The most BEAUTIFUL FLAG I ever saw:

The Confederate flag symbolizes resistance to Imperialism

We'll be ready next time, Mama.

Imperialism is the extension of sovereignty or control by one people over another.



I ask those who stereotype and vilify me, or demand that I be CENSORED because of my opinions, vocabulary, or flag, to please read carefully and thoughtfully what I have written, and determine whether they have any evidence, other than their own prejudice, hatred, and ignorance (the fruit of misinformation and miseducation?), on which to base their conclusions. Please read and copy as much as you can: this site and those it links to are frequently censored by people who want to control what you can read, hear, see and think).

Those who are open-minded and capable of reason and thinking for themselves clearly even when it is unfashionable to do so may be surprised to learn that not all nationalistic Aryans hate or want to harm other people or advocate genocide and war. Why has the media stereotyped Aryan nationalists as blood-thirsty killers? I care about all people, not just about my own ethnic group.

Those who can be impartial enough to learn and believe the truth, even though they have always been taught the opposite, may begin to consider nationalistic Aryans to be more the victims of hatred, bigotry, ignorance, and prejudice than those who have stereotyped Aryans as their oppressors.

Why have nationalists (except those of our Exploiters' own ethnic group) been vilified by our Exploiters? What I mean by the word "Exploiters" is described below.

Because of the hatred incessantly incited against Aryans by the deceptive propaganda of our unprincipled Exploiters, it may be almost impossible for you to accept that Aryans are as civilized and human as any people on earth.

Is it realistic to expect every individual or race to behave, think and feel as you or your own race does? Our savage Exploiters can not be expected to respect nationalists and our rights, no matter what we say or do. I wish the great intelligence of our exploiters would make it easy to persuade them to cooperate for the benefit of all ethnic nations. But can they restrain their viciously savage and racist instincts? Why bet our Civilization on it?

Our Exploiters want us to believe their lies, and spend billions of dollars trying to deceive us. To protect that investment, do they censor us to keep you from hearing the Truth?

Few Aryan nationalists say unspeakable or hateful things. Indeed many seem to be the most credible, honest, intelligent, and good natured authors, and to be doing their best to communicate the whole Truth to us, at great risk to their own welfare, and despite our Exploiters' unrelenting and persistent efforts to censor them. Most Aryan nationalists care about more than themselves, and want you to know only the Truth.

Our Exploiters prefer their victims to live as though they were innocent and childish slaves wrapped up in a Disneyland fantasy, and oblivious to reality (especially when they send us off to slaughter each other in wars).

I have read and enjoyed many of the Aryan Nationalist Homepages which our Exploiters have now had removed from Internet. The content was written by intelligent, compassionate and knowledgeable people with very straight forward, rational, and convincing arguments. Nevertheless, our Exploiters try to censor Aryan nationalists more than they do pornographers, etc., whether on Internet or any of the other media they control. In Aryan literature, on Internet, etc. I have rarely encountered any of the hatred, etc. you may imagine our Exploiters want to protect you from. Go to (was censored?) to find other links to Aryan Nationalist sites.

Some Aryan nationalists just want to express their reasons for doubting the holycaust, etc. propaganda that in reality points a vindictive finger at the Aryan race. We have all been exposed to these accusations ad nauseum in works of fiction (documentaries?) presented by our Exploiter's media monopoly. But has the Germanic race ever been judged guilty in an impartial trial of fact, in which anyone has been given any opportunity to defend the Germanic race against such criminal accusations?

I recommend you read "Doenitz at Nuremberg", a great book of letters about Admiral Doenitz and the "war crimes" trials, written by many of the world's most distinguished leaders and military men, which you are not likely to find in your local library (our Exploiters have ways of keeping such books out of libraries, which can not seem to get enough books supporting their own agenda, their version of the holocaust that was not a holocaust, etc.). Do our Exploiters not want you to know about this information? This book, No. 282 under the category "Second World War", can be ordered at . Once you have read a little of "Doenitz at Nuremberg", you may begin to appreciate the dishonesty of the "war crimes" trials of the Second World War.

