Droichead na nAmhran

A project about connection and linkage
Venue Mostar BiH. Time August and September 2001
Artists contributing toward the project from Ireland,
Colm O'Snodaigh and Kila, Stuart Gray, Tom Ryan.
Dearbhaíonn obair Dhroichead na nAmhrán an
saothrú sna hEalaíona i gcultúir eagsúla,
mar mhéan chun tuiscint daoine ar a chéile a mhéadú
home page
droichead project pages
Photos of Bridge of Songs at site of Stari Most and in a related educational feature, young people at play, from Special School and primary classes of school at Donja Mahala in playground of Special School Mostar

The ideal of the work is that we endeavour to maintain the bridges that we create between one another. It is important that we help restore connection where seperation such as has happened in Mostar takes place. Droichead na nAmhran is a project about celebrating the ideal of linkage. It seeks to affirm the value of working together to give our young a good inheritance.
Lanterns that featured as part of Flights of The Imagination display in Limerick Expo 01 parade on 5th May 2001 were presented in Mostar. 4 of these were signed by the Mayor of Limerick, between 2000 and 2001, Councillor John Ryan and they were presented on the present walking bridge beside the site of Stari Most on 10th May, in the presence of school children from Zalik, and Donja Mahala, their art teachers, musician, teacher & composer, Mr. Aidan Bourke, and Head of Office of The EU in Mostar Murray McCullough OBE.

Following this an artwork Bridge of Songs was presented across The Neretva River at the site of Stari Most in early August. With the support of Mustafa Hadzailic, President of The Old Town Administration, and The Chancellery of Mostar.
There was an exhibition run parallel to the artwork at The Centre for Culture Mostar in August attended by Deputy Mayor Hamdija Jahic.
There was a follow up exhibition at the Pavorotti Music Therapy Centre in September.
Children from Donja Mahala and the Special schools met and played with children's models and lanterns prepared in Limerick and Mostar in the play area of the Special School in September 2001.

Those wishing to receive more information can go to site 1 & site 2

for Links map to rest of site

I wish to acknowledge the support of:John Hunt, The Hunt Museum, Berlin City Manager, Martin Wright, Christa Pelikan, John Lannon, The Chancellery for Mostar,The Pavorotti Music Therapy Centre, The Centre for Culture Mostar, EU Office Mostar, Mostar Old City Administration, Bord na Gaeilge, The Arts Council, The Mayor's Office Limerick, Computer Studies at University of Limerick Euro Pak Ltd, Rooney's Auctioneers, IEC Ltd and Cargo Partner Vienna, Customs Officers, Shannon Development, RTV Mostar, Vanja, Aldin, Zlatko, Muyo, and others for their help.