









real world



When one joins the Matrixism religion, they can level up and get new skills and powers if they have an understanding that you can bend the Matrix around you. Basically, I'm talking about super powers. You level up with experience (in point form). You get experience by:

1 Sticking it to the man

2 Fighting in general

3 Eating weird things you might find

4 killing animals, infidel, or agents of the Matrix (big points here)

5 listening to heavy metal or hard core techno

6 Giving lots of money to the religion

7 Watching, or praying to, the Matrix movie

Powers and skills:

Kung-fu     kicking ass

Jujitsu        kicking even more ass

Drunken Boxing     kicking ass while drunk

Stealth      the ability to hide well 

Identify     the ability to know what stuff is

Drunk       the ability to see weird stuff  and be really funny

Mind Bullets  the ability to shoot invisible bullets out of your head BANG!!!

Stab            the ability to stab well

Doing two chicks at once        guess

Fencing           the ability to be a master fencer

Bike riding         the ability to stay up on two wheels 

Sleep              the ability to release from the fake world for up to 14 hours at a time

Wall run          the ability to run on the wall, Neo style baby

Super leap         the ability to jump like a master jumper

Bullet Dodge        the ability to move out of the way of tiny flying metal pieces

Telekinesis         the ability to think hard about something and then something falls over

Jog         the ability to not quite run

Read        the ability to read

Mace Spray     the ability to spray mace into a persons, (or midgets) face awesomely

Bite         the ability to bite hard in the form of an unstoppable attack

Trip       the ability to trip a person causing them, in turn, to fall, and or stumble

Throwing Star               the ability to huck, blindly pointy round things in a general direction

Assault and Battering             the ability to beat the crap out of someone or something

Magic Spinning  Loose change       like throwing star, but with change

Teleportation          the ability to to move super ultra fast

Knife fight        the ability to fight with a knife while not even drunk!

Swim              a system of spastic movements that retain a certain aquatic elevation level

System Hack                         hackin the system, YEAHHH

Web Sling                    the ability to sling web

Rabid Monkey Control               the ability to control Monkeys WARNING, DOESN'T ALWAYS WORK!!

Disguise                 the ability to look slightly different, "Gee Phasam, did you get a hair cut?" ha yeah right!              

Quick walk          not quite jog, not quite walk, but quite sweet

Not look suspicious             the ability to not look like you just stole that can of spray cheese

The Magical ability to guess how many jelly beans are in a big glass jar                                Duhhh

Deadly Talon Move                the ability to jam two fingers in each eye socket of a persons head and then thier head explodes!!

Sand Castle Making           not really a power, but pretty cool I think

Extended Rage       the ability to be super piss for super long

Absent spoon attack     an awesome attack that's so cool you don't need a spoon

Space out        just kinda doing nothing for a while

Pubierus Extendus          the ability to have and or grow, long hair

Big Stomp           foot goes up, foot goes down, big bang! Sweet

Little angry fist of hatefulness and spite   little fist, lots of pain   

Roll      the ability to perform a really halfed assed flip

Mental blast       to shoot an invisible, untouchable, unsensible beam from the head

Making a few calls      the ability to find out whats going down

Barrel toss        the ability to chuck a big barrel, Look out Mario!!

Knowledge of recent and outstanding discoveries in the field of geomorphology     kind of obvious I think

Blink      the skill used to shut ones eyes super fastly

Having senses 6th-7.5th     having 2.5 more senses then normal

Homunculus Punch     the ability to punch a midget (usually on the top of the head)

Poke    the ability to do some serious poking, no gay slaps here baby

Testies Shock      the quick but painful maneuver that renders a victim immobile while his testies are shocked with a car battery
Charm fish      the ability to befriend fish, sometimes in a sexual way
Rock Molest         a difficult but powerful skill. You gota love those rocks
Face plant       the ability to plant a face, and after careful attention, big faces will grow
Rock'n kick ass'n kick assness charge        the ability to chage up ones energy, kickassly
B Ballin it up wit da big tymers              having serious in's with the getto people, "Pass me the rock, out up the J"
The big BOO attack        the ability to startle children in the dark by jumping out of the bushes at them while screaming and wearing road-kill or trash as cloths (this last part is important)
Super Deadly Stink          killin stuff with your stink? No.....    WAY!!
Ultra mega attack          a serious but secret attack I cant put here *cough, cyborgs*
Magic shrinking move            the ability to pull  ones knees up to ones chest and turn ball like!!
Big foot launch attack            similar to kick,... ok ok its kick
Aggressive look           the ability to crumple your eyebrows evoking an aggressive, and or just retarded look on ones face
Moon Attack               like a normal attack, only done really slowly
Guitar squeal           gota guitar? squeal it baby, oh yeah