<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/twoinheaven/peace.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
May 9, 1890--January 1, 1976
   I Don't Know too much about my grandmother because my dad didn't like Indians, and kept us apart from her and the rest of my mothers family for most of our lives. You may ask how he did something like that. My dads word was law in our family, and we never asked why, we just did what he said. But this is not about him, because there is nothing I can say about him that is good.
      I remember some things about my grandmother. She was a wonderful lady, and I loved her very much. I can remember when I was a small child sitting on her lap. She was sitting in her rocking chair, and we were in a nice warm kitchen. I was sitting faceing her and she would lean toward me and we would touch our foreheads together. I loved when she did that, because I knew she loved me.
   I remember when I was older, going with her to find sassafras plants. She would dig up the roots and make the most wonderful tea.
    I once asked her if Indians believed in God, and she asked me,"Who do you think the great white spirit is?' She had told me that she liked to go to church, which was about as close as she ever came to saying she was Christian, but after her answere to my question, I never doubted her faith again.
     I was living with her when my little Pamela was born, and without her, I don't know what I would have done.
    I feel very honered to have been her grand-daughtor. I only wish I could have been with her more, but I'm very thankful to have spent as much time with her as I did. I know she will be waiting when I get to Heaven, and with my mother, my sister, and my son, Butch and little Pamela, as well as our Great White Father, there will be the most joyous reunion any of us could ever dream of. I can hardly wait!
The midi is called Peace.  It is 
Cherokee music. I don't know        where I got it.