building. Until we're sure she's not in there, we can't allow anyone in or out." "Do you believe him?" the man with the ponytail asked his companion. He was broadshouldered and thick waisted, dressed in a light brown overcoat, thick T-shirt, blue jeans, and boots. He had long dark blonde hair, with a thin mustache and beard. His face was weather-beaten, and his eyes were a clean deep green in color. "Nope." The first man turned to smile at the guard. "Sorry," he said pleasantly. "We don't believe you." Before either guard could move, the two men exploded into action. Duncan punched one guard in the solar plexus. As the guard doubled over in agony, Duncan struck him in the back of the head. The helpless guard collapsed in a heap at his assailant's feet. Before the other guard could respond, Jason kicked him in the groin. The guard lost almost all interest in his surroundings as pain overwhelmed his awareness. Without pausing, Jason then kicked the man behind the ear, dropping him like a rock. The few people who saw the incident didn't linger to watch - living in MegaToyko had taught them to mind their own business. By the time the two men had been dragged inside the glass doors leading to the Lady633 lobby, there was no one near the entrance. "Now what?" asked Jason, kneeling beside his victim. Duncan flipped the unconscious guard onto his stomach, and secured the man's hands with the guard's own coat belt. "We find out where the rest of these guys are." Jason pulled out a short barrel machine-gun, three magazines for it, and a semiautomatic pistol. He cocked the machine-gun, and looked up at Duncan. "You better grab a weapon, then." Duncan shook his head. Jason shrugged and said, "In that case, give me the other guy's weapons." Duncan shook his head, but passed over the weapons. "I thought Master Chang taught you that weapons are tools, and not to be relied on." "I don't rely on weapons," replied Jason, thrusting the second semiautomatic pistol into his belt. "But Master Chang also told me 'Never bring a sword to a gunfight.' This is a gunfight." Duncan looked around. "Where do we start?" "Top floor is a safe bet." "Let's take the stairs." "Good, I could do with the exercise. Besides, I hate elevator music." Duncan eyed Jason in suspicion. "When do you develop a sense of humor?" Jason adjusted the strap on the second machine pistol to his taste. "About the time of Vietnam conflict. It was the only way I could think of to stay sane at the time." He let the machine pistols dangle by his side. "Ready?" "After you."

Chapter 10
Sylia's Apartment April 10, 2036 12:03pm
The front door of Sylia's penthouse crumpled under the demolition pack that had been slapped against it. However, it did not fall, but continued to deny the invaders entry. Sylia had taken in account the possibility of an attack on the penthouse when she'd bought the building, and had taken some precautions. The extensive security system was one. The penthouse front door was another. Made from a light but incredible strong material, the door would resist anything short of an antitank round. Snarling in frustration, the strike team leader motioned for more demolition packs. Another team member stepped forward and slapped two more of the cigarette box sized packs against the doorjambs, and another against the lock. The four men stepped back and the packs went off with a trio of sharp thuds. The door still held, but the framing didn't. It was ripped loose from the wall and fell into the apartment. One of the team produced a grenade, pulled the pin and tossed it inside. The strike team pressed themselves against the wall, closed their eyes tightly, held their hands over their ears, and waited for the grenade to go off. A flash of light, followed by a muffled bang told them the flash-bang grenade had gone off. Two of the team positioned themselves to cover the entrance with their machine pistols, while the other two moved inside the doorway. Once the second pair were in position, the first pair dashed inside. They moved quickly into the living room. Smoke and dust clouded the air, giving everything a hazy look. There were no one in sight, but the team didn't relax their caution. One pair moved towards the bedrooms, while the other pair moved to search the kitchen and dining rooms. The pair tasked with searching the bedrooms reached the hall leading to them, and moved down the corridor slowly. They reached the first door, which was closed. They took position on each side of the door. One pulled out another flash\bang grenade, pulled the pin, and nodded to his partner. The second man grabbed the doorknob and with a hard shove, opened the door. As soon as the door opened, the first man tossed the grenade into the room. Both men leaned away from the doorway as the grenade went off with a large bang and flash of intense light. With barely a pause, both men spun into the doorway, their sub guns ready to fire at the first target they saw. They were looking the wrong way. A door farther down the hall suddenly