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GATEWAY to Truth

 Experience the ExperienceBeing free of the chains of your beliefs is the only true position of power a human has.
Mass Belief's
The Individual
Stopping the World
Purpose And Integrity

Words are a poor way to describe feelings or emotions, but since they are the best means available we have to use them. You can see the look on a person's face and often a similar feeling is invoked in you. We are taught from childhood that it is not good to feel some emotions, or to feel them too strongly. Men don't cry is a good example. When these feelings come up, one shuts them down, and consequently kill the experience that caused them. We kill experiences by belief. To experience the totality of the experience requires transcending belief. Once the state of transcending belief is achieved, the emotions resulting are very powerful. Being out of the numb comfort zone is a scary experience for many and they believe they must retreat back into it. People feel vulnerable when not hiding behind the shield of their beliefs. The bombardment of a world of judgment makes them believe they are only protected within that shield. This is not so. Being free of the chains of your beliefs is the only true position of power a human has. This requires living a life of integrity. When you know the truth of each experience, you should acknowledge it, at least to yourself. You need to acknowledge what you don't know. You need to live your life with purpose that is in line with the truth as it presents itself to you in every moment. This is both simple and hard at the same time. The world is still judging you and you feel the tug of their expected judgments from you. Many who have seen the power of life in light of the truth do not stay there, because they do not possess the self-generating power to commit to it. Those who do choose to live in the light will begin to generate an abundance of power from having a developed since of purpose and integrity.

Created on ... December 4, 2000

 Notes From the EditorTruthseer
It can come to you in the twinkle of an eye or you could spend your entire life beating your head against it in total ignorance.


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