and for further illumination of individuals yet to be illuminated.

All sites listed below or herein are deemed by the cabal to be positively eristic, erratic, or educational...some are just plain fun. All will illuminate you in some way. Some of them are just sites we love well. There are several categories and we have listed the site links by category but many sites do overlap as do the categories.

Do to the large length of this list, we have decided to move the categories to their own pages to help you find links that may interest you. The categories and pages you will find them on are listed below. We have reserved this main index page for our perennial favorites, so a few sites listed on this page may also be found in the relevant or irrelevant category pages.

We have included brief descriptions/reviews of the sites. We will keep adding to this collection as time goes on and we discover more sites we like. If you wish your site to be listed or have some links to more sites for us to check out, let us know. If you find your site here and do not wish to be listed in such a listing, especially as it leads certain segments of the populace to the unqualified assumption that you are crazy for associating with colored animals, let us know about it. If the current Episkopos is having a good day, he, she, or they, may listen to your objections.

All of the listed URLs are current, as far as we know. We update/edit this collection regularly. If any of the links fail, use web search engines to find the sites you wish to visit. ( Also let us know of any URL changes. We would appreciate it.)


Erisian and Discordian sites
Many sites produced and maintained by our fellow Discordian Society members or groups.
Pagan, Wicca, Witchcraft, etc.
A directory of good Pagan, Wiccan, or Witchcraft sites.
Buddhist Sites
Some interesting sites dealing with Buddhism, which is probably the only major religion where complete freedom of mind is cultivated.
Magical or Occult sites
This is self explanatory. Many Chaos Magic sites are listed herein along with some other related sites.
It seems the Bureaucracy is being added to or fought against in many ways.
Damned Uncategorizable Things
Websites that may or not fit into any of the slots we have above.

Random Sites We May or May Not Want You to See First

Irreverend Hugh's Site
Irreverend Hugh, once had his own site here. But Chaos Magic Dot Com is down for good perhaps.
The Church of Eris
Reverend and Saint Verthaine's crazy cabal from New Orleans. Again, this url is a dead link, but we will post an update shortly once we get to it.
Wicca for the Rest of Us
A site that sets the record straight when it comes to Wicca and matters Wiccan. A lot of cherished pre/mis-conceptions are shattered...And good riddens! Fight the fluff!

Note to all former and current PMM members and friends: if we have missed your site and you wish to see it listed here, contact us.
Note to all others: inclusion in the above means you are someone whose site we want people to see first.

PMM Intra-site Navigation

Intro/Updates page
To go to the DSSS/PMM intro page which supposedly has updates.
The PMM/DSSS Site Map
Our site map which we will be restoring and updating shortly.
Some writings by weirdos, Discordians and Eris Things, in an attempt (and a rather lazy one at that) to gather as much Erisiana together in one place as possible. As you can tell, we haven't gathered but a drop in the bucket. But if you would like to help in the endeavor, feel free to contact us.
Contact Page
If you wish to drop us an email or start correspondance, go to this page.
Sign Our Guestbook?
We may put you on our mailing list, to alert you of anything relevant or not. Also feel free to inquire about submitting some of your own writing. We do take submissions when Eris is looking.

Banners, Stickers, and other Web Graphics

Did you know that
God is a Crazy Woman?

Note: Every effort has been made to keep this collection updated and accurate. If you notice any broken links or errors, please let us know.

last update - 7.feb.2009