opened. Priss leaned out and fired three rounds at the closer of the two. The man grunted as one of the bullets struck him in the back of the shoulder and the other two in the side. The force of the impacts slammed him into his partner. They went down in a tangle of arms and legs. Priss aimed her pistol at the struggling men. "Don't move!" she shouted. They ignore her, and continued to try and untangle themselves. Priss swore softly when she saw no sign of injury from the one she'd shot. They must be wearing body armor, or they're Boomers! Before she could fire at the two on the floor again, a figure suddenly appeared behind them. Priss caught the glimpse of the man's submachine gun before he opened fire. "Shit!" Priss swore, throwing herself back into the bedroom as the men opened fire. A low crack, like breaking twigs, and the doorway Priss had been standing in a heartbeat before was suddenly shreaded with a large number of bullet holes. She felt a wood splinter gash her cheek. Priss leapt to her feet and dove over the bed. She rolled to a kneeling position and quickly fired three more shots in the direction of the doorway. She heard someone in the hall- way curse, and she grinned. Linna and Natalia should be safely inside the computer room by now. Sylia got that room built like a fortress. Time for me to leave. Staying low, she moved over to the closet. She slid the door open, fired one more time in the direction of the doorway, and slipped inside the closet. Give them three seconds before they toss in a grenade. She opened a small wall panel, and slapped her hand on the palmprint reader Sylia had installed for such an emergency as this. The palmprint reader scanned her handprint, compared it to the ones on file, reconized the handprint as belonging to an authorized user, and sent a signal to a subprocessor. The subprocessor accepted the signal, and unlocked the hidden door located in the back of the closet, and did all of that in less the two seconds. Priss didn't wait for the door to open completely, but darted through as soon as the opening was wide enough. As soon as the sensor detected her passage, the scanner determined that there was no one else in the closet, and shut the panel quickly. By the time the fragmentation grenade exploded in the room, Priss was safely away.

Silky Doll April 10, 2036 12:04pm
Sylia smiled as Amanda held up a sheer nightgown for her inspection. "What do you think?" "I believe that the gentleman will be most...intrigued by this," Sylia replied straight faced. Amanda made a face. "You don't think it's too daring, do you?" "Not if your friend is as opened minded as you say he is." "He is, but his family is a bit...old fashioned, and they've left their mark on him." "I see." Amanda brightened. "I'll take it." She laid the nightgown on top of a growing pile of lingerie. "Now, what do you have in the way of garterbelts?" Before Sylia could answer, one of the sale's clerks called out, "Sylia! You have a phone call on the internal line!" "If you'll excuse me for a moment," said Sylia, "I should take that call." "Of course," replied Amanda graciously. "It'll give me the chance to decide which bathrobe I should add to my purchases." "I'll be right back." Amanda watched Sylia walk away, then looked at the two robes in question. Both were thin and clinging, one white in color, the other a smoke gray. After several seconds of thought, she chose both, and added them to the pile. Just then, she felt the dull thud of an explosion. She looked up. That sounded like it came from upstairs. I hope it's nothing serious. That hope lasted about ten seconds. A louder, more powerful explosion was heard. Amanda watched Sylia talking urgently on the phone. Something is wrong. Didn't the sales clerk say that was an internal line? She must know what's going on. Sylia replaced the receiver, and looked around, her face grim. Amanda walked over to her and asked in a low voice, "What's the problem?" "Is there a problem?" Amanda sighed. "Don't pretend. Those explosions sounded like plastique. So, unless people use plastique around here on a regular basis, you have a problem." Sylia opened her mouth to say something, but she looked at Amanda's expression, and closed it again. "It looks like there's a terrorist attack of some sort on the penthouse upstairs." "Who's upstairs?" "Several of my friends are currently in the penthouse." "Is that where you live?" "Yes. I own the building." "Get everyone out of here," said Amanda quickly. "No telling what's going on up there." Sylia had already turned and was issuing instructions before Amanda finished speaking. "Mia, Rei, escort everyone out the store as quickly as you can. Sandra, call the ADP and tell them there's a terrorist attack on the penthouse, and give them the address. After that, join the others." She turned back to Amanda. "I suggest you join them." "What are you going to do?" "I have to find out what's going on up there." Amanda grabbed her arm. "Not by yourself, you're not." Sylia gazed coolly at the woman holding