San Francisco Examiner
Easy Come, Easy Go
I asked players who the person they most want to see removed from the game. Jon, far and away, for various reasons, got the most votes. Which  led to Bainbridge Island, Washington. And one Heidi Whittington, the last man out in applications. Or last woman out, whatever. It shuts Valerie up about the 'only woman' thing. She and Jon were to play each other... for a roster spot. Loser is gone. See, a chief in Washington had the city of Seattle named after him. Fine and dandy, except he didn't want it. Tribal custom prevented anything from being named after you in the afterlife. The settlers wouldn't change the name, though, and when the chief asked for gifts to repay him for problems this would cause him, that got denied too. Unless you count the whole tribe being driven onto Bainbridge Island. In other words, the chief lost his name, and one of these two was about to lose their spot.

Valerie (Texas): a girl finally in the game! less unwanted sexual favors coming my way!

As I said, it shuts Valerie up. The challenge was to, using periodic table element abbreviations, make the longest word possible. For example, the periodic abbreviations W (tungsten)-I (iodine)-S (sulfur)-C (carbon)-O (oxygen)-N (nitrogen)-S-I-N can be used to spell... take a wild guess.

In 20 hours, Heidi had come up with 'hallucinations'. Not bad at 14 letters.
Jon, however, came up with 'nonrepresentationlism', at 22 letters.

Jon (Pennsylvania): 22 letters cause two words: I win.

Ding ding ding! Correct! Jon lives another day!

Colin (Rhode Island): I thought it seemed like an interesting and uniquetwist to the game, I didn't think she would actually STAY in, but still it was ummm interesting.

Valerie (Texas): Jon. Must. Die.

This has proven to be a major sentiment in recent rounds: Jon needs to go. Don't know why. Could be threat issues, could be they hate him, not sure. In the meantime, we move on to the next stop, the halfway point of the Road Trip From Hell. This would be Ashland, Oregon's Bathroom Reader's Institute. I'd read a story to them, and stone distribution would depend on who answered and whether they were right or wrong.

I should have scheduled a Wyoming ghost town and hid from the world. Only Colin and Jon showed up. As told to Devon:

Devon (Louisiana): ok....
Devon: lol
mtvcdm: You just don't want to know.
Devon: I didn't ask for a reason
Devon: wait...I do want to know curious
mtvcdm: Turns out the story I had originally planned, I had already used in 24/7 Vassa Island.
mtvcdm: A challenge that Colin had won.
Devon: doh!
mtvcdm: So I scrambled to find another suitable BR article.
mtvcdm: I did.
mtvcdm: I read it bit by bit, but a crucial element was twice cut out by Yahoo.
Devon: You should have just cancelled the challenge so Jon couldn't rack up the Safety stones
mtvcdm: Colin and Jon never saw it.
Devon: tee hee
mtvcdm: Nah, I was going through with this.
mtvcdm: In the midst of me trying to show what the story element was, Jon answered and I never saw it.
mtvcdm: He eventually IM'ed the answer, at which point I finished the story.
mtvcdm: Of course by this point jon had found it on Google and finished the story for me.
Devon: rofl
Devon: sorry, just there is dramatic irony in it...
mtvcdm: Colin left the room and wanted an invite back in, despite the fact that I just wanted to leave Oregon forever.
Devon: don't blame you...head to sunny California
Devon: where Gray Davis is making a mess with education...
mtvcdm: I plan to, San Francisco.
mtvcdm: That's the exile point.
Devon: how am I going to get exiled? lol
mtvcdm: Anyway, the inviting was for an announcement wherein Jon gave 2 stones to Colin.

Another perfectly executed 24/7 live challenge.

David: Margaritas are incredible muscle relaxants, which explains why I wasn't at Friday's challenge. It wasn't going on a drunk, it was medicinal therapy. Really.

Sure, David. Whatever you say. We move on to San Francisco. By the way, I think I could have used those muscle relaxants.

Jon: Where the hell is everyone? There are seven people in this game, right? There were TWO people at that challenge. Five people did NOTHING this round. At ALL. ...I have a 99.9%+ chance of advancing because I actually showed the fuck up.

As Jon said, the numbers didn't need much alteration from last round, as only 2 people actually did anything. Well, 3, but Heidi really doesn't count since she was only around for one challenge. It was a simple matter of moving them up in the rankings a bit. This of course meant Fernando was bound for the cellar AGAIN. The third straight round. (Well, in the pre-count. Not in the final count or else it wouldn't have been John and Danny as the last two to leave.) Jon was in first and had capacity to use enough stones for an inoculation, but isn't that why he was hated and wanted out?

Whatever. Third time's the charm, Fernando was meat.

6 contestants, 5 rounds.
To Round 7...