A turtle

Turboturtle's Fanfiction Mainpage

Home of the Turboturtle's writing!!

A turtle

If you're here, that means you either came over from my AOL webpage, or you came here directly.

Here it is, an overview of my stories and what will become my own views on writing. I will be adding both stories and (I hope) essays about writing in future updates. Please look around and see what you think.

My Story Pages
Story Page Last updated Comments
Battletech page It's been a while.... Stories set in FASA's Battletech Universe.
Sailor Moon Stories
Stories based on the Sailor Moon animated series.
Bubblegum Crucible Stories
Stories based on the Bubblegum Crisis OVA animated series.
Bubblegum Avatar Stories
Self-Insertion Stories based on the Bubblegum Crisis OVA animated series.
Three Knights
A Xover between Three Bubblegum Crisis fanfiction Universes.
Dr Who Stories
Stories based on the Long-running BBC Science Fiction Series.
Assorted Stories
Stories that don't fit into the catagories above.

My thoughts on writing and other Fanfiction related items
Writing pages Last updated Comments
Fanfiction Dictionary Coming soon A list of terms used in fanfiction.
Writing Thoughts Coming soon My thoughts about writing.
Trying to join the SME team
My advice if you're trying to get into the Sailor Moon Expanded Writing Group.

Main Webpage Bubblegum Crucible page Bubblegum Avatar page Battletech page Sailor Moon page
Dr Who page Assorted page Links page
Last Updated: August 11, 2003 Maintained by: Craig A. Reed Jr. Email: trboturtle@aol.com