Operating Manual for a Green Committee

Rules of the Susquehanna County Green Party Committee
Effective March 15, 2003

Article I
Establishment of Rules

The Susquehanna County Green Party Committee does
hereby adopt the following rules.

Article II
Mission Statement

The principles of the Susquehanna County Green Party
Committee are articulated in the ten key values of the
Green movement in the United States of America:
grassroots democracy, social justice and equal
opportunity, ecological wisdom, non-violence,
decentralization, community-based economics and
economic justice, feminism and gender equity, respect
for diversity, personal and global responsibility, and
future focus and sustain ability. The Susquehanna
County Green Party Committee shall govern itself in a
manner consistent with and in actualization of these

Article III
Members of Committee

The membership of the Committee, at any specific time,
shall consist of all electors enrolled in the Green
Party in Susquehanna County.

Article IV
Officers of Committee

The officers of the Committee shall be a Chairperson
and a Secretary. Officers may at any time be called
to step down in the event of a vote of no confidence.
A vote of confidence will be taken at the end of each
meeting. The floor will be open for nominations every
three months.

Article V

Meetings of the Committee shall be held on the call of
the Chairperson, or in the case of vacancy in the
office of the Chairperson, on the call of the
Secretary. Notice of the time and place of a meeting
shall be served by transmitting a notice of meeting to
each member not less than ten days before such
meeting. At all meetings of the Committee, there
shall be present at least three members in order to
constitute a quorum.

Article VI
Nomination of Candidates

The Committee may nominate candidates for such offices
as are to be voted for by the electors of Susquehanna
County or subdivision thereof. As soon as possible
after the nomination of candidates, the Chairperson
and Secretary shall deliver to the Susquehanna County
Board of Elections an Authorization of Candidacy
listing the offices for which candidates have been
nominated and the names and addresses of such
candidates. The Board of Elections shall not certify
the nomination of any Green Party candidate for whom
such Authorization has not been received. Such
Authorization may be supplemented at any time prior to
the last date on which nomination papers may be filed.

Article VII

Any vacancy happening or existing in the Green
nomination for any county or municipal office by
reason of the death or withdrawal of a candidate, the
calling of a special election or other cause shall be
filled by the Committee, which shall have the
authority to make and certify a nomination as
specified in Article V.

Article VIII
Selection of Delegates

At its first meeting of each calendar year the
Committee shall select from among its members a
minimum of two delegates and one alternate per
delegate to the Coordinating Committee of the Green
Party of Pennsylvania, as specified by the rules of
that body, who will serve until the first meeting of
the following calendar year.