Cristhian Alcantara Cadillo







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Technology Interesting News (Español)
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Computer World News Here
NewsBytes  Here
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Linux Stuff
Apache Server Download for Linux and Win 32 Here
Here is the Java-Apache Project HomePage (Ej. Apache JServ last version) Here
You can download the JDK for LINUX Here
Servlet Information and download (JSDK, solaris is the same for LINUX) Here
GNU Java Server Pages (free implementation of Sun´s java server pages) Here
Linux headquarters (Gnapster, Real Player, tutorials and more)  Here

JAVA ITI, programas, codification (Spanish) Here

Warez and Cracks
Cracks for programs and games Here

Java Script Tutorial by Jeb Ward Here
CGI Resource Index: Programs and Scripts Here
CGI CGI Programming with Visual Basic Here
Introduction to VISUAL BASIC 5.0 programming Here
Visual Basic Examples (Source Code)  Here
Visual Basic Excellent Solutions  Here
FreeCode, Free Programming Source Code Here
The Art of Assembly Language Programming  Here
Tutoriales sobre Programación Interesantísimos!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here 


Apache, Java Servlet, Java Server Pages Config Here
Java Apache- Instalation and configuration instructions (servlets, JSP) Here
JDBC Tutorial (from the PostgreSQL Programming Guide) Here
Servlet´s tutorial, by Cynthia Bloch Here
Java Tutorial (Complete guide)   Here
Servlet Central Here

Computer Related Terms (Dictionary)
DataBase Glossary Here
omputer related terms (internet language dictionary). Netlingo Dictionary Here 
Software Dictionary (Software Engineering words).Here
Computing Dictionary.Here
Cisco InternetWorking Terms.Here

Live Television from around the world

Live Television from around the world Here

 Information search
Translating Online Dictionary (many languages). Here
Encarta ® Online Concise -- Your free guide for quick answers. Here
Estadísticas Internacionales. Here
Countries information - economy, climate, Natural Resources, Current Issues....Here
Procedencia de tu apellido y escudo. Here
Recursos e información para periodistas. Here
StudyWeb. Here
Web Links for Teachers & Kids. Here
El comercio Perú. Here

Other things

Latin American Cooking (spanish) Cocina de Latinoamérica Here

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Last Update:
Wednesday, December 26, 2001