Hello and Welcome to my Home page! been up and running

for about hummmmmmm 10 years now all done by html tags by me! So bare with me it is work in Progress.

there will be a few changes to come .. I am Revamping it trying to give it my real touch the Real me..
I am no Longer the person I once was I have changed but will be adding much more information ...

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See me live on my webcam.

This way to MY World !
All About me !
My Loving Husbands Page !
Tracey III's Page!
My Cat's!
In Memmorie of Sir Daniel Flash
Sam is our Orange winged Amazon Bird

Here are a few links you can put on your page !

Now you can know when I am on line if you see here the Icons you can come chat with me if youlike :p I am not to shy and I won't bite either.


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