<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/trivatch/Tournament.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Sigh, ok I'm putting anything that's of real use on this page so you guys have somewhere to go to look for REAL updates...-.-;;

Changed a lot of pages around, changed home page song, trying to fix the updates problem with the other web site editors...-.-;;
May 3rd, 2005
May 3rd, 2005
when you say other website editors does that mean me ^____^ oh and i cant link to your page whats with that??
May 3rd, 2005
Fixed the links in the task bar on Skotios' Page!
May 2nd, 2005
Ok, no more Mr. Nice guy. This is officially the day I start working on the site. Can't let Lil David show me up! And michael has no good computer to work on this site...MUHAHAHA Bring on the updates! First of all ima work on the Side bar and my home page so everyone will know my name!!! muhahahah, by the way I'm the handome guy closest to the camera in the above picture! Woot woot!
May 3rd, 2005
oh no boy that sounds like a challenage to me you wanna challenge me to a updating contest you died clown!!! oh by the way i am the most dashing of the 3 up there in the one in the middle but you probably know that aready. oh and who loves guys playing with mop handles ahahhha halarious...
May 3rd, 2005
Sigh, if your gonna update ya gotta at LEAST know the basics. Gotta put when u posted and what's up. Oh and pick two colors ur gonna stick with so people will know whose updating! Skotios = Blue and Grey, David = Black and Orange! Or do u want a different color?  (Just so you all know, you'll be seeing mostly blue and grey ^.^)
May 3rd, 2005
May 3rd, 2005
Poke Poke, hi!
this is crazy were all working on the website at the same time and i started it muahahahah

HI MOM!!!!
May 3rd, 2005
Ok from now on there is a "Trivatch Web Designers page" POST THERE!
Skotios' Page
David's Space!
Zero's Page
Trivatch Designers Page