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nerri1029 presents:
Part 2 of Nebari Prime Numbers
Nebari Prime Numbers - Part II

Along with the cargo there was room for six passengers in the transport vessel. Hubero and Kimmic settled into sleeping quarters that were barely large enough for the sleeping surface and a small work surface with a lamp over it. *These are smaller than Academy* thought Kimmic as she unpacked her belongings.

Since their rooms were adjacent the two spent most of the first five days in each other’s rooms reminiscing about their cycles in Academy together.  Kimmic was noticing that Hubero was acting differently but she couldn't name it, until one night after the two had finished talking and Kimmic was on the verge of saying goodnight, they were both on the sleeping surface as there were no other places to relax.  Kimmic felt Hubero's body tense and her breathing got strained.

Hubero broke the silence with a blunt statement.  "I have feelings for you Kimmy"

"I.. I think you're special too Hubero" Kimmic said knowing too well what she meant.

"Kimmy, ... I am an Androgen, besides my parents you are the only one that knows. Since I've known you I've always wanted to tell you. I left Nebari Prime for you, I arranged to be on this trip for you" Hubero's large black eyes were tearing as she looked away. 

Kimmic's face betrayed her astonishment, "You shouldn't have told me now. But how did you keep it a secret?! " she would keep the secret, it wasn't quite as urgent as her secrets. Besides, being sent to the Non-Conformist Colonies wasn't quite as bad as being Cleansed.

"You'd be surprised at the tricks I learned and what my parents had to do." her voice trailed off. Hubero looking down as the silence grew between them until it was unbearable.

“I’m sorry Kimmy, I never really expected for you to return my feelings but I wanted to share my secret with you.”

”Listen Hubero, I have so much going on in my life right now" to ease the hurt she considered telling her about the Resistance, but the sinister idea of Hubero trading that information to stay out of the NC Colonies changed her mind. "Mostly.. there is someone."

Hubero was crushed "I understand. I hope….”

The door opened and the first thing they noticed was the weapon drawn, then the slight figure of Nyrin, the Establishment agent.  If Kimmic had paid more attention to Nerri's training she might have heard the door codes being bypassed and could have gotten to her weapon.

"Hubero, I am very disappointed in you, working for the resistance." Nyrin was talking to her but looking very intensely at Kimmic. "Who do we have here?"

Kimmic hid her shock at the question. She assumed that this agent would have known she was with the Resistance. "Kimmic" she answered, a tingle came from her lower back, NO NOT YET it's not that serious yet, she calmed herself.

"RESISTANCE?!" Hubero's look of complete bafflement was almost enough to convince Nyrin.

"What information has she gotten from you Kimmic." Nyrin's question was aimed at her.

"N-none" Kimmic played along nervously. "Sh-she never asked me anything. You know who I am?"

"Of course, we keep track of all scientists who work with the contagion" Nyrin stated. His glare now focused on Hubero. "The Establishment allowed you this travel voucher but sent me to watch you. We received information that a Resistance Fekkik was on board."

"Your information was right" the tall Nebari pushed Nyrin into the room and closed the door.

He deftly took the weapon from Nyrin, blocked a punch and hit him once knocking him unconscious.

Hubero let out a scream.


Nerri walked through the corridors of the Host Vessel holding tight to his tech service case, for five solar days now he played the part of a vessel tech, with only one more arn left till the moment of truth. He was counting on the device inside his bag to render all aboard functionless.

"So how does that thing work?" Pelon was new to the resistance but Nerri trusted him.  His knowledge of Nebari vessels was extremely valuable to the Resistance.

"The Establishment needed to make certain that none of them got infected so they came up with methods for treating the contagion. One of those methods involved sonic sterilizing, but this method proved far too painful for the host."

"But what does THAT have to do with our mission?"

"The frequency needed to disrupt the chemical structure of the contagion also causes severe pain and a major loss of motor functions to any Nebari it’s applied to. These effects are only temporary, but very effective and are nowhere near as intense in other species. I've tapped the device into the ships ventilation system and it will use those ducts to transmit that same frequency to all aboard."

"That's why there were sonic filters in my pack." Pelon stated putting the two together.