her arm. "Miss...." "Amanda." Sylia gave her a slight nod. "Amanda, please release my arm." There was something in her voice that promised something unpleasant if the arm wasn't released. Amanda released her arm. "Like it or not, I'm coming with you. Does this store have direct access to the penthouse?" "There's an private elevator in the back of the store," replied Sylia quickly. Part of Amanda's mind noted she didn't seem to be scared or otherwise show any strong emotion. "Why do you ask?" "Is there any other way?" "The stairwell in the main part of the building, and the other elevators." Amanda shook her head. "No good. If these guys are any good, they'll have them covered. What about -" She felt the presence of another Immortal. She turned quickly, ready to explain what was happening to Duncan, but he wasn't there. Puzzled, she scanned the faces on the sidewalk outside the shop, looking for his familiar face. But the familiar face she saw wasn't Duncan's. There was a small crowd in and around the front doors of the Silky Doll, mostly customers and employees leaving the store. She saw him standing outside the store, looking inside through one of the large showcase windows. He was a tall man with closely cropped jet-black hair, flecked with gray, wearing a well-tailored business suit. His face was angular, with shark- like eyes the color of smoked glass. His well-tanned face was shaved smooth, and he looked to be in excellent shape. He smiled at her, and Amanda felt her blood run cold. Not him. Not after nine hundred years. But it was him, of that she was certain.... FRANCE 1146. . . . Amanda rolled slowly onto her back, reluctant to displace the thick blanket that covered her all the way up to her neck. She opened one eye slowly and let her gaze drift around the room. Daylight was entering the small room through a slit window on the far wall. The room itself was circular with stone walls and floor. Besides the small bed, furniture consisted of a small table and a single chair. The sound that had wakened her, a light rap on the wooden door, came again. "Come in," she said in French, pushing herself up into a sitting position. The woman that entered was old and stooped, her stout body and brown dress making her look like a sack of vegetables. "My Lady Amanda," she croaked, "Lady Rebecca would like to see you as soon as possible." Amanda frowned, "Did she say what for?" "No, My lady. But there is a knight with her, and she asked that you meet them in the chapel." "The Chapel?" "Yes, My Lady." Amanda threw back the blanket, shivering in the cool air. "Thank you, Agathe," she said, slipping out of the narrow bed and standing. "You can go now." While the aged servant shuffled out of the room, Amanda dressed quickly, adding another layer of clothes to what she had been wearing in bed. As she did so, her mind raced. Why did Rebecca want to see her in the chapel? And who was this Knight Agathe said was with Rebecca? It must have something to do with Immortals - that would explain the reason for the meeting to be on holy ground - but what? She finished dressing and hurried from her room. It took her several minutes to reach the chapel. As she reached the doors leading to the holy ground, she felt the presence of Immortals - more then one, but not exactly how maaany. Startled, she took another minute to calm herself before she opened the door and walked into the chapel. The chapel itself was a small affair, slightly larger then Amanda's own room. A dozen pews sat in two rows on each side of a central row leading to the altar. Several lit torches illuminated the chapel, the few windows being too small to allow much light in. Both Rebecca and the Knight were standing near the altar, talking in low tones. Rebecca was dressed in a white, loose flowing robe that wouldn't hinder her movement. Her long red hair cascaded down her back, and her face was set in an expression of firmness. The Knight was half a head taller then Rebecca, with closely cropped jet-black hair, flecked with gray, wearing a full set of chain mail over which a gray surcoat was attached. His mail hood had been thrown back, showing an angular face, with cold eyes the color of smoked glass. His well-tanned face was shaved smooth, and he looked to be in excellent shape. The looked up as Amanda walked towards them. Rebecca smiled at Amanda, but it was the cold smile her teacher used when she had something unpleasant to say. "Did you sleep well?" "Fine, thank you." replied Amanda. "Agathe said you wanted to see me." "Yes, I did." Rebecca looked at the Knight. "First, allow me to introduce Sir Aleron DeGrav, envoy from his Majesty, Louis VII, King of France. Sir Aleron, this is Anna, one of my students." DeGrav smiled. His smile wasn't any warmer then Rebecca's. "I am charmed, My Lady, to find such an exquisite creature as yourself here in God's house." Something about this man gave Amanda the chills. "A pleasure, Sir Knight," she replied, trying to sound smooth. Aleron glanced at Rebecca. "How is she with a