Bobblehead Jesus and the Brucies!!
Bobblehead Jesus and the Brucies
World Tour 2003
Bobblehead Jesus and the Brucies
World Tour 2003

Copyright 2003, WWBD Music
Bobblehead Jesus Productions

WWBD Music and Bobblehead Jesus Productions are registered trademarks of the Bobblehead Jesus
Corporation.  Any use of this material is stricty for fun purposes.  Failing to abide by this mandate is
punishable by tickling, and besdies, you don't want to get Bobblehead mad, would you?  He's got
connections, need we remind you, in
high places.
Bobblehead Jesus and the Brucies!!
CD Front Cover
CD Back Cover
1) Bobble-What
2) BJ Jazzy Jeff
3) Me 'n' da Bruceez
4) Stompin' around KIS
5) LITTLE big Man
6) Moon Walk on Water
7) Sitars and Soap
8) Supa Natural
9) The Chalice and The Babe
10) Bhudda Boots
11) BJ is the Reason for the Season
12) What Would Bobblehead Do? (WWBD?)