Will there be a "Holocaust Memorial" in Washington for Tutsi victims of genocide (Tutsi are more Hamitic than Negroid, but as "African" and as "black" as any "African-American" mulatto).

Why do people believe killing a Jew is different from killing a Tutsi or an Aryan?

Do the media, Judaism, Islam and Christianity teach us that God values Jews more than the rest of mankind?

Why does no one remember accusations of genocide against any ethnic group except the one to which our Exploiters belong?

Compare media's focus on alleged genocide by Aryans with media coverage of genocide by Negro nations, like Huttu, who are accused of killing a few years ago almost a million Tutsi within about three months, or the extermination of non Negroes by the Negroes of Haiti a couple hundred years ago (and many other examples).

Aryans are an Indo-Hittite nation, descendants of the Hittites which have been "holocausted" (in obedience to an unrescinded religious MANDATE?) by Jews according to Hebrew and Christian "holy" scriptures, but anyone who fusses over THAT genocide gets less media coverage than those who protest the annual "holocaust" of millions of animals for food.

Are allegations of genocide by Aryans motivated by any concern for truth and justice, or are they the purely political means by which Aryans are made to feel guilty enough to destroy themselves and fear dealing with reality?

Would our Exploiters care WHAT was said about what some consider to be a "WholeLieCast", if our Exploiters were not afraid that you could be convinced that our Exploiters have been lying to you?

Do our Exploiters realize that even though they are the greatest liars the world has ever known, they are no match for the truth, if it is allowed to leak out?

Do our alien Exploiters want to make it a crime for us to say or hear the truth, think for ourselves, and come to our own conclusions, as though we were inhuman monsters, who would exterminate their "Chosen" people (and that of the Hebrew god, Satan), if we only knew the truth?

Our Exploiters rarely allow Aryan nationalists to broadcast their views. I am in favor of making it illegal for Internet Service Providers or anyone else to use their control or ownership of broadcast facilities, etc. to deprive anyone of use of the national air-waves because of his political views, or to discriminate against, or treat disrepectfully, etc. anyone because of the expression of any belief, conviction, or viewpoint, (on "talk shows", etc.). People might not be so prejudiced against Aryans if Aryans had better opportunities to express their viewpoints in broadcasts, etc.

Is biased and deceptive media in the national interest?

Are the only nationalistic Aryans which our Exploiters have allowed us to hear precisely those we may be ashamed of, because of their disrespect, hatred, name calling and violence towards other races, and other qualities which are not characteristic either of Aryans or of any civilized race (except when we feel that our ethnic boundaries have been violated)?

After I understood how effectively our Exploiters prevent communication of views similar to my own, I began to understand better why some Aryans HAVE resorted to VIOLENCE.

We are shocked by those of us who have acted violently, and feel they have discredited our own race and cause.

The Aryan race, which our Exploiters have portrayed as the most violent and evil of all races, has in reality been the most civilized, and hates violence as much as uncivilized races love it.

What little violence and crime is perpetrated by Aryans plays right into our Exploiter's hands. They use it to stereotype all Aryans.

Few of us understand the reason or necessity for that violence. Once our Exploiters deprive Aryans of their only means to communicate with the masses, and of as much of our freedom of speech as they can, what practical means is left for us to fight for Life and the freedom of our Civilization, but violence?

I respect the differences and boundaries of, and LOVE equally, ALL ethno-states and RACES (even that of our imperialistic Exploiters). I believe EACH race or ethnic nation is the GREATEST (even head-hunters in Borneo, etc.) and can best serve and benefit both itself and humanity by PRESERVING itself and its precious genetic, cultural, religious, territorial, etc. integrity as PURE, uncontaminated, and intact as possible.

