"Anointed     Messages"
January 09, 2002  
"T H E   R U M B L E   W I T H I N "
Into the world have I thy "God", but called thee my child .
Who shall speak unto my people but thee my child .
As thy "Father" and thy "God" I have chosen thee . Have ye child considered
the fact of my summons unto thee .
Have ye child looked into thy future, where but with thy "God" child should ye be .
Thy willingness to be led, the submission of thy vessel will cause thee to be
in a place of favor with thy "Father" .
Hear his voice child, listen to his thunderous roll within thy spirit .
The rumble within thy spirit child is the presence of thy "God" .
Many has been the occasion, thy voice child has but questioned of this .
Be ye child willing to be overcome by the presence of the "Father" allow thyself
to be led as his child, by thy hand he will lead thee .
Into the land of tomorrows ye shall travel, ready to report and contain
all revealed unto thee .
For the help of mankind the tomorrows hold the hope .
Into the land of tomorrow set thy foot upon his step . How but ye child
will ye achieve thy hope , thy desire to find thy "God" .
But to pursue him to follow every leading of the "Holy Spirit" .
Where but into the land of thy "Father" onward continue do not delay .
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He awaits only thee child, thy determination is the key to arrival .
Ye child must love the "Lord thy God" with all thy heart .
There can be nothing left of thyself, all of the old shall pass away .
Replaced in the newness of thy "Fathers" reward .
Only a willing vessel can he but use .All delay is hindrance his work
must be thy only concern.
Child do not allow the temptation to be thy guide , pursue thy "Father"
he will see ye know what to do .
With thy mouth child ye say ye do but surrender, but it is thy heart
ye must allow thy "God" to receive .
Withhold nothing, his is thy life . To acquire of thy "Father", to seek to serve him
and to in return receive from him .
Required of thee child is thy complete dedication .
Remove from thyself any and all hindrance, any obstacle that causes thee
to separate from his word .
He wishes to increase thy knowledge of himself and his goodness to be word to share
Unto the multitude he has come, many did not take notice .
Thy vessel to keep filled ye must child keep clean and pure .
Thy "Father" is thy source of strength without his love and protection
sin and evil would consume thee .
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Stay close to his ever abiding presence, seek to find his desires for thee .
He child will set thy foot upon the path of a great harvest .
Child through thy lips his anointed word will be received by many .
Thy faithfulness and thy obedience has not gone unseen and without reward .
Watch child and see that thy "Father" does greatly reward thy love and devotion .
Stored within thy heart are the prayers of the lost souls .
Growing in thy spirit is a knowledge of guidance .
Thy light will shine upon the path of homeward bound . Look only to thy "Father" .
An eye is upon thee, an ear he has turned thy way .
He awaits thy words of praise and worship to be read upon thy lips .
Within thy mouth sweet is his word .
Nourishment for thy soul and spirit is his presence .
Thy loyalty he watches and keeps .
Keep thyself child, at all cost protect that which ye have been entrusted with .
Love and honor with all thy heart , Thy total devotion will be thy protection
against the theft of the enemy .
Guard thyself at all times, allow no space for the evil .
"Amen" !
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