sword?" Rebecca shrugged. "Better then some, worse then others." Amanda open her mouth to inter- rupt, but Rebecca continued, "But I haven't finish training her yet. She still has some things to learn and is still under my protection." "Of course," said DeGrav with a smoothness that Amanda knew was false. "I will honor your protection of her, but she cannot stay in your shadow forever." His face hardened. "But enough about this charming Lady. You still refuse to aid the King's Crusade in the Holy Land?" "I have nothing left to give, Sir Knight," said Rebecca cooly. "The King has already taken half my wealth, a quarter of my grain, and a third of the young men in my barony. If I give him any more, I'm in danger of not having enough food for my people to make it through Winter. I will not let that happen, no matter the cost. Am I clear?" Her words hung in the air for several seconds. DeGrav didn't move. "And what do I tell the King?" "The King doesn't care where the supplies come from, as long as he gets them. If you want to intimidate someone, Baron DeOreleans and Count Franchuis have been avoiding the sweeps by moving supplies and money from one to the other. If you were to show up at both their strongholds at the same time, there would be enough supplies to keep the King happy for a while." "If it is true," replied the Knight coldly. "Oh, it's true. Once more, I know how other nobles are hiding their grain and money from the King. Leave me alone for the Winter, and I'll tell you how a couple of others are doing it, and where they hide it." "If you tell me first, I'll consider leaving you alone for the Winter." "I'm not a fool, Aleron. I will tell you after Winter has passed. What you recover from DeOreleans and Franchuis will more then make up the supplies you can get out of me." DeGrav exhaled loudly. "Very well, Baroness. I shall go visit both Baron and Count and see if they being less generous then they should be. And if your words are true, then you not see me this Winter. If you are lying...." Rebecca smiled at him. "You know I don't lie if I don't have to. I suggest you hurry. I have no doubt that you and your men's presence have already been reported to Franchius. No doubt he is already moving the bulk of his supplies to DeOreleans. If he take the North Road, you might catch them before they reach the Baron." The Knight gave Rebecca a short bow. "I shall take your advice this time," he said, then looked at Amanda, who had watched the entire conversation in silence. "My trip here has not been a total waste," he said with a smile, "not when I had the pleasure of meeting such a lovely lady." He turned and strode out of the chapel. His footsteps echoed in the hall, fading away slowly. Amanda moved to follow him, but Rebecca restrained her by placing a hand on her student's arm. "Do not trust him," she whispered. "He is cunning, ruthless, and will exploit any weakness you show him." "Do you know him then?" Amanda whispered back. There was a strange look on her teacher's face. "Better then I should," she whispered sadly. "At one time, he was my student, and my lover." "Your lover...." "We can discuss him later," said Rebecca briskly, her voice more normal in tone, but she still spoke softly. "First, we must make sure that he and all his men leave the castle. When that is done, then we must hide the bulk of our supplies and wealth so DeGrav will not find it." "You don't trust him?" "Not in the slightest. There is a good chance that after seizing the supplies from Franchius and DeOreleans, he will come back and search anyway. Then, after we've hidden everything, I think you should leave here for the convent at Le Harve." "But why?" "Because I've seen that look in his eyes. He now considers you a prize to be won and if you are still here when he returns, he will do everything in his power to win you." Rebecca's face darken. "If you refuse him, he will do everything in his power to take you, and I am not sure I can stop him. The Mother Superior at Le Harve is an old student of mine and DeGrav will not risk the wrath of the Church by trespassing. When I'm convinced he has left for the Holy Land, I will send for you. Until then, you must stay at the convent until I send for you." "But -" "There is no time to argue. As long as he thinks you're still a unblooded student by the name of Anna, he will only try to seduce you. If he finds out you're not a student, he will not hesitate to take your head. And you do not have his skill." She guided Amanda out of the chapel. "But why are you protecting me? You told me I had to stand on my own." The smile Rebecca showed her was without warmth. "Because DeGrav is my student and my mistake. I will not let any of my other students suffer because of him." She started down the corridor at a brisk walk. "Come, we have much to do, and little time. . . . " PRESENT Before she could move, he'd turned and walked away. She stood there for several seconds, not moving. She finally turned to speak to Sylia, and found she was alone in the store.