I am NOT a "White supremacist", and do not consider any form of life "superior" to any other. ALL life is precious, and criminal behavior, lack of intelligence, etc. makes no one inferior.

Is convincing others that I respect all races equally so hard to do because the media has never portrayed any Aryan nationalist as civilized?

Amongst which race would you choose to live, the Aryan, Mongoloid, Negroid, Latin or Hebrew, etc.? Why then has our Exploiter's media vilified the Aryan race more than any other?

Have you ever heard any media vilify the ethnic minority to which our Exploiters (who own nearly all the mass media) belong?

Why do most emigrants move into Aryan nations or neighborhoods? How many Aryans are emigrating into Negroid, Mongoloid, Latin or Hebrew homelands or neighborhoods? Even savages do not like living amongst themselves.

How many Aryans care whether there will be an opportunity for future generations of Aryans to live amongst their own kind? Will "White flight" soon be impossible?

Of all races, which is now in greatest danger of extinction? Why should the Negroid, Mongoloid and Hebrew ethnic homelands be preserved more racially pure than Aryan homelands?

And why are Aryans letting their own race (and Civilization?) perish? Anti-Aryan and alien influences in "Aryan" schools, media, religion, government, etc.? Lack of racial identity, pride and knowledge? In whose interest is the destruction of the Aryan race? Of course, no matter how intellectually brilliant our parasitic Exploiters are, our Exploiters are too savage to realize that the destruction of the Aryan race will probably deprive our Exploiters of all the products that they exploit us to gain.

I want Civilization to protect and help ALL ethnic nations preserve themselves in their own racially exclusive homelands. Is the loss of ethnic nations not as terrible as the loss of non-human species?

I oppose Imperialism, the rule of any ethnic nation by aliens (Deuteronomy 17.14-15), and advocate that we undo the confusion Imperialists have made of God's creation. I advocate ethnic and racial self-determination, self-preservation, and self-cleansing (Ezra 10.2-3, 11, etc.) for:

  1. Kelts (Scots, etc.), Germans (Anglo-Saxons, etc.), Slavs (Russians, etc.), and all other Indo-HITTITE (Aryan) nations (Kurds, Palestinians, Iranians, Pakistanis, Indians, etc.);
  2. Somalis, Ethiopians, Egyptians, Berbers and all other non-Aryan Hamites (some are not so "white") of Africa and Asia;
  3. Basques, Caucasians (the name of a non-Aryan ethnic-nation which inhabits the Caucasian mountains), southern Europeans (Latins, etc.), Semites, and all other non-Aryan and non-Hamitic "whites" (the Cro-Magnon race).
  4. each of the many American Indian nations;
  5. Japanese, Koreans, and all other Mongoloid nations;
  6. Australoids, Melanesians, etc.;
  7. The non-Negroid races of sub-Saharan Africa (Pygmies, Hottentots and Bushmen).
  8. Ibo, Hausa, Huttu, Bantu and all of the many other Negro tribes or nations;
  9. and for any other ethnic groups or races not named above.

I also advocate a homeland for the genocidalists who wish to DESTROY all the races, cultures, etc. by mixing all races, etc. together, in which could live all people who are too genetically adulterated to belong to the more ethnically pure homelands.

Is it an accident that presently almost all of humanity is governed by one or more multi-racial empires, in which whatever civilization any ever had is collapsing, despite awesome scientific and technological progress by what remains of the Aryan race?

If you wonder how an ethnically pure homeland might threaten anyone's security, does the ferocity with which institutions controlled by our Exploiters (such as the governments of the United States, Germany, England, etc. and United Nations) attack any nationalistic ethnic nation which still has, or wants to reclaim, its own homeland (such as Serbs and Somalis) indicate how intolerant our Exploiters are of all national identities except their own?

Why risk permanently destroying ALL human ethnic, genetic and cultural, etc. diversity worldwide by mixing all ethnic groups together, as though hundreds of thousands of years of genetic distance, diversification and human evolution had produced nothing worth preserving?

