The Television Transcript Project : commercials
Agency: BBDO, New York
Copy by: ??
First Appearance: February 1986
Actor: Michael J. Fox

Copy from: The Clio Awards Part I: A Tribute to 30 Years of Advertising Excellence 1960-1989, Clio Enterprises, Inc., pgs. 232-3. The product name is changed here.
Visual description by: Shazam (Suzanne).

[Interior, day, a library. People are studying, it's pretty quiet. A chair is being slid back and then we hear steps.]

[MAN, now in front of SODA machine, has realized he doesn't have enough change, turns around hoping for help.]

Somebody have any ...


... change?

[He gets an idea. Close-up of a copy machine copying something, the paper comes out: a full-color copy of a picture of a can of Soda.]

[Close-up of his hands tearing the paper in a straight line that crosses the top of the can image. The paper is back-lit and it's there's pop-y air rising out from behind the image (like a just-poured glass of soda pop), right behind where the image is.]

[Medium-shot of the MAN holding the paper, lightly rolled-up, drinking from it just as if it were a real can. (The Soda image faces the camera.)]

[refreshed, in awe] Ahhh!


[A banging noise is heard in the library and the MAN looks over at us, kind of proud of himself. "SODA/THE CHOICE OF/A NEW GENERATION." is superimposed on the bottom half of the screen.]

The choice of a new generation.

[time ??]

A related soda commercial.

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Last Updated: 30 June, 1997

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