Lyric Service
Two67 Records Right now Dacio is writing tracks for is upcoming CD and is working out a contract with Two67 Records. He is also writing lyrics for 50 dollars a song, if you would like to view a song he has wrote in the past, Click Here.

Terms Of Service: By purchasing a song you must agree to the following: You may not record/post/sell the lyrics unless you give Daico 100% credit for writing the song. We keep records of every song and to who we sell it to, we are also able to track the purchases. If you take credit for a song written by Dacio it is a crime and will be prosecuted and may result in a 250,000 dollar fine. This applys under all circumstances, even if you decide to change some lyrics or edit the song, if you do not agree to what is listed above stop reading and DO NOT proceed to purchase the service. Thank you for your understanding.

Why settle for something less then Dacio can give to you, give your fans something to think of when they hear you rap! Daico has been writing you lyrics for years and he is now in partnership with Two67 Records, this offer is only lasting a limited time so act now! No song will be sold twice, when you fill out the ordering information and order your song a page will come out, here you will fill out your information say what kind of song you want, what you want to song to contain, verses you want put in, name of the song etc... Feel free to change any lyrics in the song but you still have to give Dacio credit.
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Do not miss out on the opportunity, blow your fans away with these explosive lyrics, we guarantee that after you by one song written by Dacio you are going to come back and have your whole album written by him! So many people are having Dacio write them lyrics, we promise you will be satisfied!
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Have Dacio write you lyrics
Just try one song, we know after he writes you just one song  you will come back again and again, just order one song!
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