Which "racial agenda" do you think is in the interest of the future of mankind, our Exploiter's agenda of racial destruction though MISCEGENATION (of all ethnicities EXCEPT their own), or my "racial agenda" of ethnic and racial preservation?

Ethnically exclusive homelands can be easily achieved in a few generations, without human suffering, simply by allowing people to have children only in homelands of their own kind, perhaps as part of a program to prevent the destructive effects of over-population.

How could tourism, commerce and international trade, etc. be adversely affected by restricting over population in that way? Anyone who chose not to have children would be just as free to live, work, travel, etc. anywhere in the world as he is today, and could even marry outside his own race.

If you let the media think for you, you may never have imagined that it is possible for a democracy to be nationalistic.

"Democracy" means "rule by the people", not the kind of government Americans have. Is democracy only allowing the people to vote on which of our Exploiter's puppets rule us for the next four years?

I prefer TRUE democracy.

I also prefer government based as much as possible on the clan. Government above the family or clan level has almost without exception been the worst scourge of people and civilization, and is easily corrupted and even monopolized by militant and well-organized minorities.

One of the first governments above the clan level may have been created to better serve the interests of the Hamitic clans, but eventually became more dictatorial and oppressive, elevated itself to godhood, and put Egyptians to work building useless funerary monuments (pyramids, etc.). If Egyptian dynasties had instead used their resources to develop the prosperity, science, technology, and military defense of Civilization, would the HYKSOS and their descendants still prey upon and exploit us today?

When our imperialistic Exploiters tried to conquer (as always, in the name of charity, to appeal to the souls of Aryans whose minds they have enslaved) Somalia, had the Somalian government not been based on its prehistoric clan political structure, could it have survived and forced the retreat of the mighty armies of United Nations invaders?

I do not hate or condemn exploiters (or anyone), but I oppose exploitation, which I define as using false pretenses and deceit to obtain benefits from others. Our greatest exploiters own or control most of our (please read the document at this link). See for confirmation. There is no greater IGNORANCE than not to know who owns most of the MASS MEDIA, since it determines whom we elect to govern us.

When I use the word 'Exploiters' (capitol 'E'). I am no more referring to ALL members of an ethnic group than I am referring to all Italians when I refer to the Mafia, or to all Americans when I refer to the government of the USA. Most citizens, members and supporters of any large state, political party, religion, or other organization know little about what their own leadership or government does or thinks, and do not control the decisions or actions of their leaders, and therefore can not be held entirely responsible for them. (As Jesus Christ said, "Forgive them, for they know not what they do").

Moreover since ALL individuals and RACES differ from each other, can any generalization or stereotype, no matter how useful and accurate, be completely reliable or applicable to any entire group of people, such as Nazis, Jews, KKK, Negroes, etc.? Why has the media made it so difficult for any of us to conceive of a "good" Nazi, or an "evil" Jew (even amongst wild animals, some are less dangerous than others)?

At the highest level almost all of our Exploiters belong to a small racially exclusive minority. Of all "white" races that ever existed, probably none has ever had such strong and exclusive tribal bonds as this branch of the Cro-Magnon branch of the "white" race. Has it ever shown the least respect or love for outsiders (or even for other "whites"), or dealt with outsiders except as they have with their cattle? The history and prehistory of our Exploiters' ethnic group is replete with unprovoked attacks and GENOCIDE against any outsider group within its reach. More than one clan chieftain has contemplated sending his dancing youth to teach our Exploiters' tribe a lesson about the feelings of humanity and brotherhood intrinsic in most "White" races, by administering to our Exploiters' tribe some of its own savage medicine.

I believe that such military campaigns can not change the savage behavior which has been so characteristic of our Exploiters' ethnic group throughout history. The only way to protect the rest of humanity from this minority is either to annihilate it (as it has other ethnic groups), or to contain it by pledges of military assistance to any nation threatened by it. Unfortunately, allowing it to survive has made disaster for the rest of humanity almost inevitable.

