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*Actually, there are more pages than 666, but that particular number is sure to annoy someone.
uctaa.org is now a membership organization for the promotion of agnostic interests. It is functionally separate from this site at ApatheticAgnostic.com. We support it and encourage interested agnostics to join.
UserFriendly.org Link of the Day
All material on this site is original and is copyright (c) The Universal Church Triumphant of the Apathetic Agnostic & John Tyrrell (1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004) except where otherwise indicated. In particular, Talk Back submissions, and other signed essays remain copyright (c) the original authors. Rationally Speaking copyright (c) Massimo Pigliucci.

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We invite visitors and friends to submit articles, pro and con, for publication on this site.

Latest Update - 31 December 2004

Meditations: Russell Odell writes on Adam and Eve; John Pariury writes on Practical Atheism vs Philosophical Agnosticism, we consider the implications of philosopher Antony Flew's abandonment of atheism, some relatively relevant extracts from the Devil's Dictionary, and a plea to consider the tsunami victims.

Debate & Discourse: Controversial bunnies, St. Anselm critiqued again, and a quip on a comment (or perhaps a comment on a quip.)

Rationally Speaking: Massimo addresses shaky philosophical writing. (added 03 Jan 05)

Talk Back: Apparently, most of our references and mockery are directed towards the Judeo-Christian religious traditions.

Ask the Patriarch: We respond to a suggestion that the term "Apathetic Agnosticism" is too intimidating.

etc: Ambrose Bierce Day has been added to our days of celebration, and the information about the origin of Festivus has been corrected in the Calendar. A print friendly poster of the Articles of Faith and commentary is now available.

Note: I don't claim to be perfect. I welcome those who point out spelling and grammatical errors. It can only lead to a better web site.

For full update details see Site Notes

Previous Update -15 Dec 2004

Meditations: A Christmas Sermon from Robert G. Ingersoll, the Theory of the Stork, the words of Jerry Falwell, a memorial for Billy James Hargis, looking for the truth about Benny Hinn, and a new round of quotations.

Debate & Discourse: A critique of "The Scientific Bridge to God," comments on grilled cheese life expectancy, inner experience and direct experience are not the same, and a semi-retraction.

Rationally Speaking: Reflecting on the past election, Massimo Pigliucci looks to the future.

Talk Back: John Horgan writes on attempts to organize the faithless. This excellent article was a New York Times Op-Ed piece, and permission was sought from the author to republish.

Ask the Patriarch: Policy on personal information, and don't hold your breath waiting for the "Women of ApatheticAgnostic.com" issue of Playboy.

Reflections: Thinking about "God told me to do it."

Links: Several new links added, most of them relating to John Horgan's article.

etc: Mark Twain Day has been added to our days of celebration in the Calendar. Messages have been updated.

We invite visitors to submit articles, pro and con, for publication on this site.

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Normally updated twice monthly at ApatheticAgnostic.com
Partial mirror site of an earlier version at our Geocities site.

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