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try to get my WWW act together/working on my web page!


Toi Sikiar

As a hobby I'm building my own langauge. The word count is 957 Enlish words translated so far. I call my language Sikiar. Sikiar is copyright me, but I've put so much work into it, I thought it would be a shame not to share.

intro to sikiar


This is more or less a photographic journal. feel free to paruse, all pictures copyright Travis Hamon. *grin*

picture this

Mail our Missoinary

Elder Bryan Hamon
England Manchester Mission
Trafalgar House
110 Manchester Road
Altrincham, Cheshire WA141NU

E-MAIL goes to:


Message Board

It wouldn't ba a true web page if my public couldn't speak out against me. Would it? No! So here you go, please speak your mind! And as long as it's not profain, pornographic, lude, or down right dirty, then it's aloud.

leave your mark

Page Stats

An interesting service provided by my server. Stats, figures, and more. Interesting...


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