Goals: The interim group identified these goals:
a) Run someone for County Commissioner in 2003
b) Raise progressive issues in local elections, eg. Peace, Protection of the Environment, Sustainability, Economic and Social Justice. This is the purpose of running people in local elections.
c) Write a Green party platform particularly targeting the county commissioner's race.
d) Increase the number of registered Green voters.
e) Get our message out.

Here are some tentative agenda items for our January 18, 2004 meeting.
1. Green candidate for president.
What's the feeling of the group about running a Green candidate for
President? The PA State party will make some kind of decision
February 1. What do local Greens think? Should the party run someone
president? Who is your favorite candidate?

2. Dr. Bordeaux's campaign for universal health care.
Dr. Bordeaux is a New Milford physician trying to get 1 million
signatures to create a single-payer, universal health care system. He
is interested in working with Greens. How should we get involved?
see www.writecongress.org for info about Dr. Bordeaux's campaign.
FYI:Dr. Bordeaux is having a public meeting Jan. 15 at the Blue Ridge
High School, 7:00 pm
to build support for his campaign.

3. 'Conversation Cafe'
These are public meetings built around conversation on a particular
topic. Often kicked off by showing a film. We've discussed this idea
in the past & tried it out at the Montrose Theater. Where are we going
with this?
NOTE: Wayne Peace is doing this the first Tuesday of every month. Their
first event Jan. 6 was rather successful - 32 people attended. see

4. Registration drive.
Discussed at our last meeting.

Like to add something to the agenda? Please post it to

George Calafut