Its been a while since i worked on this web site. Mainly because I am just a veyr busy guy. As you'll see below I have my hands in a lot of ventures.   As always I will not remove my dedication to my friend that passed away In July 2002, yes I am still hurting from it. I needed it to make me feel less impotent regarding the death of a close friend, thank you for helping me with my therapy. Click on the link to view Leons Memorial page.


No I am not going to put a bio up here. I think thats a bit tacky and I am not looking for a date.     What you will see here is information regarding The important elements of my life. Such as my technical career resume, Information on my study and teaching of martial arts and my work as a Bail Enforcement Agent. I teach a Self Defense and Awareness course to the public, so there is some info on that subject on the Critical Skills page.
This information is posted for the purpose of viewing by... well anybody really. Not to toot my own horn or inflate my self image. Which many say is already quite inflated (Dont worry guys I think the fact that I have to use a WEB wizard is enough to bring me down a notch or two)

    Peace, Umar
Gongfu Page
Welcome To Umar's Two Bits
View my Resume
Worcester Youth Center.
Where I spend many of my nights working
Contact Me
If you must know what I look Like
Critical Skills:
Awarenesse & Personal Safety
Leon beausoleil
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Arrastia Family
My Oppinions  Page