"Yes", Nerri said getting quite serious. "You ready for this?"

"I think so sir." Pelon followed suite and straightened in a ready pose.

The two of them moved to a space between corridors awaiting the moment. All Resistance soldiers were instructed to insert their sonic filters on day one. No one knew what day it would happen or even exactly what would happen, but they each had their duties and they 'would know' when the time came.

The microts seemed like arns until...

The device worked extremely well. The uninformed crew fell to the ground clutching their ears and squirming from the intense pain.

Nerri and Pelon raced from where they hid. Teams were assigned a corridor and all the rooms attached. All the affected Nebari were gathered and put on a small transport pod. The controls were already set and locked to return them to a Nebari outpost that was only 20 arns away. The comms were disabled and the ship was let go. Then and only then was the sonic device turned off. The entire event took less than an arn. Nerri knew that the hangover that the occupants of the transport would feel was nothing compared to the pain they were in during the takeover.  Nerri was pleased with the results.  Most of the crew would remember this event and think that they were being saved from some awful pain.  Few if any would suspect the Resistance.

"This is Nerri !" his emotions were evident in his tone as he addressed the entire vessel. He calmed himself "WE are now in control of this Vessel. The Resistance has won a bloodless victory today. But I fear that there will be higher prices exacted far too soon. May we find the strength to finish what we've started."

Nerri commanded the navigator to take them to the meeting place, now he was free to be worried. Kimmic and Meelak were in danger and he knew it.

"Course is set." the Nav Officer stated.


Nyrin regained consciousness without letting on. He laid on the sleeping surface listening to the conversation.

"I don't like that idea" Kimmic sounded perturbed. "They'll notice he's not on board!"

"Agreed… we need to think of something else." the Nebari said.

"Who are you?" Hubero asked.

"I am Meelak and that is all you need to know right now."

Kimmic gave her a reprimanding look. "Just sit there and be quiet… please" her confidence returned.

“We need to take control of this vessel.” Meelak said and headed for the door.

“Wait!”. Kimmic went to step in front of him. She wanted to make sure that the vessel would still arrive in the Tarsus System in time to meet Nerri.

At that Nyrin saw his chance he drew the weapon hidden in his boot, grabbing Hubero around the neck and pointed it at her head. Meelak's weapon returned the threat before the first words were uttered.

"Let her go!!". Kimmic yelled.

"Where is Nerri?!?" Nyrin demanded.

"I do not know where Nerri is." Meelak assumed the deliberate tones of the Establishment. It was easier since he was being truthful.

Nyrin pushed the weapon harder against Hubero's head.

"Go ahead" Meelak said, "Shoot her and see what your prize is." He moved in front of Kimmic to protect her.

"Don't tempt me Meelak…. What is YOUR purpose on this vessel?" Then it hit him. Kimmic was the one who was with the Resistance.

Hubero looked frightened. In the small quarters no one was more than a leap away adding to the tensions.

Meelak tried to reassure Hubero with a confident look saying "Relax, he won't kill you. He can't get any information from a corpse."

"Meelak you know she is useless to me. She knows nothing." Nyrin's hand explored her chest, "Well almost useless."

Hubero winced at the contact. Nyrin was not the typical Establishment agent. His techniques were unorthodox but they yielded results so no one asked any questions.

"I'll bet the lab tralk knows enough" Nyrin’s eyes scanned Kimmics curves.

What inspired Hubero she would never know. She let her body go limp suddenly Nyrin was unable to hold her up and had to drop his aim at Meelak. Now that Hubero was out of the way Meelak took his shot.

Nyrin anticipating this move, dropped Hubero and got one shot off before he fell in a pile. The next sound was that of Meelak hitting the floor. Kimmic attempted to stop his fall but was too stunned to reach him in time.

Hubero quickly picked her head up from her feigned fall. She crawled over to where her friend was trying to assess Meelak's status.

A few of the crew burst through the doors with their weapons drawn.

Two shuttle hands quickly confiscated the weapons and checked the bodies for identification. Nyrin was the only one in possession of any credible papers. And since he was obviously Establishment and obviously dead, Kimmic and Hubero feared they would not fare well in this.
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