
|News|News. Latest onfo on Metroid Prime, Fusion, and upcoming games.
|Story|Characters|Enemies|Information on the storyline of Metroid and where Prime and Fusion fit in. Samus Aran, enemies etc.
|Screens|Vids|Art|Self Explanatory. Screenshots, videos, artwork and other media from Metroid.
|Weapons|Suits|Upgrades|What you get in Metroid Prime, every weapon, suit and upgrade.
|Random|Links|Controls. Links. Forums. Other stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else.

Visitor Number

The electronics entertainment expo is coming up soon, and Metroid fans should get excited as the sequel to Metroid Prime is said to be shown in trailer form at the show. Maybe Retro will shed light on whether it has decided to go ahead with multiplayer ability...
UPDATE: E3 page added! See recent bar or click heading for link.

Site ONLINE!!!
This website is finally online, and all links are up and running. However, not all pages are complete but over the coming weeks this should be done, and everything on Metroid Prime will be here...keep visiting for more!

Playtest added:
After a few hours of the game, I've managed to pry myself away from the game to write a short playtest based on the space station and opening level. Click heading or on right-side bar for more.

Metroid Prime Out Now in Australia!!!

Metroid Prime Australian Release draws nearer...
Metroid Prime, which was released on November 18th in the USA, is yet to arrive to Australian gamers. The release date is now only days away, and no doubt fans have pre-ordered their copy.