Philmont Ring of Home Pages

Philmont Youth Crew Positions
& Responsibilities

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View crew positions & responsibilities in MS Word format -- Youth Crew Positions.

Crew Leader:

  • Responsible for the overall success of the expedition, and safety, comfort and participation of each individual
  • Represents the crew in meetings and decision making
  • Sees that crew operates efficiently and strictly within the rules and regulations of Philmont and BSA
  • Communicates and coordinates with adult advisors
  • Develops daily rotating duty roster and supervises its operation
  • Directly supervises Chefs, Firechief, and Pathfinder
  • Becomes thoroughly familiar with itinerary and carries a Philmont map
  • Is responsible for "No Trace" camping
  • Completes base camp reports and paperwork both before and after trek

Assistant Crew Leader:

  • Responsible for all duties of Crew Leader as necessary
  • Supervises Chaplain, Chronicler, and Medic
  • Supervises camp improvement/conservation project
  • Serves as Quartermaster and keeps up with location and proper use of all crew equipment
  • Distributes crew gear and food packets daily
  • In charge of setting up the dining fly and tents
  • Serves as “bear bag” man and expert on what goes into the bag

Pathfinder (Naviguesser):

  • Responsible for determining correct location and trail choices
  • Carries a Philmont Map and a good compass
  • Becomes thoroughly familiar with itinerary and regularly confers with Crew Leader on distances, schedule, and location
  • Takes sightings and map checks at each cross trail and accounts for 11 degree declination
  • Monitors crew location at all times


  • Supervises two cooks and all meal preparation (does not do the cooking)
  • Responsible for efficient, timely, attractive preparation and serving of meals
  • Assures proper amount of water for cooking
  • Reads food preparation instructions fully before opening food packets, lays out food packages in proper order for meal preparation before cooking or serving anything
  • Puts wash water on stove as soon as finished with cooking tasks
  • Is exempt from most rotating duties


  • Responsible for all fires
  • Lights all stoves and wood fires as necessary
  • Keeps up with fuel supply, refueling stoves and seeing that stoves are turned off when not needed
  • Ensures that fires are dead out, cleans out fireplaces, and assures “leave no trace” fires
  • Sees that a small wood pile is left for next crew

Medic/Safety Officer:

  • Responsible for health and welfare of all crew members
  • In charge of (and carries) the First Aid Kit
  • Renders First Aid when necessary (along with advisor)
  • Treats all drinking water with purifiers and sanitizes scrubwater
  • In charge of (and carries) water purifier chemicals
  • Inspects cooking gear after each meal cleanup for sanitation
  • Reviews all medical records with advisers
  • Monitors crew regularly for sunburn, dehydration, hypothermia, foot problems, heat stroke and other ailments, and keeps advisors informed


  • Responsible for carrying the devotional book
  • Conducts a short daily devotional
  • Assembles crew for meals and leads crew in "Philmont Grace"
  • Conducts the sabbath devotional
  • Checks on attitude and outlook of each crew member daily and coordinates with medic concerning health and welfare of each member
  • Arranges for crew attendance at religious services at base camp
  • Makes bed check each night and reports to advisors on camp security

Chronicler (Historian):

  • Responsible for the Crew Journal or Chronicle
  • Keeps a daily record of trek (altitude, trails, weather, wildlife, flora, fauna, sites, camps, trails, events, activities, participation)
  • Writes a report each evening giving full account of the day
  • Sees that postcards are written/mailed home by each crew member
  • Distributes mail
  • Arranges sightseeing and museum visits

ROTATING Camp Duties (Crew Leader prepares a daily roster) (Cooks for the day do not share rotating duties)(each job shown below has two positions)

  • Water (WT) – Water retrieval and purification (for meals – not individuals)
  • Cooks (CK) – Cooks (chef supervises the cooks)
  • Clean Up (CU) – Meal & Site cleanup (including carrying garbage & trash)
  • Dining Fly (DF) – Dining fly setup and take down
  • Bear Bag (BB) – Bear bag hanging and take down

Originated by Jack Langford Philmont ‘90 – Revised by Ken Cook Philmont ‘92 – Updated by Earl Owens, Philmont Advisor ‘98, ‘00, ‘02, ‘04 & ‘06

While at Philmont please take only photographs, and leave only footprints.

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