Emergency staircase - Lady633 April 10, 2036 12:06pm
Jason was in front, one machine pistol held at the ready, the other slung over his back. Duncan was behind him, watching for anyone coming up behind them. They moved, quickly but carefully, up the stairs. Neither said a word to the other, but both men knew what to do. Both were veterans of more than one war, Duncan having seen more wars then Jason, while Jason had seen war more recently then the older Immortal. They'd met no one on the way up so far. Despite the early afternoon, there seemed to be very few people about. There had been the muffled sounds of several explosions several minutes before, but they couldn't hear anything now. They reached the sixth floor without incident. Jason started up the stairs towards the seventh, Duncan following half a dozen steps behind him. Suddenly, Jason stopped and opened fire with his machine gun at an armed shadow that suddenly appeared at the top of the stairs. A low sound, like a string of coughs, was the only noise the gun made, the bullets striking the stairwell wall making a noise only slightly louder. The shadow snapped back out of sight, and both Immortals heard curses from the landing above them. "We found the rear guard," said Jason. "Now what?" "Can you keep them occupied?" asked Duncan. Jason fired another burst up the stairwell. "I don't think that'll be a problem." Duncan moved back down the stairs quickly. He slipped through the fire door on the fourth floor, ran down a short hallway. He made a left at the intersection, and jogged toward the elevator at the end of the hall. After looking around to make sure there was no one in sight, he flattened himself against the wall and pushed the elevator up button. Fifteen seconds later, the doors slid open. Duncan heard a soft intake of breath from inside the car, followed by the unmistakable sound of a pistol's hammer being cocked. Sounds like just one. A rear guard of some sort? He waited until the count of five, then sprang into the car. He slapped aside the pistol before its owner could fire and slammed the person up against the car's back wall. His left hand grabbed the gunman's right wrist, trapping the pistol against the wall. His right arm pressed against the throat of the gunman, forcing her head back against the wall.... Her head? As his mind digested that the gunman was a woman, his body automatically turned slightly to take a powerful knee strike meant for his groin on his thigh. He saw the woman's free hand ball up into a fist and threw a sharp hook at his ribs. Stepping back, he released his hold on her neck and blocking the attempt. Before she could draw back to try again, he grabbed her wrist and held it. "Will you please stop trying to kill me, Miss Stingray?" he asked in a low voice. "I'm on your side." Sylia looked at him, her expression uncertain. She brought the pistol up and pointed it at Duncan. The way she held the pistol told Duncan she was very familiar with the firearm. "I don't believe you," she said, a trace of anger in her voice. He released her and stepped back. "Then shoot me. But I don't think you'll shoot an unarmed person. Also, there's several people on the sixth and seventh floor who are not on your side, and who aren't as friendly as I am. You'll need help." Sylia's eyes narrowed in thought. "How can I trust you?" she asked. Duncan glanced up at the floor indicator. "You don't have any more time." The elevator chimed and the doors slowly opened. Both Duncan and Sylia stepped clear of the car's opening doors and waited for an attack. When none came, they both carefully leaned out and looked into the hallway. No one was there. They pulled back and the doors closed again. Sylia looked at Duncan. "For now, we'll work together. But if you try anything, I'll kill you. Agreed?" "Agreed." Duncan pushed the button to open the doors. "You go first," said Sylia, motioning to the empty hall with her pistol. "Just in case it is a trap."
Chapters 1 - 5 Chapter 11 - 15 Bubble Gum Crucible page