Our Exploiters' ethnic group has associated with (as the enemy of) Aryan Civilization almost since its beginning. For the last few millennia our Exploiters have managed to inculcate their own and other races, and especially Aryans, with the religion and IDENTITY of our Exploiters. Without Aryan collaborators and technology, our Exploiters could no longer rule any nation but their own.

Our Exploiters prefer not to expose themselves, so usually remain cloaked in the background, while in the forefront their converts self-righteously serve as their "attack dogs" and propagandists. Inculcation into the cult of our Exploiters usually strips these collaborators of their inborn pride, sanity, rationality, common sense, human dignity and even of their capacity to think for themselves. These perverts, driven by fear of "hell" (which they live in) and the fear of being holocausted (as the Canaanites were) by their god's "Chosen People", knowingly swallow lies, become religiously racist and hypocritical, and lose so much self-esteem that there is very little one can do to communicate with them thereafter. Their disease is indeed spiritual and rarely reversible Matthew 23.15).

When I use the word ARYAN, I am referring to the Keltic, Germanic. Slavic, etc. people. Scientists also refer to Aryans as Indo-Hittites and Indo-Europeans. The Bible refers to Hittites as Hamites and Canaanites. The further south in Europe, and east and south in Asia, the less Aryan the populations become.

Were Aryan Hamites the first farmers and Civilization on Earth? As the glaciers retreated, did Aryan nations spread from the Middle East into Europe and Asia as far as China, driven in part by Semitic conquest and genocide? Judge the genetic, etc. evidence for yourself after reading the

"Theory of Aryan Origins and Kinship"

The LINKS enumerated below are to my other files at this web-site, and are arranged in the order I recommend they be read.

  1. Are you being exploited?
  2. My Purpose - October 27, 1996
  3. Religion
  4. Truth
  5. Hatred
  6. Racism
  7. Race
  8. Negro Nationalism
  9. Arson
  10. Respect - May 23, 1996
  11. William Pierce - May 24, 1996
  12. Don Black - January 17, 1998
  13. Do you object to my use of the Confederate Flag? - October 27, 1996
  14. To censored Internet authors - Written August 23, 1997.
  15. Democracy via Internet?
  16. Censorship at Geocities?
  17. Summary

This material was copyrighted in 1995 by the author, and is NOT released into the public domain. Any distribution or duplication of this material is expressly forbidden except when authorized by the author in writing.

This page was one month old on June/4/96, and had been visited 512 times (mostly by our Exploiters?). On 5/22/96 I also installed a Geocities counter, which read 400 on 1 July 96 and 1347 on 10/27/96.

The above numbers amaze me, since our Exploiter's have had this web-page censored so many times. Although I repost this page at a new URL each time it is censored, it takes a while for others to find it. The traffic grows steadily until our Exploiters find it and have it censored yet again. I am very proud that this web-page has performed so well under these conditions, and that it has helped educate so many people, despite our Exploiter's efforts to keep you from reading what I have written.

Why do we struggle for free speech on the Internet, for the human rights of Aryan and all other nationalists, and for Life and Civilization itself? Because of our LOVE. We will fail unless we hear and understand why our Exploiters are censoring our web sites, precisely who our Exploiters are, and what their agenda is. Please read the information and links posted at this website carefully, and reason and think for yourself enough to overcome the prejudices and hatreds inculcated into us by our Exploiters.

That's all, folks. Farewell; Au revoir; Hasta la huego; Adeus; and Auf wieder sehen
from a mostly Aryan country boy whose ancestors have lived in Fairfield County since before SOUTH CAROLINA was a free and sovereign state (it has been the first to struggle against Imperialism to be so again) in the land of

Please click on the Confederate flag flying PROUDLY over this page


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