Liberal Churches and Faith Groups in Abilene

By saying 'liberal' we mean those who do not follow the fundamentalist views of mainstream religious thought.



Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Abilene

> The Unitarian Church is more like an interfaith, and is very similar to the ULC.  Of course, the Unitarian Universalist faith has been around a lot longer than the ULC.  Many famous individuals were Unitarians, such as Thomas Jefferson and Ralph Waldo Emerson.  Unitarian Believers include Christians, Buddhists, Atheists, Deists, Gnostics, Pagans, Jews, and everyone else.



Unity Church of Christianity of Abilene

> Unity began as a movement to teach on the Metaphysical aspects of Christianity through the Unity School of Christianity. This "school" has long since developed into a denomination that is growing across the United States.



Church of All Saints, AOCC

> Though this unique congregation is a Catholic parish, they are not part of the Roman Catholic Church. They are, however, a member congregation of the American Orthodox Catholic Church of the Western Rite. The Church of All Saints is a diverse congregation which explores the Gnostic Texts of Scripture, Essenic Theosophy, and Metaphysical thought. This church is also very open and accepting of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered community in Abilene.



Exodus Metropolitan Community Church

> For more than 20 years, this unique church has ministered to the outcast in Abilene: primarily the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered community. The Metropolitan Community Church was founded by a gay Church of God minister in 1968, the Rev. Troy Perry.  A Christian church, the MCC takes the different denominations and rolls them up into one nice service. You see aspects of the Baptist, Methodist, Episcopal, Catholic, Charismatic, and Reformed traditions in each service. While this church has ministered primarily to the GLBT community, there are also a number of straight persons and couples who attend this church as well.