Our Eagle Page


The Rank of Eagle
The Rank of Eagle Scout is the highest honor a scout could earn. Only 2% of those boys entering into the scouting program earn this honor. It is not the easiest rank to earn either, in order to achieve the goals of an Eagle Scout one must show the ability to be creative,  leadership skills and a desire to give without question. He must be able to put together the resources necessary to fulfill whatever venture he has chosen for his eagle project. The scout prepares his application and plans, showing who, what, where, and how his project is to be done. Most of the knowledge necessary for this endeavor has been taught right in the scouting program as he advanced through the ranks, from Assistant Patrol Leader to Senior Patrol Leader.

This page is dedicated to those boys past and present who are members of Troop 22. May your everyday lives always reward you for your hard work and dedication to achieving the rank of Eagle.





Brain Lynn


 Brian Chabot


  Tommy Bess


 Joey Mathews


 Chris Steahler


 Mike Gruhler


 Eric James


William Holliday

Louis Mizelle 04-22-1970
Gerald Meyer 04-22-1970
George Frey 12-26-1969
Robert Newton 05-26-1969
Richard Newton 05-22-1969
Jerry Frey 10-12-1965
James Frey 03-2-1964