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The adventures of the greatest Marvel comic book characters are being re-lived in the present day...  these are the ULTIMATE COMIC BOOKS!
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What Marvel say: Raised by his Aunt May and Uncle Ben, Peter Parker is a kind-hearted 15-year-old who tries to make it through every day of his high-school career without getting picked on too badly. But Peter has a secret: At night, he sheds his studious trappings and dons the garb of the city's mysterious new protector: the amazing Spider-Man!
What Jonathan says:  Spider-Man is, I think, Marvel's greatest character and story ever.  The story of Peter Parker growing up in New York City whilst fighting off crime and mutant villains.  And what sent Peter in that direction of life, well by being bitten by a radioactive spider of course!  Ingenious!  Below, take a gander at the difference between the old Spider-Man illustration of the Green Gobline and the Ultimate version,  can you spot the difference!?
^  Above:  The previous Green Goblin uses the stupidest mode of transport and to be quite frank is not scary at all considering he's Spider-Man's #1 enemy!
Previous Covers...
All Marvel characters and the distinctive likeness(es) thereof are Trademarks & Copyright (c) 1941-2001 Marvel Characters, Inc. and used with permission.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
On With The Show!
Latest Issue - Spider-Man issue 13
What Marvel Say: 
This is it:  the story that shakes up Spidey's status qou!  "I have begged the promo people at Marvel to keep this issue hush-hush," says writer Brian Bendis.  "Even giving you a hint of what the topic of this shocking issue is would give it all away."
What Jonathan Says to
part 1:  Wow, this issue is pretty cool but it seems to go so fast though!  Yes It's the long-awaited admittance from Peter Parker to Mary Jane and yes, you guessed it, after telling Mary that he's Spider-Man, the guy who's been in the news non-stop recently, Mary just breaks out in histerics and ends up falling off her bead with laughter!  Of course Peter doesn't let it go, oh no, he ends up crawling up the wall just to show her what it's all about!  And that's about it for part 1 to issue 13.  I'm guessing that his relationship with Mary is kinda going to evolve from here on...
What Jonathan Says to part 2:
There's nothing to this issue really.  It basically just carries on the small plot from part 1.  Mary Jane is leaping about with excitement and her mother ends up coming in thinking that something's 'going on'!  Anyway no action really but this is one of the most important issues in the series!
Issue 12 - Click here to find out more information
Issue 11 - Click here to find out more information
Issue 10 - Click here to find out more information
If the issue you're looking for is not on this page then click here to view further back issues.
Why the hell do you have to ride that thing indoors!?
The Green Goblin in all his evil glory...
Uncle Ben
^Above:  And in the 21st century Norman Osborn has better things to do than to throw around pumpkins like maybe projecting some humongous, overheated fireballs being  from his hands!
Spider-Man Issue13
Spider-Man Issue12
Spider-Man Issue11
Spider-Man Issue10
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Ultimate Spider-Man